For me, the Holy Spirit feels water in my ears, and when it’s Satan, my OCD, or the inner critic, there is a discomfort or a pinching feeling. Not everyone has physical manifestations of the Holy Spirit, so simply asking Him to confirm Himself, or just seeking His presence on a routine is the best way to slowly but surely understand the difference. Some practical tips are:
- God doesn’t speak in contradictions. He CAN change His mind, but He’d never contradict His word.
- God doesn’t pressure you to do anything. He encourages you. “Hey, tell that girl she looks pretty today.” versus, “Tell her she’s pretty. What, you’re anxious? Well, guess that means you’re a bad person.”
The enemy won’t make himself obvious but for me, there are certain tells, the main one being: “Well you SHOULD do this” versus “Hey, (my name or a nickname the Holy Spirit calls me), go do this.” God’s voice is gentle.
Remember the story about Elijah. The rushing winds and the lighting and thunder. But God spoke to him in a whisper. His voice isn’t always the loudest, but there’s a sense of peace that settles in your heart. A rightness. When it’s not Him, it will feel like a square peg trying to fit into a round hole. Something just won’t work right.
There’s so much more to it but it takes time, trial and error, and, most importantly, GRACE. The fact that you want the Lord to speak to you is evidence and proof that you love Him and you are trying. He sees that and He’s proud of you! Proud of you all! Keep going and don’t give up! The enemy doesn’t attack what doesn’t threaten him, so him making it harder for you to hear God IS because it threatens him. That means what you’re doing is working.