- Username
- Anna:)
- Date posted
- 5y ago
Ik like i never had it until recently and my therapist like knows nothing about OCD. she looks things up so I'm trying to find an OCD specialist. since with all those thoughts and stuff like ecen kissing my boyfriend now and stuff feels werid and i just don't know if that means i dont like him anymore but I don't want to break up with him because I love him and I even turn off my notifications when i get texts because for some reason I get anxious because I'm like I have to respond right away and I know I don't have too. and he is such a great person. i just dont know anymore. telling this too other people they would say like "maybe you lost interset" and stuff.
I feel the same way with my boyfriend and my therapist lol I’ve been seeing her for a while but I feel like she’s not that knowledgeable about ocd :/
@rlr A therapist is good for problems that are solvable, but ocd like me I need to see a ocd therapist or someone in the ocd study group
@GummyDrop yeah I’ve been thinking about getting an ocd therapist but it’s just so much to switch therapists and what if I don’t connect with the ocd therapist and ahhh it’s just too much but I know it’d be a good idea
@rlr Yeah I suggest you go with a friend or ask friends for recommendations, you don’t deserve to go through this alone, ocd needs multiple people to take it down, if you need me my insta is @pencilllllll5
@GummyDrop thank you for the kind words, you don’t deserve it either! you can do this ??
@rlr yeah i see her too talk about stuff, like just finding a therpist in genreal is hard. and even if you do you dont know if you will even like them or not.
@Anna:) exactly!!
@Anna:) Like it’s rare to even find an ocd therapist in my are and it’s probably far
@GummyDrop yeah even if i did they are far, so its alotnof things which are annoying.
@Anna:) Uhhhhhh why can’t I see a ocd therapist eye to eye for free
Doubting and confusion is something I deal a lot with too. My thoughts and feelings change a lot and sometimes I feel totally fine. I think that if you express your concern to your therapist and just make sure you’re doing all you can to feel okay that’s all that matters. Labels are just there to try to help you with what you’re going through. But as long as you’re getting better and helping yourself that’s all that matters
I don’t think you’ve lost interest. I think that other things are causing stress and that’s why you are pulling away. I think it would be helpful to talk to your boyfriend about what you are feeling and to definitely find a new thereapist! I think if you need space for a few weeks (not a break but like you’ll text him when you want to talk) and expressing that this is something you deal with would be helpful
yeah i did talk too him about this stuff, he tries too understand. he obvi does think too him that i lost interset but i have not. like i dont think one min i love too idk if i want too be with you. cuz i want too hospital the day he went back too college cuz he was my support too a couple days later idk if i like you anymore. like i talk too him and it did come out wrong i was like "i might not love you as mich" and ik it hurt him but he knew i was wording it wrong, its just idk how too feel anymore and it has taken over me every single. like i dont even want too do anything anymore, even like hanging with friends. and when people ask whats wrong idk even how too explain it too them.
Do you have an ocd therapist I think it works best if you have ocd
It feels like my boyfriend is ‘another compulsion” because he makes me happy and that is what ocd does, but when he is gone, my mind can go everywhere. Mostly thinking im not attracted to men (im bi and for some reason i feel like i have to choose 1 gender, and that that would be women) even though i know that i dont have to choose and can just be happy with my bf. But then my mind can go “but are you happy” or “youre not aroused right now or aroused enough so your gay or you dont like bf” Thats really hard, because my one of my biggest fears is being with a man all my life (having a family etc) and then falling in love with a woman and throw it all away. I really really love my boyfriend, but it can feel like this is not my real identity and im doing the wrong thing. Like when im not thinking about it, if thats maybe my ocd and not the overthinking. Does anyone understand?
Hi friends! I am someone who struggles with general OCD but have recently come to question if it is more specific to my relationship(s). In my heart, I feel that I am currently in the most loving, fulfilling and safe relationship that I have ever been in but lately things have been rocky. I find myself questioning a lot. Examples being: Is he really the one for me? What if I am missing out on something even better? Am I actually happy or am I lying to myself? Is this relationship doomed/am I doomed to be miserable in the future due to our age difference (met at 25 & 32, currently 27 & 35) I find myself trying to pick him apart more often than not lately, almost as though I am looking for something to fixate on in attempt to reassure myself of some of my already negative thoughts? I’m just curious if anyone out there that struggles with ROCD finds any similarities to the thoughts I am having? Sending love!
im not diagnosed, but these past two days have been terrible. i constantly have this underlying feeling that i might do something that i think is gross and i feel like i can’t do anything on my own because otherwise i might do something wrong. like i feel like i constantly have to be in front of people so that i can make sure of my every action. this is so exhausting and I’m so confused. and like i keep getting terrible images and stuff replaying in my head. i also try to recall what happened but i feel like i have false event too. i used to have religious ocd and that eventually stopped completely, but now it feels like all my work getting over that was pointless. also like i feel like i might have contamination ocd but not the typical germ type. I just get terrible images and I can’t remember if those images are true or not even though they’re impossible and i feel terrible. I don’t know if i could ever get over this because even the thought of it is terrible.
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