- User type
- OCD Conqueror
- Date posted
- 5y ago
@scarlettA hey, about the swimmingsuit i had fhat problem too. But u know what inrealized. N O one is looking at you, no one is giving u special attention to judge u. The beach or swimming pool is Full of people. They are all waay to busy doing their own thing. No one will sit still to go ahead and judge you like no one. Ur still the same as u were without the 10 pounds, your still you. It doesnt matter, really. Its a waste of time to worry about it. U will notice that if u go out with 10 pounds more nothingn is gonna be different as if u went wihtout the 10 pounds. Trust me your gonna be fine, dont let it ruin ur vacay:)
Yoo exactly me. Every vacatiom before ocd was aaamazing. Now im litteraly scared of it. Im very aware that i wont enjoy it and that inwill be anxious 24/7 and that it wont feel the same. Im litteraly frightened of what ts gonne be like. I miss being excited for vacation, i miss being genuinely excited for anything.
I'm scared of flying too ? oh god last time I flew I had the worst anxiety attack ever I was so ill. But my holiday is in the same country so I don't have to travel by plane but just the thought of being in a car for so long scares me. My harm ocd is always 100 times worse in a car. And as for gaining weight im sure you still look amazing! Be confident ❤️ I know it's easier said than done but learn to love yourself ❤️
And yes hocdgirl that is totally right! We often are too worried and concerned with what others are thinking but half the time people are so wrapped up in their own lives they don't pay much attention to others lol. Very good points there
I'm so sorry to hear that ? I don't drive my fears have stopped me learning to drive although deep down I'd love too! It's just when I'm in cars with other people I get the urge and feeling I'm going to punch them and then I get the urge to jump out of the car whilst it's moving ? chrissie hodges on YouTube says something similar to what you've just said about her getting thoughts she's gonna just drive into someone. Harm ocd is an awful thing to go through ? I'm told the thoughts become urges because of the anxiety which I'm only just figuring out. Thanks for your replys ❤️
We are all stronger than we realise ❤️ and we all deserve to be happy and enjoy our lives. ❤️ It's not easy when you have ocd but we all deserve it. Fuck ocd. ?❤️
Me rn literally
Oh damn I feel this ? I'm meant to be going on holiday with my dad. We are very close and I've gone on holiday with him for the last 3 years but this year due to having a bad episode ocd wise and also anxiety and depression I'm not sure I'll be able to go and I feel so guilty. Don't want to let him down ?
I'm trying to push myself to do little things and practice erp but this seems like a massive thing. Cars are a huge trigger for me latley and I know if I go on holiday I'll have to spend alot of time travelling in the car which scares me soo much ?
You're very welcome @scarlett.. We have to be nice to eachother and big eachother up! Omg really?! I'm not alone in that then. I Hate cars and avoid them all the time. That will be the last thing I do in exposing myself to fears as its the hardest and scariest thing! Can't remember what it's like to just get in a car and not have these urges. It's made me miss out on so much. I have a family dinner on Sunday which I am determined to go to but I won't travel by car with anyone I'm going to walk. But as long as I show up I'll feel like that's progress. I'll still be exposing myself to a situation that is going to make me anxious
Can anyone relate To being anxious to watch a movie or tv show out of fear of being triggered OR fear that your mind will latch onto to some weird idea you got from the movie and it will become a new obsession.. like for example… my hubby wanted to watch lord of the rings tonight. I’ve never seen it and for some reason I had the thought that I didn’t want to watch it bc what if it made me scared of creatures or some weird shit like that lol. Or like I’ll think about watching some Si fi show but then I have the thought “hmm better not in case it makes me believe in aliens or something”. I know how crazy this sounds but why do I think like this lol
So something that kinda pops up with my anxiety is about a year or so ago i ate an edible gummy after not doing anything for a while and i tripped out really bad… for example i thought i was gonna overdose and die, and that i was already dead.. that is the most fear i have felt in my entire life, and even though its over and has been over i have this constant fear in my mind “what if your still high and this is all a dream” or “your gonna wake up and it will still be that night” i never wanna feel that way again. i can’t even go around the smell of weed with out freaking out. i can’t take pills, or vitamin gummies because “what if it will make me high” when it comes to sleeping i wanna try this dr teals sleep blend but i struggle so much with it because of my mind saying “it will make you feel high”.. even when i feel tired i feel scared cause it reminds me of feeling high.. its just i feel so stuck with the same reaccrujng thought “this could be the time you wake up and it was all just a dream” “you could wake up from coma and this was all imagined” i don’t know what else to do, its my own mind no one can help me and that sucks i don’t know how to win the battle when it’s such a deep rooted fear. i feel like im pushing my family away. i feel so numb.
I am having a really hard time being home for the holidays. My intrusive thoughts are constant and loud. It sucks too, because my thoughts get triggered when I'm around one of my family members. I just want to distance myself, so I can stop the thoughts and feel like I'm not going to hurt anyone. I'm so distressed and depressed. What do you do to help calm your mind and remind yourself that you are a good person, despite what the thoughts say? I've already meditated, taken my Lexapro, and tried to remind myself that these thoughts want to attack the things I care about the most. Thanks. ❤️
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