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- NaggingOCD
- Date posted
- 1y ago
whenever i ruminate (a compulsion) i just tell my mind "so what if i was a bad person? i'm gonna do it again, watch me!" because that just completely modifies the way my brain views the situation. it minimises it. other times i ask myself "yeah, maybe i did?" or "maybe i didn't?" or thank my brain for reminding me of the memory "thank you for this, bye!" whenever i am triggered, i try to think about the situation, but do absolutely everything in my power not to engage in compulsions (whether they are physical or mental) i let the thought pass and become comfortable with being uncomfortable then get on to work on important things, on the present.
@ydyydy thankyou the thing is the past event wasn't even to do with me i just was there but i think i have false memeiry about a certain part and i've ended up believing in it for years so now it's become a really big "bad" thing and i'm struggling with it
@NaggingOCD i relate to you tremendously, for example i believe that i said something and made a bunch of accounts where i did dumb things at the ripe age of like 9... it's crazy, right? remember, you can think about what you did and learn to accept the uncertainty. you did it, maybe not, maybe you did. and leave the thought. do not, in any way shape or form, engage in compulsions. sending lots of love
@ydyydy it's so hard because i feel i just need to knoww in order to move on and live my life and know that my friend was not in danger from the past event 😣
@NaggingOCD hang in there! 💖 try out erp whenever you feel like that, it will surely help you
@ydyydy thankyou for your help
Whatever it is, work on forgiving yourself. We all make mistakes, we all do things we regret. You are not your worst mistake. And you are a different person then you were when that mistake was made.
@zortnorp it's not actually a mistake from me i was just there when my frind done a silly thing but i've carried it for years
i can 100% relate to this. it is tough. talk about it with your therapist. validate your thoughts, feelings and emotions in regard to the regret. separate those valid thoughts from the false OCD thoughts (i.e. you are a monster, you are evil, you don’t deserve foregiveness), accept that you are human, acknowledge what you have learned from the regret/experience and vow to use it to make you a better person, finally do whatever you can to right the wrong the best way you can. good luck. i struggle with this a lot as well. feel free to reach out for more insight if you need it.
@Anonymous thankyou how could i reach out for future reference
@NaggingOCD text me 407-761-4674. we can text then get on a call or facetime as times progress. i can help you
my name is Austin btw
Does anyone have any coping mechanisms for helping to relieve guilt from things I have done in my past that I don’t like that I did?
❌❌❌DO NOT READ IF YOURE YOUNGER ❌❌❌ —- — - I feel like a really bad person right now, I remember my past and I remember when I was 14, I sent actual inappro//priate pictures of myself to my partner and I regret it so much, i genuinely do, I thought it was okay because I was around adults that were inappropriate to me, and it was so normalized, I don’t know why, I feel like I’m gonna go to jail, this happened 2 years ago but I still feel afraid that I will be in jail for what I’ve done, I can’t stop worrying about this event and I just need help, please someone help, am I a bad person?
18+ I really feel that something I did was real and not ocd because I remember liking it and wanting it but afterwards feeling awful, I don’t know how to move on from this
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