- Username
- Chellie
- Date posted
- 5y ago
jup I was bullied and isolated as well in school and I 100% agree with you those things are probably correlated somehow
I'm very sorry you had to go through those bad experiences. Whatever you go through now, I know you can make it through just like you did during those days. I feel like a lot of us sufferers underestimate ourselves when we can do so much more than we think and that also goes for you! Much love and support from me Chichi ♡
love and support back to you as well✨
Definitely bullied and isolated by people in my school, and by my parents also. It's so hard for me to just be confident about anything really...
I'm very sorry to hear that. I know this is a strange suggestion, but what helped me regain confidence was martial arts. I was a couch potatoe before I did that but honestly it might have saved my life during those years. Sport can be really really good for your confidence as well as your brain in general. It's not a quick fix and will help you get better instantly, unless your symptoms are mild, but it can make quite the difference. I hope things get better for you, and I can tell that you are probably a sensitive, caring individual who underestimates how amazing they are. I know I am just one stranger on the internet, but I truly believe you can make it through this.
Not surprised at all - since OCD is all fears about being kicked out or ostracized by society. If you think about it , all themes lead tho this fear. And yes, me too - lots of bullying and religious manipulation.
I was not bullied, but very incredible shy... Maybe because of my parents divorce... But luckily at the that i didn't have ocd and playing well soccer let me not to be bullied and to be accepted
I'm not totally agree with you Fernando. Because for example in my case problems grew because the uncertainty from my parents divorce. At that time divorce was ostracized, but it doesn't mean that , if today divorce is acceptable, kids grow up happily... It doesn't mean that "male comune mezzo gaudio"... I don't know how to say in English, Google translate "common evil half joy". Can you understand what I mean?
What is your obsession, @ale74?
My ocd is about contamination....
Correct me if I am wrong but part of dealing with contamination fears is the fear that you will contaminate other people and you will be guilty of that, right?
No, my fear is just about that everything is dirty. It concerns just me. I have a feeling of guilt, but it depends if i don't do what is correct to do. Because my conscience tells me always what is correct, but i can't do always right thing. And this feeling, to do the right thing, doesn't concern about what people expect from me. It's absolutely sense of guilt. I don't know to explain... You should think that I'm old and that I'm from other country with a different background.
Where are you from? Italy?
Yes ?
È vero - ho già parlato con te, mi sa.
Sì, appena mi ero iscritto ?
Hi all, my ocd has been flaring up lately and I’m not sure why. I think it may be due to stress and anxiety involving school and the hurricanes (I live in Florida) anyways I keep having random intrusive thoughts involving my real event and a lot of false memories are popping up, they feel so real it’s like I can feel everything in them even though I haven’t actually felt them. It’s so weird, like sometimes I will watch a movie and be able to feel the texture of snow or a piece of clothing even though I’ve never felt it before. I have noticed when I get those “phantom” ? touch feelings that they cause a lot of false memory intrusive thoughts. I’ve also been having intrusive thoughts that because no one interacts with my posts on here that everyone hates me and knows about me and thinks I’m horrible and disgusting or that someone is talking about me behind my back and telling people to stay away from me and then I’m a horrible person. I hate OCD so much, I hate that I ruminate constantly on little things and mistakes I’ve made and things I can’t let go. I just hate it so much. Does anyone else struggle with these thoughts or even the “phantom feelings/touches” I’m not sure what to call them sometimes I also get them with certain foods or smells even if I hadn’t had them before or smelt them before. It’s so weird
I have a lot of thoughts about the universe, and they’re overwhelming—like being caught in a rip current, except it’s all inside my head. Most of the time, they’re about how small we are, how there really isn’t a “we” because our bodies aren’t truly ours—we’re just bacteria, cells, and microbes. The thoughts spiral, deeper and deeper, smaller and smaller, coiling until suddenly, I’m pulled under, drowning in a whirlpool. I’ve never felt like this before, and I’m convinced I’ve been faking it somehow. For the past few weeks, my OCD has been worse than it’s ever been in my 20 years of life. Or maybe I’m just more aware of it now. Has anyone else had their OCD suddenly get really bad? Does it ever end—if it even can? I’ve convinced myself that my intrusive thoughts aren’t actually intrusive, that my OCD is a choice, and that everything I do is intentional. As for compulsions, I don’t have the typical “If I don’t do ____ then ____ will happen” kind of thoughts. Instead, my brain simply commands, “Do ____,” and I always give in. It’s so loud in my head, and I can’t shake the feeling that I’m an imposter. Like I don’t belong here—like my presence on this app is an intrusion, invalidating everyone else’s struggles just by downloading it and daring to post. If anyone feels that way, if you think I’m intruding, I’m sorry. I only came here because I have no one to share my diagnosis with. Pouring my thoughts out, hoping someone might understand, feels less suffocating than journaling. Journaling is like letting a wound fester—each word burying the thoughts deeper, leaving them to decay in silence, for nobody to ever read but myself.
Trying not to seek reassurance, but rather connect the dots on my OCD and possible reasons as to why I am the way I am. I have severe OCD (or at least I hope I do) mainly surrounding POCD. I've had symptoms of OCD the majority of my life but this theme has come up more recently. When I was a kid, and i'm talking 6-7, I was first exposed to some really gross adult content online. It was introduced to me by a friend of mine around the same age of me. I saw some really disgusting things that a 6-7 year old should definitely not see. This was not a one time occurrence, as I had been exposed to taboo topics online years to come after that, such as the same friend introducing me to Omegle... And i'm sure you can imagine how that went, theres a lot of genuinely disgusting human beings on there. Coming back to the reason for making this post; is it possible to early exposure to this content could be one of the reasons I struggle with POCD? It genuinely scares me to death because you hear that real p*dos dealt with simular situations when they were kids, so thats kind of making me feel that this could be more than OCD, and I could be a genuinely bad person. My POCD feels so real, that at times i'm fully convinced its not OCD. Sometimes I can't even distinguish the feelings of attraction between a younger person and an older person, except for the feeling of anxiety and fear. Its really hard to explain without going into detail, but it just feels so real. Some feedback on this would be great, thank you all.
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