- Date posted
- 4y ago
- Date posted
- 4y ago
Same here I used to get confused about the same things. Obsessions are your intrusive thoughts, urges, images, fantasies etc. Compulsions are what your ocd tells you to do, when your intrusive thoughts come. We should never do compulsions, because they are the thing your ocd tells you to do when you get the thoughts. You don’t have to stop the thoughts, just ignore the intrusive thoughts. What are your thoughts like?
- Date posted
- 4y ago
I will start thinking about a time someone wronged me or hurt me and I will replay the conversation over and over and over in my head. I thought replaying the conversation was the compulsion, but then it started feeling intrusive. I think the ocd is telling me to ruminate about what happened. I’m scared that if I accidentally try to stop the wrong thoughts, I will end up making the ocd worse.
- Date posted
- 4y ago
@Nattt “Fantasies” shouldn’t be included. That’s something you enjoy<
- Date posted
- 4y ago
We shouldn’t let compulsions or obsessions in our mind, I ignore both of them because both are apart of the ocd cycle, and they make ocd stronger if we do them or focus on the obsessions
- Date posted
- 4y ago
The intrusive thoughts are the ones that you don’t like, that hurt you in a way, that you think are not good and etc. Those are the thoughts, when you get any of those thoughts I think they are ocd thoughts because they are intrusive. So dont worry, try to not think about any of those intrusive thoughts. Try to remove your focus from them. If it’s possible, you can write some thoughts on a paper and come up with a positive line for example : Thought :She hurt me Positive thought: I can’t keep on crying about it now, time has passed by. If she hurt me, I shouldn’t care cause she probably didn’t deserve a great person like me
- Date posted
- 4y ago
I'm not the one to say someone is wrong and I am not a mental health professional but in my research what your saying is detrimental and will not work. Blocking the intrusive thoughts or distracting yourself from then will only make them come in stronger and leave you less equipt to deal with the anxiety when it comes. As I researched you should do a recovery therapy called ERP, look it up it will help you.
- Date posted
- 4y ago
The obsessions are the spontaneous thoughts that cause distress. For example "ohhh you looked at his crotch. You just be gay!" The compulsions are the thoughts you use to try to decrease the distress. These might be reassurance "no, I'm not gay, I love women", reviewing memories for evidence for or against the fear "remember how tingly I felt when I first met my wife" or "there was that time in elementary school when I kissed my best friend tommy on a dare, maybe I really am gay", checking thoughts "I'll look at gay/straight porn and see whether I get aroused", pushing thoughts away "no! I won't think that!", etc. In general, thought stopping (ex the stop sign technique) and thought replacing (replacing negative thoughts with positive ones) is a slippery slope in OCD. Those behaviors quickly turn into compulsions
- Date posted
- 4y ago
It all just becomes a big jumbled mess in my head in the moment. It’s gone now though. I took a nap and I’m feeling better. It’s just frustrating when it gets like that.
- Date posted
- 4y ago
The only thing you need to stop doing is the compulsion but in term of figuring out which is which I'm not sure in your case
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- Date posted
- 24w ago
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- Date posted
- 18w ago
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- Date posted
- 5w ago
Two things are happening: I get thoughts that just keep looping. They almost feel like song stuck in my head. Also, I’ll imagine something and I feel my stomach drop. Then as the seconds go by I keep getting fragments of the this thought but with different details. For example, it’s kinda like how a “vision” is portrayed. I’ll get a glimpse of the thought and then it’ll rapidly expand into something worse every few seconds. I don’t know if I’m causing this or if it’s just an automatic thing like any other intrusive thought. It feels unavoidable, idk if this is a compulsion or if it’s just another manifestation of an intrusive thought. Apart from that remembering an intrusive thought triggers the full thought again and then it just keeps looping or expanding. I don’t know how to stop any of this. Help?
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