- Date posted
- 3y ago
- Date posted
- 3y ago
Drinking and Drugs is not Real fun. Its destructive and is a result of unresolved issues, it may seem like its fun but those who do it are suffering.
- Date posted
- 3y ago
i’m not sure it this will notify you guys but thank you very much for your replies :) i know i shouldn’t care much about it and i really never did until my boyfriend’s friend asked me about it and bc of that question, i started being aware of how i didn’t have those experiences so it looked like i was boring. i don’t really care for stuff like that and especially having anxiety and ocd i don’t really have such desire for it if all it’s going to do is affect me negatively. again, thank you guys for your words:)
- Date posted
- 3y ago
You're welcome don't let anyone pressure you into doing things that you don't want to do or that isn't good for you by calling you "boring" or making you feel like you're "boring". Getting intoxicated to have fun is one of the most boring things anyone can do and shows that they lack a personality.
- Date posted
- 3y ago
You’re welcome 😊 Do what you want and live yo life your way 😎
- Date posted
- 3y ago
I went to CC and used good grades there to get to a top university in my state. It saves THOUSANDS of dollars, and by getting good grades in CC, you can apply to clubs or be invited to PTK and transfer with guaranteed scholarships which will make you save more money than going immediately into university from high school. OCD often has a comorbidity of anxiety, depression which can lead to substance abuse.. so be cautious.
- Date posted
- 3y ago
drinking and doing drugs isn’t what makes highschool fun. real fun in highschool is about the moments and times you spent with friends, family, crushes, at dances, school trips, summer break, etc. drinking and drugs isn’t what makes the moment or what makes “fun”.
- Date posted
- 3y ago
Why would doing drugs and getting shitfaced like other people do supposedly be the highlight of your college experience instead of... getting a degree?
- Date posted
- 3y ago
There’s nothing wrong with community college 😂 I went to a CC for 3 years, then went to university.
- Date posted
- 3y ago
@Nica definitely nothing wrong with cc! i just feel behind socially with people in my grade
- Date posted
- 3y ago
I felt like that after high school. Now i don’t care since I know a lot of it is just expectations. I didn’t drink or party because that’s not the kind of person I am. I’m 26 and happy with my adolescence
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- Date posted
- 24w ago
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- Date posted
- 23w ago
Hi, I am new to this community and don’t know much about OCD or if i even have it. I am a college senior going to a university that is relatively close to my home (1.5 hr) My goal was to apply to OT school at my current school because I love it there and can’t imagine myself anywhere else. I have a high gpa, many observation hours, and was told i would be a top candidate-if I passed the GRE. This school is the only school in my state that requires the GRE for OT school. Well, with the stakes being so high I was a complete wreck before the exam. It stressed me out so much that even looking at study materials made me nauseous. I did not score high enough to get into my desired program when I took it. I am retaking it next Tuesday (which i had to beg the admissions committee to let me do due to it being past a due date) and i feel the weight of my whole future on my shoulders. If I don’t get into my desired program, I will have to go to programs that are very far from home/my boyfriend of two years who I currently live with. I feel if I don’t pass, I will have to move away to a different school and I will lose my boyfriend. He is my rock and is so important to me. My other option is to stay where I am and attend the radiography program at the local community college and stay close to home and be with my boyfriend . Note: i just decided to apply to OT school this year (changed major from nursing). Do I risk my relationship/happiness for a career that i don’t even know that I will enjoy or do i keep my relationship, stay close to home, but regret not taking a huge opportunity given to me. This situation stays in my mind all day and night which is stressing me out greatly. Sorry for such a long post, I just want an unbiased view on what I should do/how to get this thought out of my head. thx for listening <3
- Date posted
- 22w ago
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