- Date posted
- 30w ago
Can someone please tell me, what I can expect from recovery? So I have to love with this shit feeling forever or is it really going to get better? What does recovery look like?
Can someone please tell me, what I can expect from recovery? So I have to love with this shit feeling forever or is it really going to get better? What does recovery look like?
I have been recovered for 4 years and I simply don’t care what OCD does. It’s funny to me—OCD is silly, a joke. I do not partake in compulsive behavior at all *because* I don’t care and that’s why I have very little intrusive thoughts/images/feelings. They will come up when I’m stressed out but I know not to interact. So yes you’re going to always have OCD but it’s wholly up you if you go down the OCD rabbit hole or not. I could start following the rabbit down the whole and start doing compulsions but… why would I do that? Compulsions make it worse and never better. I know that, therefore I never do it. I’ve been recovered from ALL my mental illnesses for 4 years and it took 6 years of intense therapy to get where I am.
For me Living with uncertainty of intrusive thoughts gets better along with no reassurance seeking also your feelings and emotions calm down so you can get on with day & sail through these storms more quickly when they arise it's tough going don't be to hard on yourself be kind to yourself every human being has good & bad days we are fallible no one is perfect stay strong ❤️
If you suffer from taboo themes, and deal with groinal responses… Do you feel they have disappeared? Do you still notice them? For myself, they have become so engrained/automatic , so while i do not get “anxious” by them anymore i still can clock them & it can feel discouraging … What are your experiences?
I've been bedridden with anxiety and haven't eaten much. I tried going on a walk and broke down halfway through to cry. It kind if helped my physical anxiety but hasn't helped my ocd much. ERP is so difficult. It just makes me exhausted and anxious and cry. And I don't even feel a little better afterwards, so what's the point? I get I'm supposed to build up resilience but when? when do I finally feel some reward? I'm suffering, I don't have the energy to fight these thoughts when all the thoughts I have are rumination or intrusive. Medications haven't worked for me either. Maybe I'm not going to get better. Happy new year to me.
6 months ago I had a severe panic attack and it’s changed my life. Scared of 99% of foods, can’t take meds out of fear, been hospitalized a few times cause of blood sugar drops and other health scares due to poor eating. I’m constantly scanning my body finding any little thing that’s uncomfortable and then fixate and panic over the smallest things. Whether be a smell I’m unfamiliar with, a weird sensation in my arm literally anything freaks me out….. who has had success with exposure or has dealt with similar issues. I feel like I’m unintentionally slowly killing myself but I’m too scared for meds and therapy doesn’t seem to make much of a dent right now. Please share some success stories I need hope.
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