- Username
- TorturedSoul
- Date posted
- 4y ago
Do you think this incident caused your OCD to come out?
Hey so I just wanna let you know you’re not alone. My life just fell apart roughly about 4 months ago and it gets better. Long story short: my kind of ex (guy best friend and we liked eachother on and off for 2 years, were a thing for six months then ya) and my best friend got close and I hated it and was really hurt by him (he was awful to me when I was the kindest friend to him, until the end when I responded 10x worse) and we got into a huge fight. Tons of my “friends” from our church turned on me and stopped talking to me and talked bad about me but my school friends remained by my side and I also got my license taken away (another story). Not trying to sound bad but I had gone from this popular girl who went out everyday and never had free time to someone who rarely ever went out. I had lost my guy best friend / boyfriend whom I loved and he promised he wouldn’t leave, my friends, and my license and source of freedom. As well as my health. It wasn’t until a few weeks ago things finally started looking up. I’ve made tons of new friends at the church we go to and school; they’ve all tried to come back and I’ve outgrown them. I got my license back the other day. It was insanely hard though. It was some of the hardest months of my life. My ocd was horrendous, I cried at least once everyday. It’s still hard. Some days harder than others, I’ve cried a lot and apologized and tried to get my life back, but I’m alright with not having the life I had. Cause I’m happy. Just maybe think of it like this, sometimes we must go through the shittiest things to realize how great OURSELVES truly are and how awful some people we thought the world of are. We must learn lessons, sometimes the hard way. But you are incredibly strong and can get through this. I know what it like, you’re not alone.
I’m sorry to hear this. Would you like to talk about it?
And here is a fucked up nightmare , My class is in a bus then it comes close to me im running for the bus and then it leaves just as im a close ;(
The thing is im so sick right now im pretty much house bound so ,And the really sick thing is that i dont wanna really even get better so i deliberetly make myself more sick so i dont have to face up to life because i just got so much hate that im scared what i would do if i was healthy.I would probaply carry out some kind of revenge on someone that has treated me bad my mind is getting really sick lately.
Do you have harm OCD?
Yeah ,Pretty much
I understand and applaud your desire to not harm anyone but please try to get better.
So I know a lot of people search for the cause of OCD so to speak. And while no known direct cause is really scientifically stated and it just seems to be a huge puzzle right now (like the human brain in general honestly), I'd like to talk about where I think my OCD roots from. I'm unsure why I'm posting this, writing my thoughts off probably. I digress, I think for me it started actually after getting bullied/isolated at school. I don't hear people on this app talking about this a lot but I bet a lot of us have been bullied/ignored/isolated before. I've read in a study before that the odds of developing OCD after bullying is from what I can recall 10 times more likely (I think it was even more). It was a higher odds than with depression, which shocked me at first because everyone knows that bullying can onset and that it increases the chance for that depression. But then I gave it a thought. The bullying made me become more perfectionistic, making me feel like I couldn't do anything right, lose self confidence, doubt myself a lot, etc. Perfect recipe for OCD, it sounds like. If anyone's interested I'll post below what my experiences at school were, but honestly I am more interested if many of you guys also went through something similiar.
I don’t even know the wrong from the the right anymore I don’t even know how to talk to people without thinking that I offended them or spoke to them in a bad way I don’t even know what i became I don’t want what I became i just cry looking at my hands I cry looking at myself i feel pathetic I feel so desperate I was never this weak and now look at me not being able to control my own behaviors. What happened to the girl who always laughed and cared so much about herself the girl who loved nail polish and was so close to god in away no one imagined what happened to the girl who used to take full grades and be the smartest what happened to me. Isn’t it sad looking at myself with pity, helpless and full of doubt! I don’t deserve this. I know what’s I’m gonna say know sounds selfish but i do compare myself to others I wasn’t as bad as them so why me and not them! Why me !!... I’m loosing my mind I’m getting angry when I’m left alone I’m giving ocd the keys for the prison it made for me I’m letting it control me not that I want to but im not fighting back. Now im with no friends, with a family that doesn’t understand ocd, and a corrupted society that doesn’t value mental health. I’m so sad i feel like a baby rn but im actually so sad and lonely im conditioned now to believe that no one wants me, that im just a burden and need to be silent, not important and useless.... Idk even know what to say anymore
Ok sorry this is kinda a quick post just desperate for help. Any advice anyone who can provide some help or advice. I’m feeling pretty overwhelmed and suicidal at the moment so writing this isn’t easy, I’m struggling to find the words to describe how I’m feeling right now, so I’m just gonna lay it out as it is. Although I haven’t been formally diagnosed with ocd I have allot and I mean allot of the symptoms. My life and mental state is horrible and it’s hard. Ur I try and get get by with the good things in my life. Sorry I’m not here for a pity party or sob story. I know you all are better and have enough to worry about. Basically I had a friend who was 14 and I met when I was 17. We talked for a few months and while we where pretty chill out conversations sometimes involved more suggestive things. Talking as teenagers do. However as I was getting close to being 18 I knew I had to stop this out of morals and my own judgement. So I did. Or so I thought, I’m my opinion what i said here was wrong and my ocd if I even have it is telling me I’m a creep and some monster who deserves to die and suffer. Basically now I was at the time 18 we where playing Truth and dare. Classic party game for boring nights. And I asked what there best pickup line was. I responded to there’s with “aha that was funny” and moved on. I just feel the dare I said was sexual or inappropriate to ask them. And I feel horrible so horrible I can’t even begin to explain it. I feel hopeless and I’m slowly losing grip of myself. I don’t wanna seem like I’m begging or asking for reassurance but any semblance of hope would help. Or advice honestly I would be great full for both. Thank you for reading whoever you are and i hope ur day is going better than mine.
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