- Username
- NaggingOCD
- Date posted
- 1y ago
how can i deal with what if thoughts, i do have a post up already but no one has commented 😣 struggling
how can i deal with what if thoughts, i do have a post up already but no one has commented 😣 struggling
Its in the past? Then it happened already. Regardless your not responsible for controllin everything ...let it be...its not worth your anxiety. Tell urself "what is meant to be will be" and I cannot control what happens in the world. It may OR may not ..what if? ..ok so what. You can go on and live your life ...you CAN👍 its just your obsessions goin playing you dont let that upset you. Its only thoughts not Real ..leave the thought at the door, let it go😊
No worry please, Honestly sometimes they cant see them all, lots of posts daily from different countries its alot on feed so not everyone will see your post to answer. Its not they dont read or care. I posted few days ago no reply then i saw several posts that came right after mine pushing mine ALL the way down on feed so no one saw it. People DO Care here....I CARE❤
Just wanted to say something that has helped me is just being sarcastic with those thoughts like “Yup you’re right sure I’m going crazy uh huh sureee “ like just laughing at it helps like acknowledge the thought but laugh at it poke fun at it it has helped me on top of the maybe, maybe not thought also
Yeah we pour our heart out and get one reply if that it’s actually quite sad how selfish people are,I am trying to deal with what if thoughts for the last year and am struggling really bad because people just say that you think to yourself “what if it does what if it doesn’t” but saying that to myself just makes me believe it will come true 😢
@I hate ocd!! i completely get where your coming from it's hard and i can't do maybe maybe not either as it's like i'm agreeing with it and i'm then meant to be no go meg forward without knowing that's scary for me, i do have a trigger warning on my post so maybe it's hard for people to look which i also i understand just wish some one could help me 😣
What if" thoughts are demon of OCD they always be there. They tell us to learn to accept the uncertainty of ..yes this may or may not happen then letting it BE. We cant control are thoughts we learn to accept them and not be controlled by anxiety. OCD lies it will ALWAYS tell us the worst will happen ...we know that's not true. It wants us to panic and stop. Keep goin! And let the thought pass you will feel better knowing ...ok whatever i let it GO!!👍🙂
@Stefanie280 my what if is based on a past event so what if certain thing was said it's like i can't move on without knowing
I am in the same place after feeling anxious after a real event there was no reason for me to feel anxious so I started going over the day in my mind and couldn’t find anything to be anxious about so my mind started throwing in intrusive thoughts to explain the anxiety now the feel like they happened but I know they didn’t
@sazMar i'm just so stuck it stops me enjoying my life there's always something
i’ve made posts in the past regarding the same struggles and i haven’t found any relief. school has started and im managing my grades well enough; but im miserable, suffocating on my thoughts day in and day out with no one to turn to and nothing to numb the pain. my ocd is been preventing me from sleeping and i cant stop the thoughts. i’ve been on medications and tried different types of therapies but i feel so stuck. time is just dragging me along for the ride but i cant stop thinking about everything bad that has ever happened to me. i cant stop the intrusive thoughts. my fingers are raw from the compulsions and i genuinely dont know what to do anymore. i have no one and nothing; does anyone have any advice to dig yourself out of quicksand? how to return to the person you used to be and leave all of the struggles behind? to even get over it all?
i made a similar post, but I didn’t really get helpful responses. also I’m not diagnosed and can’t get diagnosed , but the past two days I’ve been spiraling and I have constant anxiety. I feel contaminated and like I keep having actions replay in my head and I see images of terrible things and I just feel gross. also like I can’t do anything alone or else I’m afraid that I might end up doing something wrong. so then every action I do has to be in from of other people so I can make sure I didn’t do anything crazy. any time I’m alone and I go about my day later on I always get these thoughts and what I’m pretty sure is false event ocd and I’m stressing so much.
i would like some advice please and i didn't get any responses 😭.. apologies for reposting but just need some thoughts on this 🥲 //// after frustrations with erp not working, i intentionally brought up the intrusive mental images as well as sensations during an exposure in trying to practice desensitizing myself to them. but now im scared that me purposefully bringing on the images and especially the disturbing outward sensations means that i did something bad or acted on my thought since i took the action to purposefully create and bring the disturbing intrusive images and thoughts and feelings. now it feels like not just a fear but reality. and my anxiety levels are just too much. i'm just feeling terrible and would like some thoughts or support
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