- Date posted
- 4y ago
- Date posted
- 4y ago
Hey. I don’t know how helpful this will be, because I’ve been in the midst of religious ocd and it was hell. But God doesn’t want us to give up our personalities. He made them and he wants us to embrace them, with all the desires and interests and passions that come with being human. He loves to see us geek out about some random thing he created and put on earth for us to find, like medieval illumination or pterosaurs. It’s hard to be fully ourselves with ocd, because it diverts all our natural energy and joy into anxiety and compulsions. The greatest praise you can offer God right now is to work on your mental wellness, so eventually you’ll be able to exist and praise and love him freely, without tormenting yourself with worry. Sending love and peace.
- Date posted
- 4y ago
Thank you so much for the kind words, that really helps. ❤️
- Date posted
- 4y ago
Hi there, try not to be so hard on yourself. Know that God is with you every step of the way. The fact that you realize how important it is to have God in your life and giving everything to Him is awesome. He knows how much you want to be close to Him and understands our struggles. Just have faith and trust in Him! God bless you 🙏
- Date posted
- 4y ago
- Date posted
- 4y ago
It's difficult to feel so much guilt. The wonderful thing is that Christ took all our guilt and sins to the cross and died for our sins. Keep looking to Christ and what he did for you instead of over analyzing what you think and do. Do you think you are trying to be perfect? Nobody can be perfect, but God looks at Christians as being perfect since Jesus died for our sins. The blood of Jesus Christ God's Son cleanses us from all sin." Reading Psalm 103 might help.
- Date posted
- 4y ago
Thanks for this comment. I’ve been so focused on perfection lately and needed to hear this perspective.
- Date posted
- 4y ago
Thank you so much for your comment. I have been focused on perfection a lot.
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- Date posted
- 20d ago
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- Date posted
- 19d ago
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- Date posted
- 7d ago
I have posted here before and barely got advice so let’s try this again. It’s been a long week of doubts fears and obsessions. I already know that it could be worse so I’m staying hopeful. But anyway for the past two weeks I’ve been wanting to attend this concert. The artist is know for his hopeful bubbly music. I wanted to go because his music makes me happy yk. For background the past few times I went to concerts I used them as distractions that I hope would help me overcome SOOCD which eventually led me to idolizing them. Overtime I realized that concerts weren’t going to cure me so I started to rely on God talk to the people around me and go through therapy Fast forward to now I’ve been wanting to attend this concert but had obsessions about if was wrong or not. Then I started to obsess over that fact that it secular and that I’m sinning because i should only listen to gospel and nothing else. To help me overcome I bought it anyways. Right after I bought it I felt a split second of peace before regret took over. I felt that it was sinful to be excited about going or about picking out my outfit and so one. I tried to overcome by listening to the set list and during that time I heard that artists say “can we do that s**t and started to panic I went down this rabbit hole of how I shouldn’t go and how God wouldn’t want me to be there about how cursing is against God and if I were to go I would be inviting sin into my life. I felt that I could no longer go even though my intentions were to have fun and enjoy my life mind you this was planned for my birthday. I find myself in this loop stuck. I’ve had this happen before but have never felt this sad and overwhelmed by it. It just feels like u can’t do anything that every thing i do is against God to the point where I can’t even enjoy a moment of peace. I even prayed and invited God into the experience. I still feel like this is all sinful and searching things up on the web doesn’t help but just cause me to doubt and obsess 10x more. I’m actively looking for a new therapist I’ve been out of therapy for the past few months and maybe I just need that extra help 🤷♀️any advice
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