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- idkausername
- Date posted
- 47w ago
Intrusive thoughts during seggs
I need some help, my intrusive thoughts and counting compulsions have been very present during seggs with my boyfriend. Does anyone know how to deal with this?
I need some help, my intrusive thoughts and counting compulsions have been very present during seggs with my boyfriend. Does anyone know how to deal with this?
Not the exact compulsions but I have other intrusive thoughts. I'm the boss not my OCD brain. Now I just acknowledge that my brain is having those thoughts, again and again. I don't give it any meaning. Once you do that, the thoughts don't bother me. I just have to believe that it's just a thought! Random thought. Nothing special.
Thank you!
I’m so sorry you have to deal with this! sometimes when my brain think of something it’s disturbing and I try to brush it off and get back to it and it can kind of take a second to get back to that place you were in. ocds mission is doubt. to make you doubt everything and anything so if your ocd is acting up during seggs it’s trying to make something positive (hopefully) a negative, it’s already very not true. a positive thing for you is a positive thing. ocd isn’t fun at all and these thoughts especially during moments that should be enjoyable are just trying to get you when you’re vulnerable. tricks: 1, when you have an intrusive thought, you can do the shaking method where you shake a part of your body almost releasing it. 2, when you have an intrusive thought try to combat it with a fantasy involving you and your partner- it redirects the thought. 3, if they’re doing something to you, maybe switch it up and do something to them, it makes your ocd confused cause it came up with a thought based on your other situation 4, pinch ur arm or finger it moves the sensation from ur head to somewhere else. again these are what works for me but everybody’s different hope this helps! sorry you’re dealing with this!
Thank you a lot!
I don’t have any tips I’m sorry but I can relate to this😩😩😩 I find my myself counting to also avoid the thoughts I know I’m going to have !!
And then the counting makes it worse :')
@idkausername Yes!!! It’s got the the point I dread having sex because of the thoughts I know I’ll have 😭
I relate so much!!! Sounds so crazy but every time I have an intrusive thought I try to think of a celebrity just to distract myself. It’s probably not the best way to help it but it can prevent them occasionally! Hope u start to feel better
Thank you!
Hello everyone. My name is Cathy and I have severe intrusive thoughts that seem to come out of no where. However only one thought at a time. I fixate on that scary thought for days and days and my anxiety builds up and up. I try to then attack the suggested catastrophic thought such I may have this disease or going to die from that disease or rot in hell etc. scary thoughts always. I try and do a ton of research on line to counter attack the thought trying to prove it wrong and this helps me but if I can’t find something that proves I won’t get the disease or have it already or prove other things too depending on what the thought is, it doesn’t help at all and can make it worse. Is anyone out there experiencing what I have. I don’t have ocd cleaning or washing or checking but have intrusive scary thoughts.
I don’t really wanna go into detail about what it’s about cause I feel like it’s super embarrassing, but there’s this one specific type of intrusive thought I get that I struggle extremely with ignoring/sitting in discomfort with. Does anyone have tips for managing something like this?
So i use to get a lot of relationship OCD. I recently got into a relationship two months ago. i have been experiencing some relationship OCD thoughts like “do i like my partner enough” and to complete the compulsion of telling them that i am having this thought. I use to be able to conquer them but after bringing it up in therapy it got worse. does anyone have any recommendations on how to conquer this compulsion and thought? I don’t want to scare my partner away.
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