- Date posted
- 5y ago
- Date posted
- 5y ago
I am from Romania,but I speak Spanish as well because my Dad used to work in Spain and I have spent a summer there when I was a kid. Also my brother lives there,my sister in law is Colombian and my nieces are half Colombian. Good to know there are people from other countries as well in here. Glad to meet you. Also,I hope you are feeling well ❤
- Date posted
- 5y ago
Thanks, you too! It’s possible I swear to find help, I thought I’ll never find one therapist either, and here I am with my first appointment today! And another therapist in line in case this one doesn’t work! Find one, they at won’t there I swear!
- Date posted
- 5y ago
Well Im from Costa Rica and we speak Spanish but I use English here because it is the only language I see people using. In my case, I feel like here it is also a little difficult to find someone who specializes in OCD, and I dont want to go to just any doctor because I fear they will tell me I just dont love my boyfriend anymore but I mean I have looking up for information and all and I can relate to most if not all of the obssessions and compulsions from rOCD,but yeah I find it a little difficult too
- Date posted
- 5y ago
I understand what you talking, I live in Brazil and some types of themes is very taboo, you are considered a monster, like POCD for example, wich I suffer for, that actually almost nobody here know this variation of OCD and that keeps me alway from getting help from psychologist or even closest friends
- Date posted
- 5y ago
Newstage , exactly. That's what I am talking about. I am almost in the same situation. I don't have a specific type,but it is hard to get help because there aren't OCD specialists in here and mental health is a topic people don't know much about. It is a very sad reality but at least I know now that I am not alone. Lately I considered myself a weirdo because of this but I found this application and I am very happy because of this. I really help you are doing well and recovering. Be blessed ❤
- Date posted
- 5y ago
Wellll, i come from Ecuador, I always speak Spanish because of that. I only communicate here in English Because I just find it easier. And people here at empathy form the USA
- Date posted
- 5y ago
Oh, that's amazing,I am glad things are getting well for you. ❤ I also found two therapists,I want to start therapy and as you said,if the first doesn't work,then try the second, it's just I am really in a bad state and very isolated, it's like a challenge for me to do things,but I will,I really will. And can I ask,how you choose the therapist? You have a specific type of therapist you search for? And can I ask where you live now? Still in Ecuador?
- Date posted
- 5y ago
Yep. I live in ecuador. I started googling, asking my parents, and I also started emailing them and I eventually found one! I am on my way to my first appointment actually
- Date posted
- 5y ago
Im from Spain actually, you are not alone
- Date posted
- 5y ago
Brooklyn 33, it feels good not being alone. ❤ From which region of Spain are you? Also,I hope you are feeling well and things are getting better for you.
- Date posted
- 5y ago
Im from Madrid, the capital ^^ It has been the hardest 7 months of my life but... Im improving a lot ♡ is a time to forgive yourself more than ever
- Date posted
- 5y ago
I was In Madrid last month haha. That’s crazyyy
- Date posted
- 5y ago
Wow, we also have a lot of therapists here who can treat hocd ♡ of you need anything
- Date posted
- 5y ago
Brooklyn33 , I understand and I am glad you are improving a lot. Some 'OCD moments' of mine were really tough too. I can't say I am much better now,but I am struggling, trying to cope. I wish you to be well ❤
- Date posted
- 5y ago
idont241 ,I am very happy for you. ❤
- Date posted
- 5y ago
xMariax , I understand. Yes,same here,I have never even heard of OCD specialists practicing here. When I have started researching and I found out there are OCD clinics in the US I was shocked. I hope you are doing well ❤ I understand the struggle. I suffer from Affective Disorder , which manifests on myself as anxiety and OCD. I don't know if I am a specific type,I do have unwanted intrusive thoughts,but rarely. But I have rituals, doing things in a certain way, putting stuff in a certain order, checking etc it is very tiring,but I refuse giving up.
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- Date posted
- 22w ago
I feel like no one cares about me... Im struggling in college and it just feels like I cant catch a break... Ive made bad choices that make me a bad person... I have to be uncertain about worst case POCD scenarios that may or may not have happened unknowingly... I genuinely dont feel like any one cares about me... and if I pass away, ill be laughed at and forgotten by everyone... Im alone with no gf, barely any friends, and I cant even be certain that my POCD fears of unknowingly cybering with a minor did or didnt happen... im stuck in hell...
- Date posted
- 9w ago
Hi I kept seeing this app on repeat on TikTok over and over and I thought I give it a shot. I have never been diagnosed with OCD but I know that I have it. I’m a young adult and I found out the first time I had OCD was watching lelelons truth video? I was 14 at the time She had to resist sitting back down in a chair after her having sat down she started having a mental break down when she was told to resist. That’s when I knew. It started with myself going up and down a staircase twice buckling unbuckling my seat belt everytime I’m in the car ect I have always been super anti social but trying my best I can socialize but my mind wants to make it sexual with family and friends ughhhh I hate it because that’s not me when I graduated thoughts of hurting my loved ones corrupted my mind I broke down outside of church one time asking if this was really me or not i question if I’m a good enough friend or person in this world to begin with thinking everyone is judging me so so close how can I make this situation better did I do something wrong I struggle with depression as well not to bad but it’s there I come from a loving family but broken as well i believe in god and my OCD makes me go often he’s not real that stuff isn’t real no one is there to save you the list goes on. Anyway I struggle a lot and I really hope that this will help me because I feel extremely hopeless. Lucky for me I do have the ability to seek therapy and I am excited. The only person I ever tell my thoughts to is God no other human has heard so I’m really really hoping this helps me out if your reading this thank you it means a lot because this is my first time ever admitting all this it’s a lot to take in I know and I hope you are ok and that you have a great night and know that we got this
- Date posted
- 8w ago
I’m feeling kind of sad cause today was not a really good day in terms of my ocd. I was feeling kind of foggy/numb and that send me to spiraling. I’m 21 years old currently studying but my family has been having trouble with money for the last couple years(we’re just me and my mom) and I kinda want to get a job but everything is far from my home and I wouldn’t be able to return back at night, also it’s either way more expensive to move or the schedule wouldn’t let me take my classes. The point is that because of that every time my mom is stress tends to treat me bad, she speaks to me like I’m stupid or she just screams to nothing cursing all life and everything and that actually makes me feel soo bad and guilty for not doing anything, I know it’s hard for me to get a job that actually helps us without quitting school but that doesn’t stop me from feeling like I’m a burden. I want to help, I want to maybe hug her or something but I know she will be angrier and probably will reject it. So that’s it, I just feel like she punishes me for the stress she’s carrying and I get it but one day is happy and it feels like all love and the next is treating me like that, Idk it’s hard (also I feel like I shouldn’t be saying this cause it’s all my fault) 🫤
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