- Date posted
- 5y ago
- Date posted
- 5y ago
Yea I mean I can explain what I try to do everyday, but it won’t be much different from what I’ve said before! Something I think you should understand is what recovery looks like. It’s not a ‘flip-switch’ where you breathe a sigh of relief cause you are finally sure of what you are. It’s (in my experience and opinion) a change of relationship to your thoughts, feelings, ideas. Understanding that HAVING them, doesn’t make them law, doesn’t make them YOUR truth. This takes so much discipline that I know is hard at a young age- I know! You just want someone to tell you it’s all okay. But YOU have to be the big girl and decide to not succumb and have to ‘fix’ every thought you have. You have to be still and quiet the part of you that wants to understand EVERY idea. You have to say “here I choose to be still. I FEEL scared and worried, and really want to clarify what this could possibly mean, but I need to understand that my brain is addicted to that. I need to quit this addiction.” You’re brain is currently convinced that the only times that you are okay, is when you are sure and confident. You need to start convincing your brain that in times of confusion, fuzziness, lack of clarity- you are STILL okay. You don’t have to KNOW everything is okay, for it to still be okay. We can talk on insta more if you want!!❤️
- Date posted
- 5y ago
@idont241 It’s not something that’s going to go away magically on its own forever. We gotta let it be next to us, exist, while we reach for everything we want. We have to let exist, but not influence our decisions and actions. I’m still scared a lot, but just because we’re scared does not mean there’s something to ACTUALLY be scared of- ya know?
- Date posted
- 5y ago
Let it exist in its ‘real-ness’, and don’t touch it! When you get the thoughts and feelings and urges say- “be still, don’t fix”. Breathe through the triggers and then move right on!! Release the velcro before it gets stuck all the way!
- Date posted
- 5y ago
Oh my gosh, this is me to a T. I’m on tinder right now because I want to DO something about the fact that I want an boyfriend, but I never follow through with dates cause I get so scared or uninterested so quickly. This one guy said ‘sense’ when he meant ‘since’ and that literally almost ruined it for me??♀️ ugh! It’s like I’m looking to sabotage myself with this perfect guy I have in my head. No one is going to measure up to that! I don’t know how to stop doing this.
- Date posted
- 5y ago
Literally!!! Within the last year I wanted to make an active decision where I would face my fears about relationships but I literally get so tired going on dates and being disappointed everytime. I’m on tinder too! But lately I’m just so tired of using it and meeting them and then hating them because of myself.
- Date posted
- 5y ago
Leah- did you ever have hocd? If so, if I am so glad you are feeling better!
- Date posted
- 5y ago
My first ‘boyfriend’ said he loved me after three weeks and was talking about our wedding and children and I literally got SOO turned off and felt so trapped as well, but I was too afraid to break up with him (until he cheated on me haha).
- Date posted
- 5y ago
Ugh i totally understand you @trying2!! And yes @idont241!! I totally still do but I’m doing my best to work on it! Hard as hell
- Date posted
- 5y ago
Thank you so much. I really appreciate this. I deleted Instagram for now since it’s pride month and extremely triggering but I’ll definitely try to remember that. Thank you
- Date posted
- 5y ago
Of course!! Sorry @trying2, I kinda strayed from your original post, but what you described is a huge huge problem for me as well right now. I would love to chat about it on Snapchat or something if you want to as well! No worries if you don’t though:)
- Date posted
- 5y ago
Aw I’m glad:) and okay, I’ll add you and then you can delete your post!
- Date posted
- 5y ago
I did that too. I am still young so it actually has been only one guy. But I am really scared I am never going to find a guy or love a guy. I don’t want women. So it feels like because I won’t find a guy, I’ll prefer women or something. I am seriously so confused and anxious right now
- Date posted
- 5y ago
I am so glad! I am so stuck. I feel like absolute trash. I have no reason to think this but it feels so real. Ughhhh
- Date posted
- 5y ago
Yep. I get the thought “why are you scared?” And it makes me feel like I actually want this to happen. Like it makes it feel more real. If you have time, I am not trying to push you or anything, it’s completely fine if you don’t, I would really love if you could tell me ways on how to beat this. You have my Instagram (I am in the NOCD group chat. Isabella here) I would really love That. You are so wise and you know soo much. It’s completely fine if you don’t. I won’t get upset or anything because it’s completely your choice
- Date posted
- 5y ago
Added you!
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- Date posted
- 25w ago
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- Date posted
- 12w ago
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