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- 5y ago
I was married 39 years and I hit my wife and she just divorced me and moved away. I am crushed I cry all day like a tired baby relationships are precious and marriage is forever. I looked at girls like all men do my wife helped me! We were a beautiful pair and I ruined it. I say that because I value relationships and forgiveness. life will be even tougher, these little issues help us build our defenses for the big problems . Thank you for hearing me out and good luck.
Thank you for being honest
Decide if you can trust him in the future after this - if this is going to make you feel like you can’t trust him, the relationship will suffer and won’t be worth the pain. Trust is the most important element to a relationship and he has betrayed yours to an extent. No one can tell you what to do, but he did was hurtful and not acceptable within the bounds of a relationship, whether you guys are young and inexperienced or not. Ask him what his intentions were by doing that and if he wants to be in a committed relationship, but ultimately it’s about if you’ll feel secure in the relationship or not. I think this is a justified reason to worry, it’s probably not your ocd.
What's up?
@nocturnalgyal my boyfriend and i got in a fight we were on good terms, we both messed up i guess. while such happened he went back and texted a girl “ i wish u were single” i talked it out i got mad he apologized it semeee genuine and i took it i’m anxious it isn’t right what i decided should i forgive him? it’s so weird i’m so scared i don’t wanna feel like breaking up but i kinda do. ): should i just let it go i don’t know i feel gross
Sorry, it's hard to follow. So you guys got into a fight and he ended up texting some random girl "I wish you were single"? And he aoolized and now you're conflicted with ending the relationship right?
@NocturnalGyal Yes ): i don’t wanna end up but everyone’s telling me too and i feel like i havw too i wanna forgive him but it’s impossible to wrap my mind around that right now i’m so overwhelmed ): idk what i need to do
wow Thank u so much for ur honesty really helped me look at the bigger picture .. do you personally feel like rhis is just a small issue that can be let go or would that be dumb of me ):
I’m somewhat young i’m still in highschool i guess i’m immature and i need mature advice on if this is worth ending it or what ):
it’s slowly turning into an obsessive thought i have rocd so it would make sense but my heads telling me i just say that because i don’t wanna break up and want reassurance on what to do hm..
Honestly, what you need to do is have a serious convo with him. And tell him how that text message made you feel. And just ask him what he was thinking when he texted that. Communication can go a loooooong way, even if it's hard. So before making any impulsive decisions, just have a talk with him about it. How long have you guys been together?
I've had a very similar experience. To be honest it depends how you feel about your relationship. I was completely destroyed at first because like you, I did not want to end things but felt like I had to. We ended up just taking space for a few days then meeting back up to talk it out. We are still together. In the end, I found out that my boyfriend was struggling severely with mental health issues that I had no idea about. I'd say you have to talk to him and tell him to be honest with why he did it and you need to evaluate if you both want the same thing for your relationship. You need to see if he really regrets his mistake or if there is something else going on. Take some space to breath before making any decisions okay? Don't decide what you should or shouldn't do based on what you think others will think of you.
thank you so much @mochi i think i am going to talk to him about it in person ): and forgive him because he did it out of anger and impulsiveness and he seems really genuine ,, hm
you’re right @fifi95 thank you so much ?❤️
Can anyone share advice on how you differentiate between actual relationship issues and ocd issues? And also how to stay connected with your partner during a hard time? I get really frustrated with my partner (disclaimer: he’s a great guy and his heart is in the right place) but he’s not aching the way I want him to (I recognize how that sounds haha) one of the things is that he doesn’t show much expression or excitement when talking to me so it’s really hard for me to feel loved through that. I’ve expressed that time and time again (which could be a compulsion) and when he tries to improve it just feels disingenuous, furthering my frustration. It could just be that nothing feels good enough for me, or that I’m just fed up but then idk if I should make myself hang out with him as an exposure, or just be alone. I fear that I’m not going to get my point across efficiently, or that it’s just the way he is and it’s something I’ll have to put up with. When do I decide to take action and when do I sit back and deal with it as ocd?because for me it feels like there’s no way of knowing! i don’t want to sacrifice my needs but I try to resist a lot of what I’m thinking due to the possibility of it being a compulsion. On the other hand however, I could just be silencing myself and in turn being quiet and he is ok with that but I like a lot of communication as it makes me feel connected. This could be a real issue that persists, or it could be an ocd spiral…idk and I hate that because I just don’t know how to move based off that info so Im open to any advice!
i’m having really bad relationship anxiety & OCD idk how to get past it :( it ruins my mood & affects the way i view my partner. i want to cry
Hi everyone, I’ve been struggling with a lot of doubts and anxiety in my relationship, and I’m not sure if it’s normal or if it might be something more like relationship anxiety or ROCD. I’m in a long-distance relationship with someone who is incredibly sweet, caring, and kind. And not to mention this is my first relationship ever. Despite knowing all of this, I often find myself overwhelmed by doubts. I constantly question whether I really love him or if I only like the idea of him. Sometimes, I worry that I’m just staying in the relationship because I don’t want to be single or because he’s the kind of person I’m supposed to be with. These thoughts feel so real, and it’s hard to shake them off, even though I don’t want them. I also tend to find “icks” or small things to criticize, and it feels like my brain is trying to push him away, even though I want to be with him. I feel guilty for having these thoughts, and it makes me overthink whether I’m being honest with myself about wanting the relationship. At times, I rely on external validation, like when people tell us we look cute together. I’m scared I might be too focused on what others think, instead of how I truly feel. I also feel guilty about small things, like not responding in the way I think I should, and I worry whether I’m capable of loving someone else. Sometimes, I feel overwhelmed by how “perfect” he is, and it makes me try to find ways to dislike him, even though I know he’s a good person. I also feel nervous about things like meeting his parents or not fully enjoying his sense of humor, which adds to my overthinking. I want to be with him, but I’m stuck in this cycle of doubt and overanalyzing my feelings. I just want these thoughts and anxieties to go away. Has anyone experienced anything like this? Could this be a sign of relationship anxiety or something more? Any advice or insights would be really appreciated.
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