- Username
- Alex21155
- Date posted
- 2y ago
I read tarot today like in google and god it was horrible it triggered my health and harm ocd 100% I feel so bad
I read tarot today like in google and god it was horrible it triggered my health and harm ocd 100% I feel so bad
Think of it as an ERP exercise! You did it, it was scary, but you got through it.
Omg same. Saw a Tik Tok live about ignoring intuition and if I didn’t go thru with something then I’d be ignoring what’s good for me and they even mentioned “you may need to let a relationship go” and it SENT me 😭 it made me feel a weird sense of good and bad. Can’t even begin to understand
Regardless of the matter, I control my life. Even if some things don’t always “feel” right. Tarot’s are only suggestions just like astrologers can only truly suggest. Not tell you that this one way is the ONLY way. It’s harmful for people with ocd to hear that our guts are our second brain unfortunately. It makes us spiral more. We can use spirituality but cannot rely 10000%. Only mere suggestions as to what can possibly and what possibly should change. Even to a small degree. For everyone worried about Tarot cards predicting their futures for them, check out Awaken Into Love and watch/read Kiyomi’s stories and suggestions about how to handle those moments. We are always in control of our own stories. Even when the path is blurry and confusing. We can still choose.
Very well said. Tarot is only guidance, suggestions, a new way of seeing things. Whatever path you choose, that is your choice and your choice only. Tarot can just offer more insight.
I read tarot cards for a living. They are crazy accurate most of the time. Tarot cards are there to guide us in times of uncertainty. Our subconscious knows what we need to hear and when. You get a tarot card reading, the messages from the cards will usually always relate to you in some way. Tarot cards are not meant to be scary or bad or evil. They got a bad wrap because Christians put it out there a long long LONG time ago that anything supernatural is the way of the devil. The is the farthest from the truth. Tarot cards can bring you peace, insight into your issues, guidance to point you in the right direction , and much much more. Don’t be frightened of them. You will always receive your most needed message at that moment. If you would like for me to pull a few cards for you, (for free this time), I would be happy to. I would need your full name at birth and you whole birthday. No need to be scared though. It’s all good.
Oh yes, and MOST IMPORTANTLY, NEVER ignore your intuition. If you do, you won’t like the outcome. That “gut feeling” we all get, that is our intuition warning us of danger or giving us reassurance. Your gut is your bodies second brain. It’s very interesting. Everyone should look it up in order to understand your gut instant or intuition. Hang in there all!
With all due respect, I know you mean well but this is harmful advice for many with ocd. Ocd is an anxiety disorder that tricks us into feeling fear, doubt, insecurity. To many of us, this feels like a "gut feeling" but it's just ocd. If we believe every anxiety is a warning, we will spiral out of control. It's so important NOT to fall for the ocd fears, but rather to acknowledge they are just anxious thoughts and feelings, not threats.
@Shaylene67 Thank you for also seeing it this way, i was hoping I wasn’t the only one
@Shaylene67 Well, since I struggle with OCD myself, hence why I’m here, I completely understand. Not in any way was I attempting to trigger anyone or have anyone spiral out of control. That is the last thing I would want because that is a scary feeling. I also get panic attacks, so I do know what that feels like and in no way would I ever wish that upon anyone. You are absolutely right. Possibly I could have worded things differently. My apologies to anyone who read this and felt triggered by it or in some way disrespected. That was not my intention whatsoever. I know all too well about fear, doubt, and insecurities. I am 48 years old and have had many many times of fear, doubt, and insecurities. Hang in there!
@jbadass No worries and no need to apologize! I can tell what a great community this is and we're all just trying to help each other in the best ways we know how ❤
Hi everyone, so it’s been forever since I have asked for reassurance, but idk what to do rn. So I have been messing with a bit of astrology like tarot cards and stuff. Well I have never really been scared of it but I have a bit of religion ocd at times, and my husband was joking a bit last night saying “don’t be doing that voodoo shit in my house” and now my ocd is taking it literal and I’m terrified that I’m accidentally doing witchcraft, but I’m not casting any kind of spells and now I’m scared, like what if I get possessed and do something I dont want to do. And now I’m over thinking every little situation I do..
Today I am working but a huge amount of panic has over taken me because of a violent intrusive thought I got last night. I am so anxious to the point where i am considering cancelling because the intrusive feeling feels so terrible. What if i actually do it. What if I did tht and snapped. I am scared i just need a bit of support, a bit of i sont know wnymore
Guys it feels so real and im really scared because it feels like i dont care about the thoughts and it feels like im going to do something terrible, its horrific. I am so scared i keep getting urges and images i dont know what to do because i get a whole rush of panic. I think what’s triggered it was my for you page on tiktok, on the Mendez brothers murder cases and The prada guy and im so scared but it feels like im not worried like abt the thoughts or feeling but i am scared pls reply its literally plaguing me in my head idk what to do bc it feels like im gonna do it
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