- Date posted
- 28w ago
What if I am what my OCD says?
What if I am what my OCD says? What if I am deep down a horrible monster and my ocd has been right all along and I’ve just been trying to fight it and deny that I am what it says?
What if I am what my OCD says? What if I am deep down a horrible monster and my ocd has been right all along and I’ve just been trying to fight it and deny that I am what it says?
You are not what your OCD says. People with OCD are commonly what they fear most, by you coming on here and saying the words “horrible monster”, is you indirectly acknowledging how wrong the OCD is. You wouldn’t be uncomfortable by the feeling, or fighting it. You’d just be it. The anxiety we get with OCD is proof of genuine humanity, the fear and discomfort about those thoughts.
Tell yourself, “maybe, but I need to focus on the moment” It’s not you saying you are a monster or you are ok with being one, it’s just accepting the possibility (even if it’s 0.001% chance of it being true) and moving on with life because you shouldn’t be ruled by OCD and it’s tricks
Your conscious is telling you what you will be if you act on those thoughts. Not that you are. Your moral compass is doing what it supposed to do. I would say thank you to it, for keeping me inline.
Horrible monsters, as you said, aren't scared of hurting other people. I read somewhere that people with OCD are actually among the most empathic and kind people there are because if your worst fears is causing harm to others then you definitely care a lot about them. You got this ❤️
Thank you guys, it means more than you could imagine🩵
Don't worry, I've been there I know how it feels. Learning about OCD saved my life actually because WE ARE NOT OUR THOUGHTS. You got this, we got this 💓.
I've gotten diagnosed with OCD and I'm in therapy. But I'm worried that I don't have OCD/that I got misdiagnosed. And recently I'm worried that I've just gotten myself into a habit of thinking of dirty minded or just plain old terrible things after I see/hear certain things because I feel like I need to prove I have OCD or else I'm faking(sometimes this goes away). Or that I'm just mimicking symptoms of ocd to cope with real problems I may have and that im just really deep into denial. I don't know...I'm just so tired. I mean, what if I really am what I think I am and this is my brains only way of coping? I don't even really feel anything towards most of the thoughts anymore either I just know they go against my values and I don't want them. I don't know if that's because I'm so mentally exhausted, I just don't care, or that the thoughts are true and I'm comfortable with them.
That’s kinda my question. All my thoughts feel so realistic and so now I doubt if they are ocd and if I just can’t make my mind up about something and I’m using ocd as an excuse or something idc I feel like this post is word vomit.
Don't panic, you're still the same girl, your OC gives you a lot of intrusive thoughts that aren't you and that disgust you and scare you and that you don't want and that you don't think are true, and your OC gives you the false feelings.Also, don't forget that whatever comes to mind, whatever intrusive thoughts you have and whatever you feel, is all yours.
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