- Username
- Ella_ Rose
- Date posted
- 1y ago
Parenting goals
When you're Asian and your parents tell you that mental health doesn't exist and that it's just my lil teenage drama. Yeah, sure, okay. F U
When you're Asian and your parents tell you that mental health doesn't exist and that it's just my lil teenage drama. Yeah, sure, okay. F U
I had a military father who was abusive in many ways. For a year after my brother died when I was 7 (he was 8), my father pretended that my brother had never existed. I have two sons now 18 and 21 and I stress to them that mental health is as important as physical health. Sending you support.
I'm so sorry to hear about your brother.. it must've been so difficult on you.. I'm just glad your kids have such a supportive parent for them who's aware of how crucial mental health is. I can't imagine how difficult it must've been for you but I'm so glad you came out stronger and supportive for your kids!
@Ella_ Rose Looking back, I think my OCD was first triggered when I was 7. That was 48 years ago when no one discussed mental health. When I was in my 30’s my doctor sent me for therapy and my mother replied, “I don’t know why you need that…” I made the decision that if I had children, I would want them to know they were valued and supported, no matter what.
@Anonymous Sorry, that should’ve read my 20’s.
@Anonymous I'm glad you didn't hold yourself back but made open-minded decisions. I know how difficult making decisions and thinking straight can be sometimes with ocd. Everything just multiples.
Saaame!! Minus the Asian part, my parents are Russian lol
why are most parents like this smh
@Ella_ Rose I don’t know, it’s so sad because it took me almost 18 years to get proper help for my OCD when I could have been treated for it at an early age when I started playing signs
@Rage against the machine I'm sorry you had to wait for so long .. I hope things get better by every passing day. Hugs 🫂♡
@Ella_ Rose I hope this for you too! I hope your parents come around.. but also you are an adult who can make adult decisions now
A good start might be to have your therapist do a psycho-educational sessions with your therapist. This is quite common in many cultures. We all have blind spots or areas we can gain knowledge.
My dad is in medical field himself but refuses to accept I'm suffering from mental issues as he loves to think that I'm his strong daughter who doesn't need shit like medication and therapy.
I related to the parents part lol my pops be telling me to tell my mind to stop I’m like okay bruv
my dad tells me to stop being sad cuz theres so much happiness around and I tell him that why does aunt Liz have asthma, like there's so much air around. And then he just stares at me lmao
@Ella_ Rose I’m sorry this made me laugh 😭😭 it’s so true though, idk why some people think mental illness is a choice. Like if it’s so easy to get over then I wouldn’t be in this position to begin with.
@blazed Those people who think mental illness is a choice are the worst kind of people I swear smh And hey it's alright to laugh, my dad himself laughed when I first said that and then he acted like he didn't laugh at all .. like what? lmao
Me my parents say its witchcraft or they say you smoked something or drinked something omfg i never smoked or drinked something harmful to my health it's just life who fucked my life
I sooo relate to this.. they're always like 'you should pray more and use less phone cuz we can see how the devil has a control over your mind' Like man what? and then they say talk to us why you need a therapist? and then proceed to call medication a witchcraft lmao
I am sorry but this is funny!! I see your father is a person of faith. Well the Bible talks about the gift of counsel. maybe share this verse with him Proverbs 11:14 Where there is no guidance, a people falls, but in an abundance of counselors there is safety. I studied theology and psychology , my teachers were pastors with a PHD. Scripture speaks about the need of renewing our minds, which sounds like cognitive behavioral therapy. May I suggest working with a Christian Counselor that is trained in family therapy. It might take just a few sessions for your dad to get that many people of faith have benefited from working with mental health professionals .
Thank you for sharing this piece of information, I'll try my best to do what I can in my strength to get things straight. Tbh my father is a person of faith but is far from Bible teachings. Same goes for me though. I grew up in a strict Catholic family and here everyone has a strong faith in Lord. Whereas, I on the other hand feel so lost due to past traumas and things that happened recently in my life. I'm trying really hard to strengthen my faith again but I still struggle most of the time. Idk I feel like I've lost hope, let alone have any faith left in me at all.
I was also raised Catholic , so I can understand you . Have experienced traumas myself but trust me God is faithful and he is able to do what he does best which is transform human beings. God’s word says that you can do anything without him. If your faith is little right now that is okay. Tell him “ I need to grow my faith. “ God is not surprised by anything. Think about this you are texting a complete stranger with a training in Christian Counseling background. I also have a diagnosis of OCD. What are the odds ?? Jesus message is powerful, I am not saying because I read it or I was preached by someone. Seen lots of miracles in my life and others. You are very lucky to be part of a family that has faith, but people of faith are quite imperfect. So are all families. Why don’t you start by starting your day with 5 minutes of prayer. I like to meditate using an app called Abide. It calms me down and I learn about the word of God at the same time. Trusting God is able….
Thank you so much for your time and such a beautiful message♡ Lately, I feel like I'm getting signals from the Lord Himself, as if He's calling me towards Him. I don't know where to start or how to get things right but I'll start with what you suggested. I'm so overwhelmed with emotions sometimes that are related to my Faith but I just don't have a Christian friends to share all my doubts and struggles with... (my family don't understand why I'm struggling with my faith, so I don't really share with them) However, I'm going to give myself another chance this time. I just hope things work out right.
Wanted to share that if you are over 18 years old and have insurance you can hire a therapist. You don’t need your parents consent. The therapist and you can work together, you will be in charge of the services.
I'll check this out thanks once again!
I'm not even a teenager anymore, ma
I upgraded to adulthood last year
@Ella_ Rose - Adults, teenagers, even children can have mental health struggles. Denying mental health issues are real is outright nonsense. I'm sorry your parents don't let you feel validated about that
Instead I’m belittled and insulted when I don’t meet their standard. I know I can’t drive, I’m terrified and my OCD makes it even worse. But instead of being encouraged so I feel confident that bough to try it out, I get yelled and screamed at about how I’m a baby and not a real adult and that I need to face reality. Like it’s the worst parenting job ever, what the hell. Now I want to drive even less because I feel even less confident about myself. My dad yells at me because he sees my recluse tendencies and never stops to consider that maybe his belittling is why I never even try. Because I don’t even feel a single shred of hope in myself.
my parents don’t understand that a seemingly small and snide comment about my body will ruminate in my brain for months and months and be a never ending source of why i hate myself more and more everyday. I don’t know how to get them to understand as they are not in my shoes. I am overweight, not morbidly obese but I struggle to find the will to work out and improve myself, but i know this isn’t the motivation i need.
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