- Date posted
- 4y ago
- Date posted
- 4y ago
Can you try reacting the thoughts differently? Like when u get thoughts like cursing someone, except of reacting like oh what if i really did it... React like yea i did it and it was awesome... It feels weird at first but its normal.. u just need to learn your mind to dont react with fear! Stay strong things will get easyer
- Date posted
- 4y ago
Yeah I'd say this the idea of exposing oneself to face an OCD and that's what I do but sometimes it's still complicated for example I bought something to someone I care about and I was really happy to buy this because I'm sure she's gonna love it. But I, as usual when I make a gift to someone I care about, begin to think bad things while I was wearing the package. So I know I have to "wish" (not really whish but acting like I want to wish to expose myself) but then I'm like you know, like I cursed the gift while I was having bad thoughts touching it. Or not forcefully cursed but either cursed or dirty it. Then it's like I don't even wanna make the gift anymore. it's sad because at first the intention is really good.
- Date posted
- 4y ago
You are right.. it can be tricky i hope u get through this man i really do :)
- Date posted
- 4y ago
Hello. I also suffer from terrible pure o. I actually just spend 3 hours on the same pray over and over again. Once I'm in a spiral, there is no getting out till it feels right. Which can be hours of the compulsion. I only wonder what the rest of the day is going to be like if I'm already this way from 6 o'clock in the morning. I do think that things will get better I stay focused on my meds and reading books on OCD but it's very hard I understand what you're going through.
- Date posted
- 4y ago
Thanks for sharing, together stronger ?. Why do you do your prays ? Can you enter a little bit more in detail the way I did it or not ? Stay strong and don't forget your subconscious is talking to you but not with words. It's kinda sign language you know what I mean? You can "curse" people but that's not the real message. The real message from your subconscious can be "stop trying to control everything, feel this in order to understand one day or another you will have to let it go and accept that you can control everything. Have you already tried to let your bad thinks express themselves? That's why I would like you to deepen your message. It matters to me to have pics allies ?.
- Date posted
- 4y ago
pics = POCD ?
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- 24w ago
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- Date posted
- 23w ago
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- Date posted
- 20w ago
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