- Date posted
- 1y ago
It’s hard again
I had a good 2weeks and it was so nice not dealing w my ocd. It’s back and I’m ruminating. Any advice..?
I had a good 2weeks and it was so nice not dealing w my ocd. It’s back and I’m ruminating. Any advice..?
Hey, sorry you're struggling. I have found in my recovery journey that we really can't control when the doubts/uncertainty of our themes are going to pop up. I have found it helpful to not be surprised, have an attitude of "Oh, OK I'm noticing I'm having intrusive thoughts. That sucks, but I'm not going to engage with them even though I feel like I'm making a terrible mistake by ignoring them." I will do my best to take some deep breaths, remind myself of my values, then I go do some behavior that leads me towards my values. I was triggered this morning, I felt the "whoosh" of anxiety. It felt terrible, but I decided I would follow my values, offer support on here, do some work, and now I'm headed to the gym. It doesn't feel great, I feel like I may be making a mistake, but I am willing to take the risk to get over OCD and get my life back. Wishing you all the best.
Let it wreak havoc. See the thoughts as thoughts, because that’s all they are. Try not to give in to a compulsion that will make that thought go away for a little bit. Let it happen.
@Charlie10 Thank you
I was having a really good day at work and then all of a sudden, I realize that my harm OCD wasn’t there and then that reminded my brain to think about all these horrible things. I’ve been having really bad intrusive thoughts about wanting to hurt people or the fear of doing these things and I caught myself ruminating on things like oh well did this movie make me feel uncomfortable so I can reassure myself that I don’t wanna do these things and it’s just that fear like that I’m gonna wanna do it and it’s not even people that I’m close to. It’s literally anyone it could be like a random stranger thing about these things cause I know that’s a compulsion. So I thought I would put a message out to see if anyone could relate or has any advice.
Was wondering if anyone liked to share how they deal with Severe rumination and anxiety , as I’m always looking to Add to my tool box . Thanks 🙏
I’m having a big OCD relapse and would like to hear anyone’s tips on how to be present and healthily deal with these intrusive thoughts and the “need” to preform compulsions. Thank you!!
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