- Date posted
- 1y ago
Harm OCD tricks
Anyone feel like you are meant to hurt/murder? Like your true identity is the bad guy and you're just struggling to keep him under wraps?
Anyone feel like you are meant to hurt/murder? Like your true identity is the bad guy and you're just struggling to keep him under wraps?
That's the definition of Harm OCD. We must learn to get comfortable with the unknown and let the thoughts pass rather then trying to convince ourselves that it's not who we are. OCD wants you to ruminate on the topic rather then it just being a fleeting thought. Then the thought gets reinforced and OCD will continue to make you question it. We are here for you. You are a beautiful being. One Day At A Time
@kw670 May I ask is there something about yourself you do not like to possibly want you to act out violently? It also makes me think about that being a dominant trait to possibly protect yourself? I’m sorry, I’m just thinking out loud. I am truly sorry you are burdened with these thoughts. I hope this outlet helps you find some peace.
@AverageJane - Personally I believe harm ocd is rooted in suppressed anger..I'd like to believe it's all a brain malfunction, but I believe in my case it has to do with anger.
@AverageJane Nope! It's just OCD tring to convince me that I'm capable of that, due to family history, but I know otherwise. It's just that during flareups the thoughts are more frequent and intense. One Day At A Time!
@JamesMY That’s a very good idea. Suppressing could lead to unhealthy thoughts. Thank you for sharing with me.
@kw670 That’s right - one day at a time! I have a pretty rough family history and I will say with raising my kids I broke that cycle of many things. But my OCD intrusive thoughts worrying about my kids didn’t help 🫠😂❤️
YES which is so hard!! It makes me feel like I’m a monster underneath a mask of kindness, and really messes with my sense self worth. Honestly my ERP helped me a lot with it though, although it does still sometimes come back and try to pull these tricks again.
Yes I am feeling this same way right now. Like I'm just keeping myself from doing it. Like I used to be terrified about these thoughts and now I feel like I'm not afraid of them and maybe I'm my identity is being an evil murderer. It really sucks because I loved who I was before 😢
I was having a really good day at work and then all of a sudden, I realize that my harm OCD wasn’t there and then that reminded my brain to think about all these horrible things. I’ve been having really bad intrusive thoughts about wanting to hurt people or the fear of doing these things and I caught myself ruminating on things like oh well did this movie make me feel uncomfortable so I can reassure myself that I don’t wanna do these things and it’s just that fear like that I’m gonna wanna do it and it’s not even people that I’m close to. It’s literally anyone it could be like a random stranger thing about these things cause I know that’s a compulsion. So I thought I would put a message out to see if anyone could relate or has any advice.
I am really struggling with harm ocd. ( The fear of hurting others) My ocd is very tough to combat at the minute. I feel like i’m having intrusive thoughts every minute of every single day. Except from when Im distracted. I feel guilty and foul for the thoughts. I have this strong intrusive feeling that feels impulsive, as if i’m about to act on a thought. It almost feels like I want to. But I really don’t and i’m so scared this isn’t normal. I keep thinking. “What if this isn’t OCD” “What if i did that” and it’s really worrying me as it feels relentless and as if I’m about to do it. In my head chest wrists. I feel tired of this. I don’t know much about compulsions etc but i find myself - Asking my bf if he gets intrusive thoughts like me. Asking him if he actually does and asking repeatedly. - I ask him over and over again and check if he definitely does. - I will literally try to fight the thoughts by kind of saying “ as if i’m not that type of person” Then saying everything will be okay to myself. Please can someone tell me if this is normal. Yes I may be looking for reassurance but i need to know if it is, Im scared, i’m crying. Please tell me if you’ve had this feeling of as if you’re about to do it!
HARM OCD VENT. I feel Terrified. I am so scared that I am going to act on a terrible harm ocd intrusive thought on someone else. The idea, the sensations the urges terrify me because it feels so scarily real. I feel like im a horrible person - a danger and i’m so guilty for having intrusive thoughts. I hate knives, I avoid looking at them in real life, in the kitchen as i’m so terrified that i will do sone thing terrible. I get excited when my boyfriend cones round as i always think he knows about my thoughts so at least he would restrain me if i were to do anything bad. I just feel so scared so guilty. I have this horrible sensation of urge running through my body- currently im on the verge of tears- i feel lost. My ocd has even latched onto pumpkin carving - scared i will do something bad. Now my OCD is just being like “ maybe your avoiding is all fake and your trying to cover your a bad person” “ what if u actually want to “. “ I want to “ “ You arnt actually trying to hard from harmful objects “ its TERRIFYING. please may someone reply - I’m terrified right now its like an intrusive FEELING is in my body. Sorry guys. I NEED reassurance at this point, I don’t know what to do.
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