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- Mike1234
- Date posted
- 4y ago
Does it say anything about the amygdala? This part is responsible for the processing of emotions including fear
https://www.amazon.com/dp/1572249218/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_tai_ADtwEb6RSAC22 The orbital cortex is in the front part of the brain, above the eyes. This is where thoughts and emotions combine. The orbital cortex tells us when something is wrong and when we should avoid something. It’s like an early warning system in the brain, and it seems to work overtime in people with OCD. When the caudate nucleus lets unnecessary thoughts and impulses through, this makes the orbital cortex’s job much more difficult. The cingulate gyrus, located in the center of the brain, helps shift attention from one thought or behavior to another. When it’s overactive, we get stuck in certain behaviors, thoughts, or ideas. The cingulate gyrus is also the part of the brain that signals danger, and as such, it’s the part that says something horrible will happen if you don’t carry out your compulsions.
Brain Lock does a good job of describing this process too. It’s really helpful to me to know physically what’s going on in my brain.
Yes here’s explanation from Brain Lock:Brain Lock, Twentieth Anniversary Edition: Free Yourself from Obsessive-Compulsive Behavior https://www.amazon.com/dp/006256143X/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_tai_cOvwEbTWRJNM8 • STRIATUM: The stratum is composed of two parts, the putamen and the caudate nucleus, which sit next to one another in the core of the brain, deep in the center. The putamen is the automatic transmission for that part of the brain that regulates motor or physical movement, and the caudate nucleus is the automatic transmission and filtering station for the front part of the brain that controls thought. • ORBITAL CORTEX: The orbital cortex is the underside of the front of the brain, the “hot spot” in OCD. The brain’s “error-detection circuit,” it is located directly over the eye sockets. Here, thought and emotion combine. The orbital cortex can inform you that something is right or wrong, whether it is something to approach or avoid. • CORTEX: The cortex is the outer surface of the brain. The frontal cortex is where the most advanced thinking and planning take place. • BASAL GANGLIA: The basal ganglia is essentially the same as the striatum; the terms are almost interchangeable. The caudate nucleus, which enables us to shift gears from one behavior to another, is part of the basal ganglia. • CINGULATE GYRUS: The cingulate gyrus is at the center of the brain, the deepest part of the cortex. It’s wired into your gut and heart-control centers and is responsible for giving you the feeling that something terrible is going to happen if you don’t act on your compulsions to wash, check, whatever. • THALAMUS: The thalamus is the central relay station for processing the body’s sensory information.
Can someone explain what this means or use an example, I'm a little confused. "Ocd hijacks feelings, if you're trying to workout what you feel, or feel a feeling, remember ocd is in the control room."
OCD is just another Addiction. Here is why: During the battle against OCD, working to connect the dots and through own experiences to understand what is it that we confront with and how to overcome it, I realized something about OCD, that I would like to share. If my opinion is seen fit and useful, it may help understand in a certain angle what is happening in our minds and the mindset towards recovery. OCD is just another Addiction. We humans are wired to do two things – Seek Pleasure and Avoid Pain. Both are basically one thing. To be in the Pleasurable state of existence. In short, OCD is a self-drugging behavior to avoid pain, so the brain can release the feel good chemicals. All our systems are wired for pleasure seeking and escaping the pain. When we find the pleasure or escape the pain- there is a reward- we feel good, euphoria, a relief. Our brains release the ‘Feel good chemicals- from our own brain’s pharmacy’, the neurotransmitters Dopamine, Norepinephrine, Serotonin, GABA, etc… these are the ones we develop a ‘tough love’ relationship with. Substances, like drugs and alcohol stimulate the release of our own ‘pharmacy’, BUT, not only substances do that- Reinforced Behavior does that too, more correctly, thoughts, emotions and actions that reinforce the ‘feel good’ such as gambling and love addictions, these behaviors release neurotransmitters of reward due to pleasure, are addictive and cause withdrawal when ceased. As research shown, OCD is related to childhood traumas and the resulting lack of self-love. When self-love is not around, Fear sips in. That’s just a survival mechanism. The mind say: No self-love? No pleasure? No problem, I will give you something to avoid- that will make me feel good. That thing is Fear/Anxiety- the source of pain to be avoided- so you can feel good about yourself when you managed to avoid it. OCD is just an upgraded version of anxiety, when the subconscious actually ‘Tames’ you to get that good feeling when Anxiety by itself didn’t result in self love and relaxation. This process is addicting, making sure you will ‘feel good’ many times throughout the day, keeping the ‘high’. Ever wondered why compulsions are repetitive, because the brain sees it as self-dosing, each action serves a dose, more hand washing, more doses of feel good to make the pain go away, until after 10 times- Doubt which is the measuring tool of how many doses are needed gives a temporary green light, until the next craving. That is why, Obssessions are basically just Cravings- a Call for Action- “Give me my dose of good feeling! Go and avoid this painful fear!” Have you ever wondered why other people don’t get inside that loop a person with OCD find themselves of ‘Thoughts/Feelings/Images/Urges’ Because in a same way, a non-addicted person cannot figure why an addict Craves drugs, and cannot ‘just stop with it’. OCD Obsesseions are just Craving, that’s why they come unsolicited, that’s why, certain situations flare them up, the subconscious mind finds an opportunity to get a dose and evokes an obsession to get the compulsion- the dose of feel good. Our brains are the ultimate ‘Drug Designers’, and can come with the worst fears to make you do one thing- Dose yourself with Avoidance. That is why, as suggested for drug addiction, on how to deal with cravings, perhaps one of the best things to do is just sit with it, surf the pain, watch the film the subconscious brain plays. What you see/think/feel means nothing, and nothing about you, it’s a movie played for you. A trick. Feel the urges until they pass, you are stronger than you imagine, and pain should be confronted to be defeated. Obsessions will come as cravings come, they will flare when there is a high chance to get the ‘fix’. But, with time they decrease until they disappear, because you train your subconscious mind there is NO ‘fix’ from those thoughts, stories, urges and movies.
Obsessive-compulsive disorder, also known as the disease of doubt, has a very crippling effect on an individual's ability to function at its worst. This seems to happen especially when the individual's obsessive-compulsive disorder is thematically related to violence, sexually inappropriate thoughts or other taboo topics. When the vicious circle progresses far enough, a person no longer necessarily knows himself at all, is not sure of who they are or what they want. I believe that the background of obsessive-compulsive disorder, like the background of mental health problems in general, is a feeling of disgust and revulsion towards some thought, scenario or self. The way in which obsessive-compulsive disorder manifests itself, especially in the so-called "pure o" form, is very complex, because the individual disgust-inducing thematicity manifests itself not only in thoughts but also in the form of feelings, temptations and physical sensations. In some cases, however, this goes so far that the person's beliefs about his own integrity begin to decay and the feeling of hope and the meaning of life disappear. The idea can be clarified analogously to Nietzsche's thoughts on belief systems. As a result of obsessions and other repulsive thoughts, feelings and temptations, a person's belief system about his own integrity begins to collapse, but when the belief system collapses - the belief in that belief system itself collapses as well. When it no longer seems meaningful or possible to believe in the realization of a familiar and safe belief system, there is also no hope for anything better. So there is no longer even hope left for a meaningful whole of self, which drives a person to deep anxiety and depersonalization, which in turn begins to displace a person from social relationships and from all meaningful activities that a person is used to enjoying and creating meaning for his life based on his own complete self-concept, which is no longer felt to exist. Any thoughts or similar experiences on this?
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