- Date posted
- 45w ago
Has anyone ever had an accepting response when telling a partner? I don’t feel like I can be honest because I’m afraid they’ll leave me for being a monster or just never see me the same
Has anyone ever had an accepting response when telling a partner? I don’t feel like I can be honest because I’m afraid they’ll leave me for being a monster or just never see me the same
Start by telling your partner that you have OCD without specifics. Maybe even send them an article that mentions POCD as one of the subtypes. I did this with my partner and she researched the subtypes. When I finally had the courage to tell her my subtypes I was so afraid of her reaction, but she was completely understanding and I’m sure it helped that she had researched beforehand.
After struggling for months I told my partner slowly about it. I didn’t get into detail but let him in little by little. He ended up researching about it and gaining an understanding. He already knew that I suffered from ocd
Ask them to read up on OCD for you. That way if they do have to approach you to ask about it they will have the facts at hand.
@NotSoNewb82 Maybe, I don’t know. Just tread carefully if you are doing this.
How have you dealt with this? OCD definitely has affected my relationship but he’s been and stayed with me for over a year and a breakup hasn’t happened. Yet in my mind I’m not worthy of a relationship because of my mental health. Help?
POCD has been the worst thing I've ever been through. I feel like I have always sort of experienced it but not to the degree I do now. I used to plan being a mother to a beautiful family. Now I don't know if I'll ever have children at the risk of having a girl. I used to have intrusive thoughts that would make me feel weird but I could just move on from them. That was until I had to babysit my niece and change her diaper. I want to throw up thinking about it. I got a horribly strong groinal response and I didn't know what to do. I didn't understand why it was happening. It bothered me all day that day and later on I did the disgusting deed of testing myself. I regret it everyday. It's a horrible compulsion and it haunts me. I tested if I was getting off to the thought of her. And of course there was stimulation because of the groinal response. But I hated doing it. I just felt like I had to be sure. After that and since then I haven't wanted to be around her. I stopped planning being a mother, I stopped watching cute baby videos like I used to enjoy because they trigger disgusting intrusive thoughts. After a while I stopped being intimate with my boyfriend and haven't done anything with for months because the thoughts take over and make me feel like I may enjoy the deed more if I was thinking of children. I worry that maybe I do enjoy these thoughts and I'm just denying it. I wish I could be sure. I feel so disgusting and ugly, I've never hated myself this much. It takes over most of my days. I wish I had never changed her diaper. Some times in moments of clarity I am so sure that I'm not a predator, but when I am vulnerable OCD sneaks back in and tells me I enjoy my thoughts and that I should think them. Sometimes it gets so overwhelming that I have to test. I wish I could stop. It ruins my entire week. I feel like a monster. I want to love my life again. I miss life before this. I feel so hopeless most of the time and I can't imagine a way out. I'm scared to start therapy because what if I found out I am a monster? I can't live like that. I won't. I want to cry and scream. Am I alone in this?
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