- Username
- Kygozilox
- Date posted
- 51w ago
Very sad/cry feelings comes with suicidal ocd??
Is this normal??? I can’t handle it… makes me so sad i want to cry.. and then i definetly feel my sucidal thoughts are true??
Is this normal??? I can’t handle it… makes me so sad i want to cry.. and then i definetly feel my sucidal thoughts are true??
I also have socd and I understand. It's extremely debilitating. It's important to understand that these thoughts are not real threats to us. The fact we are mortified by our thoughts is proof of this. We are not in any more danger than anyone else with ocd is. Ocd feels so real and that's why it's hard.
@AshTilly We are not in danger at all?? Are we? Ocd thoughts comes because we are afraid of them.., But why do i feel so sad/crying..
Hi there, sorry to hear you're struggling with this. It's hard to say too much based off of your post (if you aren't already speaking to a therapist, especially one trained in ERP, I highly suggest you do), but I can say from experience that there were many times that intrusive suicidal thoughts brought me to a tears, or a depressed state. Your body and mind are going through a lot with all of this stuff. You're constantly battling thoughts that have to do with your own mortality. It's no surprise that sadness will arise out of that. I want to focus on one thing in your post, and that's the question of whether or not the suicidal thoughts are "true." People seem to have this idea that thoughts are either true or false, or that they are "real" or "not real." Thoughts are thoughts. Nothing more, nothing less. They are information and patterns that arise in the brain based on past experiences. They say nothing about your future or yourself. I understand that might sound ridiculous, but it's something that you learn over time the more you come to understand anxiety and OCD. As for your specific case, again I'm not a trained therapist and don't know anything about you or your full situation, other than what you wrote here. Based on what you wrote, you seem fearful and uncertain about these thoughts you are having. To me, that's a clear indication that they are INTRUSIVE thoughts, and are something to work through with something like ERP training. When people really want to end their lives, there is no anxiety or uncertainty about whether or not their thoughts are "true," and they often don't talk about it with other people, as that would only serve to interfere with their plans. The fact that you are talking about it AND so clearly concerned about it, indicates otherwise.
I have suicidal ocd and fear of depression. Lately I have really been trying to accept these thoughts and they are terrifying. Is this what OCD recovery feels like. Does the panic and fear and feeling like out of control go up when you’re trying to accept something so hard.? Anyone else like this? Do you feel out of control when acknowledging your feelings. Like the past two days I have really been thinking on my feelings and talking them in my brain but my panic is so out of control and my stomach hurts and I feel shaky and scared of my self. Anyone else!?!!
Hey everyone, looking for advice! Or just to talk about this.. I have suicidal ocd and have for awhile. I go to therapy for it. I am just scared that I am depressed and actually thinking about suicide as an option. I don’t want to be thinking about that. Sometimes the thoughts feel quieter so it tricks me. Anyone else deal with this? I get thoughts like “you don’t care about life, you don’t want to be here” blah blah. It feels like it’s trying to make me think I’m depressed.
This theme always hits me the worst. It causes the most anxiety and panic. And when i’m finally doing good again it all spirals back. my panic attacks are unreal again. sometimes i get so bad my Xanax won’t even stop the anxiety. These thoughts scare the living shit out of me and cause me to have terrible depression. Recently they have been back. What if this what if that, and sometimes they aren’t even what ifs, it’s more like a demand and they terrifies me. I’ve once again gave into my compulsions and put anything and everything that cause me anxiety into my kitchen so i can feel safe. This theme scares me because it makes me feel like i want to do it or i am going to do it when i don’t. These thoughts consume me. They even say “well do you wanna live like this what if it is the easier way out”. I don’t want to hurt myself and i’m truly a happy person i’m just not understanding these thoughts and why they cause me this much pain. I’m tired if the constant panic attacks and freaking out because of it. My mind goes “what if you have ideation and not OCD”when i clearly have been diagnosed with it. I just need tips and advice i don’t want to live like this forever i’m only 17.
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