Hi! OCD is so hard, and it can make us question literally everything about ourselves. Can I share a little bit or my story with you? I was officially diagnosed with OCD last year, and ooh my goodness it was SO. HARD. Over the couple months after that I went all in, tacked my fears, did ERP, and tried to follow everything my therapist said. I wanted immediate results, and even weeks with improvement still didn’t feel like enough. And then one day, before I knew it, it was. Things started getting better, my anxiety lowered, and I was able to recognize what was going on and be so incredibly kind to myself. Looking back on it now, I see that in every session, in every ERP or exposure, in every thought I was slowly changing. I was learning how to fight back and take control over my life. I was learning how to life my story. It is so easy to let OCD tell you you aren’t enough. I’ve been there, but I can with full confidence tell you it gets better. My life has changed and grown in ways I never even knew possible. It’s not perfect, but I’m okay with that, which is also amazing since I struggle with perfectionism.
So, as someone who has struggled, here are some of my biggest peices of advice, and hopefully you can find one that helps you 🫶 1) be compassionate to yourself. The work you are doing, the thoughts you are facing or struggling with are hard. Being kind to yourself and try to love yourself where you are. Go through self compassion exercises. There’s an incredible book by Kimberly Quinlan that helped me so much. 2) do something you love. Personally I am a huge Gilmore girls fan, so watching that during hard times has always helped me. And 3) like someone else recommended join an OCD support group! I’m pretty sure they are free! I was in the self compassion one and it helped so much. It honestly helps a lot to see so many amazing, beautiful, brave people being kind to themselves.
So take a deep breath, and know that you’ve got this. Everyone here at NOCD is here to help. I’ve been there, it’s hard, but the progress and growth that is coming your way is so worth it 🫶☀️