- Username
- Ihateocd83
- Date posted
- 1y ago
I feel like I want these thoughts and want to be with the same sex. Its just banging away 24/7. Its so difficult because I remember when girls were everything to me
i feel this too
I've had this for so long. But this time feels like the final straw and no turning back.
I’m deep diving the DBT strategy of radical acceptance. It’s basically allowing thoughts to come through and present themselves but using some mantras or tapping to let them flow through your body.I’m an empath on top of OCD so I have to constantly be self aware of asking . Is this me I’m feeling or am I absorbing others energies.
Thanks so much 🙏 😊
Thanks so much. I downloaded on playstore but you have to pay
I don't post on here too often, but I'm kind of at a loss as to what to do. I struggle with sexual intrusive thoughts/scrupulosity as many of you do. Sexuality has always been difficult for me, as since I was a child, I would repress or try to reverse sexual thoughts because I viewed them as impure and worried that God would think I am sinful. This certainly stretches into my adult life. I'm very active in my church, and faith is quite important to me. However, I will spend hours feeling shame over sexual thoughts and feelings, and still consistently repress desires/urges, although it has gotten a little better. The difficult part is, it seems that when I repress the feelings and thoughts, they come back even stronger. I was addicted to pornography for 6 years, and I am happy to say I am 2 years clean. It was very difficult to quit, especially having OCD, but it wasn't impossible, and through good habits and faith I was able to overcome that challenge. However, I have continued to struggle off and on with another sexual compulsive habit, and it is really wearing on me and I want to change. It feels like a catch 22; when I try to repress the thoughts/feelings, they come back even worse and I end up giving in to the compulsion. But when I allow myself to have the thoughts and feelings, I become overwhelmed with temptation and give in as well. I'm just at a loss :( If anyone has any tips, advice, or things that have helped you be successful, I would love to hear them.
My ocd makes me question everything. I don’t get it. what makes it want to attach to certain things? I don’t obsess over wether or not I like blue because it’s true I do like blue but other things like that, things that should be so simple for me to know is true ocd tries to take and make me second guess it. Even if I know for a logical fact that this thing is true or isn’t true. OCD will work so hard to try and convince me I’m wrongand even though I know I’m not wrong it eventually works and ends up convincing me I’m wrong and I spiral. Is this just part of the pattern how do I learn not to argue with my ocd cause that’s the problem. I try to test my ocd and argue with it but for every answer I have it has an answer to combat mine until it has me convinced I’m wrong about what I 100% know I’m not wrong about. It never stops even with things I thought I settled it like it has unlimited ways to prove to me that I’m wrong. It’s insane it makes me feel crazy. Sometimes I don’t even realize im performing a compulsion or I’m arguing with my ocd or testing it until it’s too late. It’s sneaky like that. Is this just a normal part of the cycle of OCD?
Anyone else will just be doing anything normal and I’m gay comes in? It’s so distressing and I try and say ok sure ocd but the anxiety over takes me and my mind won’t let me believe I’m straight when I am. I love men I’m Not attracted to women but when I ask myself the doubt is for sure there which sounds like Casebook ocd. I’m just sick of this I don’t want to have to laugh at things in my head that don’t make any sense it’s so hard and unfair
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