- Username
- Kygozilox
- Date posted
- 1y ago
Very sad/cry feelings comes with suicidal ocd??
Is this normal??? I can’t handle it… makes me so sad i want to cry.. and then i definetly feel my sucidal thoughts are true??
Is this normal??? I can’t handle it… makes me so sad i want to cry.. and then i definetly feel my sucidal thoughts are true??
I also have socd and I understand. It's extremely debilitating. It's important to understand that these thoughts are not real threats to us. The fact we are mortified by our thoughts is proof of this. We are not in any more danger than anyone else with ocd is. Ocd feels so real and that's why it's hard.
@AshTilly We are not in danger at all?? Are we? Ocd thoughts comes because we are afraid of them.., But why do i feel so sad/crying..
Hi there, sorry to hear you're struggling with this. It's hard to say too much based off of your post (if you aren't already speaking to a therapist, especially one trained in ERP, I highly suggest you do), but I can say from experience that there were many times that intrusive suicidal thoughts brought me to a tears, or a depressed state. Your body and mind are going through a lot with all of this stuff. You're constantly battling thoughts that have to do with your own mortality. It's no surprise that sadness will arise out of that. I want to focus on one thing in your post, and that's the question of whether or not the suicidal thoughts are "true." People seem to have this idea that thoughts are either true or false, or that they are "real" or "not real." Thoughts are thoughts. Nothing more, nothing less. They are information and patterns that arise in the brain based on past experiences. They say nothing about your future or yourself. I understand that might sound ridiculous, but it's something that you learn over time the more you come to understand anxiety and OCD. As for your specific case, again I'm not a trained therapist and don't know anything about you or your full situation, other than what you wrote here. Based on what you wrote, you seem fearful and uncertain about these thoughts you are having. To me, that's a clear indication that they are INTRUSIVE thoughts, and are something to work through with something like ERP training. When people really want to end their lives, there is no anxiety or uncertainty about whether or not their thoughts are "true," and they often don't talk about it with other people, as that would only serve to interfere with their plans. The fact that you are talking about it AND so clearly concerned about it, indicates otherwise.
*PLEASE READ* I’ve been struggling with bad harm intrusive thoughts for a couple years now. They’ll go away for a couple of months then get triggered by something and start all over again. As much as I try to tell myself that I would never act on these thoughts I have a memory from when I was little that I was going to hurt my parents in their sleep and that memory has haunted me till now. Of course I didn’t hurt them but I thought it and I feel so guilty about it today that it makes me sick to my stomach. I love my parents so much and would never want to hurt them or anybody. I just want these thoughts to go away because they don’t line up with my values of who I am. But every time I tell myself that my thoughts are not facts that memory pops up making me feel like an awful person. I feel right now as if I don’t deserve any love from anyone because of these thoughts. I’m a believer of God and I feel as if I don’t deserve his love as well and that he has given up on me. These thoughts have also turned into a new theme of being scared I’m actually crazy and going into a psychosis. I’m just so scared and just want to be normal. As much as I tell myself ocd lies to you these thoughts have really scared me and I haven’t felt like myself in days. I’ve also struggled with health anxiety and intrusive suicidal thoughts. I know seeking reassurance isn’t good but I’m so scared.
How can I tell the difference between suicidal ocd and suicidal thoughts?
can someone with this theme help me i’m so scared and i can’t stop having panic attacks is this OCD??? So i always have struggled most with sucicidal ocd and harm ocd. i never really had any other themes. but recently ive struggled with SOOCD. My whole life i have never EVER been into girls ever and i could never even think of ever being with a girl in my entire life. i’m having extreme amounts of anxiety and i have compulsions to make sure i look at a girl and don’t feel anything towards them or anything. My mind is literally going “what if your just in denial” or “what if you’ve just been hiding it all these years” When i know i haven’t. i have all of the symptoms of SOOCD and i still know that im not gay,but these thoughts are extremely distressing and have been the worse to deal with. I’m constantly panicking and doing compulsions to get these thoughts to leave and they won’t. i’m scared and these thoughts are making my mind scared. What if i’m going against my morals and i’m lying to myself like and i just went through a tough breakup too so that is shooting these thoughts and anxiety. Please help omg!!!
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