- Date posted
- 5y ago
- User type
- OCD Conqueror
- Date posted
- 5y ago
I'm not a doctor, nurse or therapist but it definitely sounds like OCD to me. I have been diagnosed and I'm going through the same thing right now. It's absolutely terrifying and it takes over your entire life. Please don't be afraid to tell a therapist! They've heard all of this and more before. Please see a therapist as soon as you can. Even talking about it will help. I'm here for you if I can help!
- User type
- OCD Conqueror
- Date posted
- 5y ago
I’m not a therapist , but what you’re describing is completely consistent with OCD. It’s great that you plan to go to a therapist , that shows that you recognize that this isn’t fair to you and that you deserve to have a life devoid of this constant stress , and even more , that you realize something is going on here. You say that you think you lack a moral compass and I actually disagree completely. If you didn’t have a moral compass , you wouldn’t be feeling guilt right now and you wouldn’t be ruminating about the past ! That’s the opposite of missing a moral compass. You clearly have morals and care very much about the kind of person you are , more so than the average person. While it’s great to care about the person you are , it’s fine not to worry about what you’ve said and done in the past. We all say things we aren’t proud of from time to time , and some amazing people have said and done some horrible things. And many amazing people have very likely had horrible thoughts too , just like anyone. Bad people don’t usually worry about the effects of what they say are on others , they worry about how what they said will impact them. That’s clearly not the case here
- Date posted
- 5y ago
I’m not qualified but I know that the key for having a diagnosis is that whatever it is has to really interfere with your life. You’re usually so anxious about —— that you constantly think about it. I suggest reading a book called break free from ocd, it’s really good. It also has an OCI which is a kind of diagnosis professionals give to you. Can you message over here?? Bc I could send a pic over if you would like :)
- Date posted
- 5y ago
Thank you for your insights! And yes, I would appreciate you sending the pic!
- Date posted
- 5y ago
I’m happy to but I have no clue how?? Can you somehow private message on here, I’m kinda new to the app
- Date posted
- 5y ago
To be honest, I don’t know if there is a private messaging feature here! At least I couldn’t find one!
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- Date posted
- 23w ago
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- Date posted
- 23w ago
im not diagnosed, but these past two days have been terrible. i constantly have this underlying feeling that i might do something that i think is gross and i feel like i can’t do anything on my own because otherwise i might do something wrong. like i feel like i constantly have to be in front of people so that i can make sure of my every action. this is so exhausting and I’m so confused. and like i keep getting terrible images and stuff replaying in my head. i also try to recall what happened but i feel like i have false event too. i used to have religious ocd and that eventually stopped completely, but now it feels like all my work getting over that was pointless. also like i feel like i might have contamination ocd but not the typical germ type. I just get terrible images and I can’t remember if those images are true or not even though they’re impossible and i feel terrible. I don’t know if i could ever get over this because even the thought of it is terrible.
- Date posted
- 19w ago
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