UPDATED VERSION, MAYBE SAVE THIS TO RE READ. TRIGGER WARNING. This is a list of all the OCD'S I can think of. Please feel free to add to any in the comment section below. I don't go through each compulsion to get rid of the thoughts, but I go through most of the obsessions. I hope this one day helps at least one person, to know that they are not a weirdo.
OCD is a recurring thought (obsession), that you try to prevent, or get rid of the anxiety about (compulsion), e.g, checking your mind to make sure you didn’t do a criminal act, or checking everyone is okay to make sure you didn’t kill, assault, offend, or hurt them, or checking they are okay with you so you know you didn’t cause them to doubt how lovely you deep down know you are, because of how strange you acted when certain things were brought up in conversation. Checking your body for any sexual feelings about intrusive thoughts you wish you didn’t have because you can’t get rid of them. All of these thoughts make you doubt who you are, you get urges to do things which you know you wouldn’t ever want to do because for one, it’s disgusting, and horrendous, and for two, it would fuck your life up. OCD latches onto anything that could fuck your life up. Making you doubt who you are and question how much prevention you need to take.Even the kindest, yes, one of the kindest OCD thoughts, like “If I don’t tap the candle someone in my family is going to die and it will be all my fault”, can make you question how much control you actually have.
Pedophelia OCD - Worrying you are, will be, did something without knowing, convinced everyone/someone else is, or everyone thinks you are a pedophile, worrying everyone thinks you think they’re a pedophile. Can come with groinal response.
Crime OCD- Worrying you will, have or want to, or someone else will or has, or wants to, worrying everyone else thinks you have, committed any type of crime, worrying everyone thinks you think they’ve done a crime, e.g. pedophelia, stealing, cannibalism, murder, fraud, an affair, vandalism, rape etc. Can come with groinal response.
Animal OCD- worrying you will/have, want to, or worrying others will; have or wants to, worrying everyone thinks you have, killed, hurt or been sexual with an animal, worrying everyone thinks you think they’ve done something to an animal. Can come with groinal response.
Groinal response OCD: This is a sexual response you get to an intrusive thought. You can get aroused from it, because you’re worried you will so you do, and also the fact that it is a sexual thought and your brain sometimes treats any sexual things as just that. This doesn’t mean anything about you as a person. You can get it any time your intrusive thought is triggered. Sexual feeling is different than desire.
Harm OCD- Worried you will/have or want to or worried others will/have or want to, worrying others think you have, harmed someone else or yourself, worrying everyone thinks you think they’ve harmed someone.
Suicide OCD- Worried you’ll kill yourself when you don’t want to, worried everyone thinks you want to kill yourself, worrying everyone thinks you think they want to kill themselves.
Contamination OCD-Worried you will/have or want to, contaminate yourself or other people, worried others will/have or want to, contaminate themselves or other people, worried other people think you have contaminated yourself or other people, not just by things that could hold germs, but by things like poison, e.g worried you put bleach in foods unknowingly or have a false memory of it etc, worrying everyone thinks you think they’ve contaminated people.
Paranoia OCD- Paranoid that cameras are watching you in your own home etc. Acting a certain way when you feel watched. Scared that aliens are coming to get you, worrying you're in a parallel universe and that everyone knows you've came from a parallel universe, but you. Feeling like you can't trust anyone.
Fake OCD: Thinking you might not have OCD and you're just faking it.
Hoarding OCD: Hoarding things in case you need it in the future, stuff can date back from donkey's years ago.
Correct OCD: Feeling the need to make sure everything you say is correct. No mistakes. Also feeling the need to make sure what someone else says is correct. If someone swears on their life you tell them to take it back in case they aren't telling the truth because you don't want them to die.
Religious OCD- Worrying you have/ will/ want to, do something against your religion, worrying others have/will/wants to, do something against their religion, worrying everyone thinks you’ve done something against your religion, worrying everyone thinks you think they’ve done something against their religion. Can come with groinal response.
Possession OCD- Worried you will/have or want to, worried someone else will/has/wants to, get possessed, worried others think you’re possessed, worried others think you think they’re possessed. Can come with groinal response.
Straight OCD- Worried you will/have or want to, worried others will/have or want to, turn straight, worried others think you’re straight,worrying everyone thinks you think they’re straight. Can come with groinal response.
Trichotillomania OCD: Hair pulling OCD. Can involve counting the hairs you pull out. Feeling an intense compulsion to pull the hairs out and obsessively thinking about it.
Eating disorder (I think it's an OCD): Believing if you eat certain foods you'll get fat, believing you're fat when you're not. Dieting to the extreme etc. Or believing you're too skinny when you're not, and eating excessively to gain weight.
Appearance change OCD: Feeling the need to constantly change your appearance or be extremely focused on one imperfection etc. Thinking people will look at that one thing all the time etc.
Homosexual OCD- Worried you will/have or want to, worried others will/have or want to, turn gay, worried others think you’re gay, worrying everyone thinks you think they’re gay. Can come with groinal response.
Transgender OCD- Worried you will/have or want to, worried others will/have or want to, turn transgender, worried that others think you are transgender, worrying everyone thinks you think they’re transgender. Can come with groinal response.
