- Date posted
- 30w ago
It feels so real it's been going on for a month now. I really don't think I love him. I don't feel In love and a lot of the time I'm scared I don't even want to love him again. I want it back I want my feelings back for him he's so perfect and he doesn't deserve this. How do I love him again. Everyone says that the way I act even when I'm deep in a spiral probe I love him but I just don't know. He's only been in my life for a year and it's gone way too fast. I miss how it was and what we were. Every time he's upset I get so scared he's gonna break up with me and then I feel better because I don't want to break up with him and I'm happy I know that. I just don't want to not love him. I'm so so scared. I think I'm js worrying about him going on holiday in q couple of weeks becauwe it's worse when he's not here. How do I love my perfect handsome boy again? I've loved him 5 years and we've been together for almost 1. It's gone too quick. I thought we would be forever. I really want it back and idk whats wrong with me. Help.