- Date posted
- 4y ago
- Date posted
- 4y ago
You really don’t want to go self diagnosing about other issues as it could be a new theme. OCD can cause so many symptoms, it can cause extreme guilt, extreme anxiety, no emotions at all, depersonalized, panic attacks, depression etc. anyone can go through moments where they feel on top of the world and then moments when they feel depressed and like they can’t do anything ESPECIALLY when battling OCD.
- Date posted
- 4y ago
I'm not seeking reassurance, this is just a question separate from anything I am currently obsessing over. I really just don't know if my sadness is a result of the shitty life I've built for myself (maybe partly due to OCD) or a sign I should go to a doctor.
- Date posted
- 4y ago
If anything, seeing a doctor is always the way to go when you’re questioning things like this. Also I wasn’t trying to reassure you, I was trying to open you up to the idea that OCD can cause a lot of symptoms that may mimick other illnesses. It’s quite common.
- Date posted
- 4y ago
Are you seeing an OCD specialist at all? I
- Date posted
- 4y ago
@charleejadeg No I know you weren't. Sorry, my wording is poor.
- Date posted
- 4y ago
@charleejadeg Nah haven't for years. Didn't seem to help as i would have periods of finally confronting things and end up back in the same spot eventually, so i kind of just accepted it.
- Date posted
- 4y ago
@charleejadeg I just kind of figured everyone was unhappy anyway so I should probably just shut up and deal with it. Others have it much worse.
- Date posted
- 4y ago
@jl455289 Well to be fair, recovery isn’t linear at all. I’ve been trying to recover for a year and a half and I’m FINALLY seeing progress. It took me to hit rock bottom to finally see that I need to start working on myself. I really suggest you goin back as I think if you open up more to recovery it will help.
- Date posted
- 4y ago
@charleejadeg Thanks for that.
- Date posted
- 4y ago
@jl455289 Sorry I kind of turned that around onto myself LOL. But I truly think it will help with the ups and downs you’ve been feeling. (Ps. Not everyone is unhappy:3 and even the unhappiest person feels happiness occasionally). The world is much more than a bunch of broken fools. I wish you the best!
- Date posted
- 4y ago
I have bipolar 2. That's a good question - I guess I don't! I went through a phase when I first got on meds and diagnosed that I really wanted to know exactly which of my diagnoses was causing how I was feeling. Now I sort of feel like it only really mattered when determining treatment - my meds plus ERP and mindfulness seem to work well for me - when I feel depressed, I feel depressed and I use the same strategies to feel better without trying to differentiate, if that makes sense :)
- Date posted
- 4y ago
It does. I'm trying to copy my question because i don't think i posted it as a reply to.you.
- Date posted
- 4y ago
Does BPD feel anything like fluctuating between thinking you're incredible and can accomplish anything and feeling worthless? Or is this something else?
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- Date posted
- 20w ago
I'm reaching out in hopes of finding others who might relate to my experiences or offer insights. I'm dealing with a complex interplay of OCD, depression, and existential anxiety, and I'm struggling to make sense of it all. Here's what I'm experiencing: I have OCD with various manifestations, along with episodes of depression. I find myself in a cyclical pattern where, after a few weeks, I start to remind myself about my depressive tendencies. This reminder seems to trigger a cycle that actually makes me feel more depressed or at least more aware of depressive symptoms. When this happens, I often experience feelings of nihilism and existential dread. I try to think about my family - my two young boys and my wife - to find motivation or a sense of purpose, but this strategy often backfires, making me feel even more anxious and depressed. I constantly check my feelings, wondering if they're depressive or anxious. At the same time, I fear that my feelings of anxiety and panic might spiral out of control. I think about my emotions and thoughts on a meta-level, which means I'm not just experiencing feelings, but I'm also constantly analyzing the fact that I'm experiencing them. There's an existential component to my struggles, a fear of depression and anxiety itself, and a sense that this might be a self-fulfilling prophecy. Perhaps most frustratingly, I often have feelings, thoughts, or sensory experiences that I can't explain or put into words. I feel like I've never heard of these before, which leaves me feeling deeply misunderstood. Does anyone else experience something similar? How do you cope with this complex web of symptoms and experiences? I'm particularly interested in hearing from those who've found ways to break the cycle of meta-cognition and self-fulfilling anxiety. Any insights, shared experiences, or strategies would be deeply appreciated. Thank you for your time and understanding.
- Date posted
- 19w ago
I went through ERP which helped a little but starting ICBT to hopefully help with rumination. I deal with suicidal ocd mainly which originally was a lot of specific harm thoughts and has now turned into “do I wanna do something” “am I depressed” and over analyzing everything that has to do with mental health. I’m on 20 of Prozac, have been for a couple months. My anxiety has almost went away but this week I’ve been concerned that I’m developing depression (for the first time ever), but I’m just not sure. I feel off. I feel “blah”. I’m worried that I’m not caring as much about things I did before. I’m ruminating a lot. Does anyone have any advice or insight? It’s really bothering me. I don’t want to freak out over this but want to prevent depression getting bad.
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