Inscest OCD: Worried you will/have/want to, worried others will/have/want to, do Inscest. Worried people think you've done Inscest, worried people think you think they've done Inscest. Can come with groinal response.
Existential OCD- Worried you will/have/want/need to figure out the meaning of life, worried others will/have/want/need to figure out the meaning of life, worried people think you know the meaning of life, or you don’t know the meaning of life enough, worrying everyone thinks you think they know the meaning of life.
Health OCD- Worried you have many different illnesses, worried other people have many different illnesses, worried you or they will get many different illnesses, worried they think you have many different illnesses, worrying everyone thinks you think they have many different illnesses.
Social anxiety (I think it is OCD)- Worried you will go red, shake, faint, panic, etc, worried others will go red, shake, faint, panic, etc, worried that you or others will do anything inappropriate in a social setting, worried others think you’ve done something inappropriate in a social setting, worrying everyone thinks you think they’ve done something inappropriate in a social setting.
Relationship OCD- Worried you or your partner will stop loving each other, worried you or your partner have stopped loving each other, worried your partner thinks you don’t love them anymore, worrying everyone thinks you think they don’t love you anymore. Can come with groinal response about someone else.
Checking OCD- Worried you or other people, left,turned on,or endangered yourself and/or other people in some way, with machinery that are rarely but potentially hazardous, worried other people think you left,turned on,or endangered yourself and/or other people in some way, with machinery that are rarely but potentially hazardous on purpose, or you’ll be judged even if it was by accident, worried people think you think they left,turned on,or endangered yourself and/or other people in some way, with machinery that are rarely but potentially hazardous.
Cheating OCD- Worrying you will/have or want to, worried your partner will/has.wants to, cheat, worried your partner thinks you’ve cheated, worried your partner thinks you think they’ve cheated. Can come with groinal response.
Mind reading OCD- Worried everyone can/will/wants to, read your mind, worried you can/will/want to, read everyone’s mind, worrying everyone thinks you can read their mind, worrying everyone thinks you think they can read your mind or that you can read theirs.
Body Image OCD: Worried your body image is disfigured/ugly/smelly/abnormal, worried other’s bodies are disfigured/ugly/smelly/abnormal, worried everyone thinks your body is disfigured/ugly/smelly/abnormal, worried everyone thinks you think their body is disfigured/ugly/smelly/abnormal. Worried that you walk funny, talk funny, worried you feel physically weird and out of this world, an OCD detachment from reality, worried something is wrong with you. Worried that other people walk funny, talk funny, worried there is something wrong with them. Worried other people think you walk funny, talk funny, worried they think you look physically weird and out of this world.
Sleep OCD: Worried you don’t sleep enough or you sleep too much, worried you’ll never sleep again, worried other people sleep too much or not enough, worried they will never sleep again. Worried they worry you’ll never sleep again but they just aren’t telling you.
Death OCD: Worried you are going to die because of things like loss of concentration, not remembering things, brain fog, becoming slower etc.
Dead OCD: Worrying you are dead or other people are dead or everyone thinks you are dead, or everyone thinks you think they’re dead.
Word OCD- Words triggering embarrassment in case everyone thinks you’ve done something wrong within the concept that they are talking about.
Unconscious OCD- Worried you will act on your thoughts unconsciously or that someone else will act on their thoughts unconsciously. Worried everyone thinks you will act on your thoughts unconsciously, worrying everyone thinks you think they will act on their thoughts unconsciously.
Magical OCD- Thinking words or phrases or actions or people or things, hold great power to prevent or induce terrible events, worrying everyone thinks your words or phrases or actions or people or things, hold great power to prevent or induce terrible events, worrying everyone thinks you think your words or phrases or actions or people or things, hold great power to prevent or induce terrible events.
False memory OCD - Believing you remember you acting on one of your OCD’s listed above or down below, believing other people remember you acting on one of your OCD’s listed above or down below, worrying people think you’ve acted on one of your OCD’s listed above or down below, worried people think you think they’ve acted on one of the OCD’s listed above or down below, but you haven’t and somewhere in your brain you know that.
Typing OCD - Worrying you will, did, everyone thinks you did, or someone else did or will type one of your OCD’s online or write it down etc, worrying everyone thinks you think they typed one of your OCD’s online or wrote it down etc.
False confession OCD: Worried you’ll confess to something you haven’t done.
Speaking OCD: Worried you’ll speak out your intrusive thoughts.
Just right OCD - If I don’t do this, or others don’t do this, then something bad will happen, worried other people think you’ve made something bad happen, worried other people think you think they’ve made something bad happen.
Worrying you make people uncomfortable with how odd you seem when things trigger your checking or anxiety OCD (a few others have this but there is no name to it): worrying people think you make people uncomfortable with how odd you seem when things trigger your checking or anxiety.
THIS IS JUST SOME, OF THE ENDLESS OCD’S. There are so many more. Carry on us OCD lot, we’re so ill but hopefully there’ll be a cure soon. The worst possible things that could happen from doing some of these things (we won’t, I’m just saying this because the scarier the worst possible scenario, the more the intrusive thoughts keep popping up), is we would lose our family and friends and get sent to prison and the death penalty would come to England and we’d be put to death. But to be honest, actual prison is better than the prison that lives in our minds. And death is something that happens to us all eventually anyway.
It's OCD guys, stay strong!