- Date posted
- 1y ago
This is straight up unbearable. I’m so tired of this. I want to go back to having normal days normal nights where these thoughts didn’t invade my every waking moment. I want to spend time with my husband without feeling like I’m pulling the wool over his eyes. I’m not gay for goodness sake. I have no desire to be with a woman nor have sex. I have two beautiful kids and great marriage why is this happening. My mind has always done this but even with knowing this the doubt is still there. I can’t enjoy anything . Had a much looking forward three day weekend to spend it sleeping and ruminating and consistent anxiety. This isn’t fair. Mornings are the worst. I wake up fully assure that I’m a lesbian , I feel manly almost like the personality took over. I cry so much . I feel so bad . I’m trying the maybe I am maybe I’m not crap and to be honest that’s terrifying. Maybe I am do you know what that means if I am. I have to leave my wonderful life. My children will loose the normalcy they have. I’d have to embark on a lifestyle I don’t want (even thought my mind is saying I do) . This whole thing is unfair and confusing and I just want to sleep.