- Date posted
- 5y ago
- Date posted
- 5y ago
Hi! I struggled with Harm O, Scrupulousity, and HOCD and recovered. I was at the point where I told my mom (trigger warning) “I’m gonna kill myself if this doesn’t get better” and I would pray for God to let me die in my sleep if my obsessions were true so I couldn’t hurt anyone. I’m SO much better now, like even better than before the OCD hit. It takes exposure, healthy eating, and positivity—at least for me, everyone’s different. I’m honestly the happiest I’ve ever been so I promise you, it does get better!
- Date posted
- 5y ago
I’m curious, how did the eating help exactly? I do not eat healthy at all. I’m finally starting to excercise though so that’s good
- Date posted
- 5y ago
@OCDLatter-daySaint I guess I’ve just never bought into the eating healthy will help thing...probably because I don’t want to change
- Date posted
- 5y ago
@OCDLatter-daySaint Hi! I’m a Latter-day Saint too! I have cut back on caffeinated sodas and I’m not as in edge. And as I’ve gotten into more of a habit of exercise, a lot of my other habits have gotten healthier too.
- Date posted
- 5y ago
@OCDLatter-daySaint Food has a big effect on my menta health personally. But in general, food has a big impact on how we feel and how well our bodies and brains are able to function. I’m not a nutritionist or anything so I can’t explain 100% why I just know I feel so much better while eating wel! Glad you’re getting into exercise; it’s such a good release :)
- Date posted
- 5y ago
@erin174 Gotcha. I can definitively make improvements on my diet. I don’t have a ton of hope though because I generally hate most vegetables. Like it’s really hard for me to eat them. There are only a few I am ok with. ?
- Date posted
- 5y ago
@bobhope771 Fun! Nice to see you here. Thanks for sharing. I have started to excercise but I need to be more consistent
- Date posted
- 5y ago
Hi- faith is very important to me. Many times over now I’ve fallen into this cycle of obsessive thoughts about my body -specifically my penis ?- that I have to make sure it’s good enough. Usually I’m compelled to masterbate and sometimes I’ll go a googling and end up viewing erotic pictures of men. This of course goes against my beliefs about what’s right and wrong. It chips away at my soul. I’ve often concluded that my thoughts and actions make me a bad person- tainted by the things I’ve let into my mind and beyond forgiveness. I’ve been in such a negative state that I’ve even thought about leaving my family because they would be better off without me ( also against my morals). I do well for a while and then it happens again. Prayer and determination just are not enough for me because I’m sick. That’s been and is the hardest thing for me to accept- that I’m sick. Talking to others about what enters my mind and the anxiety and subsequent compulsions is just too shameful for me to do. Honest and open communication with my wife and close friends is proving to be a lifeline for me. I definitely identify with the PureO profile. Been suffering for a long time without knowledge or help. And now I’m starting therapy. I have hope now of recovery. I recently took some advice and cut sugar, alcohol, and caffeine from my diet and that’s helping me a lot with my anxiety and irritability- sorry for the long testimonial
- Date posted
- 5y ago
That’s my dream
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- Date posted
- 23w ago
Hi there I talk about religion (but I'm not trying to force it down anyone's throat) So my main event (which is the one that truly bothers me) happened in 2015 when I was 14. I won't go into any details or anything. I will say that it got so bad once that I almost committed something detrimental to my health earlier this year. Not long after that I spoke to a doctor and basically confessed what's been happening to my brain and my mistakes, he mentioned things that really resonated with me, I'll paraphrase a bit: "Okay, so what you did was not good but it's not something to condemn yourself for. It falls into the grey area, you've apologized and have been forgiven (even though I apologized over text, which comes across cowardly)but it seems that you haven't forgiven yourself. There's a whole lot of difference between you at 14 and you at 23. Try to have some perspective." This really helped and it still does, but unfortunately ocd tries to find a way around this. I'll get a thought of "oh but you forgot to mention that other part of the event" and it magnifies it. Can anyone relate? I've done everything but fully move on because I sometimes feel like I don't deserve to move on. And I'm still worried over the future.
- Date posted
- 19w ago
Hey guys, I hope you’re well! My names Matt, and OCD has struck me again 😂 When I was 10 years old I had to attend therapy as I was having excessive intrusive thoughts. P.s. I didn’t even know this was possible at the age of 10! I then completely forgot about it, until 2.5 years ago when I started experiencing ROCD. I really couldn’t understand why I was feeling/thinking this way however, I soon after remembered my struggles as a child and then realised my OCD had returned. Also, my mum has serious OCD so I guess that could be why too. I had a a really hard battle with my emotions and mood due to this however, the last 1.5 years had been really good and I managed it well. I got married and had the best day of my life. 3 months ago, a thought about having an affair in my head appeared, and BOOM, it’s back again. I’m struggling a lot right now however, I’ve accepted that this could be a re occurring theme throughout my life, and it’s time to learn to deal with it again. I’m back on medication and have started ERP therapy, so hopefully it’s on the up from here. I’m not here to list off my triggers and thoughts as this would be me seeking reassurance however, I’m here to show that recovery is certainly possible!
- Date posted
- 14w ago
Those of you who have overcome at least a bit, if not all, of your OCD. When you went through the CBT and ERP, did it feel like the end of the world? And how did you face the fact that your fears and uncertainties might actually come to life?
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