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- 5y ago
I think they feel so real because your brain almost mimics the real feeling because you spend so much time focusing on it and thinking it , so your brain may be getting confused and thinks it’s who you are.
Hi ELO! I’m not a therapist or anything and I don’t know the science behind anything really at this point. But I can definitely affirm that they do feel very legitimate and it can be very confusing and unsettling. One thing a therapist told me once is that you can’t stop a bird from flying over a tree, but you can stop it from getting in and making a nest. That’s what intrusive thoughts can do, especially to people who struggle with OCD. Whereas a typically functioning mind might think something that the self finds repulsive and think “wow that was strange. Hm. Whatever” (bird flew over the tree) the OCD mind will think, “that was repulsive. I’m a monster. Am I being unfaithful? Do I WANT to be unfaithful? I don’t want to do that! What is wrong with me?” (Bird came in and built the nest) The best way that I currently know of to deal with intrusive thoughts is to accept them, acknowledge them, and let them keep on flying over that tree. The more you try to ignore them and suppress them, the worse they will probably become. I hope that helps at least a little.
Yes mine feel real too. Not a therapist either but have done a lot of reading about ocd, from my understanding The intrusive thoughts come from dumb/primitive parts of our brain that warn us of danger. Most everyone has intrusive thoughts but normal people can dismiss them as weird and random and not respond to them. I can vouch for this because I get intrusive thoughts about random stuff that is not my ocd themes and they are no upsetting at all... My brain just thinks well that was weird and moves on. The problem with ocd is not the thoughts but how we respond. We spend so much time trying to neutralize, banish the thoughts and it gives the thoughts more and more power over time. Through erp we can correct our behavior and responses, eventually that can lead to less troublesome thoughts.
exactly guys! I agree. I overthink everything. you know how professional sports players use concentrated focus to rehearse in their head what they are about to do and then they perform better? well it's like that for people with OCD except not beneficial.
All great info!
My biggest problem is fusing with the irrational thought then compulsing.
content warning: talks of explicit acts and fear of cheating or attraction to another person I had a dream yesterday about breaking up with my boyfriend and now I had a dream I cheated on him. They scared me but I've realized that they don't really mean anything. I only am freaking out again because while I was self pleasuring earlier, I was thinking of my partner and watching him until I had an intrusive thought someone I just saw in a tik tok and that got me there. im so scared because I didn't mean to let my mind slip and I really feel like I need to talk to my partner about this because i feel so guilty and I know something like this would hurt me if the situation was flipped so I don't know what to do. why did I like the thought so much to that point??? how do I convince myself I don't need to tell my partner even though the guilt is setting in and it feels so wrong? I feel ashamed and unfaithful and terrible I hate that this happened how I do know what to do what if it wasn't an intrusive thought and I enjoyed it even though I tried to change my thoughts?
Okay so i’ve had harmful thoughts about my boyfriend for some time now and i know that i don’t want to hurt him in any way but when i get an intrusive thought sometimes, it seems like im happy. i know that im not and when this happens i get so anxious and want to throw up because wtf i don’t want to hurt anyone. does anyone else experience this?
Around a month ago I got out of an almost 2 year relationship. In that time I met someone that I ended up developing a crush on and today we decided to start dating. Since earlier today, I’ve had a lot of intrusive thoughts about a variety of things, the two biggest being if I actually like this person and the if it’s too soon for me to be back in a relationship. I know I like this person and we have amazing chemistry I just want some advice on the situation.
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