- Username
- jl455289
- Date posted
- 4y ago
You really don’t want to go self diagnosing about other issues as it could be a new theme. OCD can cause so many symptoms, it can cause extreme guilt, extreme anxiety, no emotions at all, depersonalized, panic attacks, depression etc. anyone can go through moments where they feel on top of the world and then moments when they feel depressed and like they can’t do anything ESPECIALLY when battling OCD.
I'm not seeking reassurance, this is just a question separate from anything I am currently obsessing over. I really just don't know if my sadness is a result of the shitty life I've built for myself (maybe partly due to OCD) or a sign I should go to a doctor.
If anything, seeing a doctor is always the way to go when you’re questioning things like this. Also I wasn’t trying to reassure you, I was trying to open you up to the idea that OCD can cause a lot of symptoms that may mimick other illnesses. It’s quite common.
Are you seeing an OCD specialist at all? I
@charleejadeg No I know you weren't. Sorry, my wording is poor.
@charleejadeg Nah haven't for years. Didn't seem to help as i would have periods of finally confronting things and end up back in the same spot eventually, so i kind of just accepted it.
@charleejadeg I just kind of figured everyone was unhappy anyway so I should probably just shut up and deal with it. Others have it much worse.
@jl455289 Well to be fair, recovery isn’t linear at all. I’ve been trying to recover for a year and a half and I’m FINALLY seeing progress. It took me to hit rock bottom to finally see that I need to start working on myself. I really suggest you goin back as I think if you open up more to recovery it will help.
@charleejadeg Thanks for that.
@jl455289 Sorry I kind of turned that around onto myself LOL. But I truly think it will help with the ups and downs you’ve been feeling. (Ps. Not everyone is unhappy:3 and even the unhappiest person feels happiness occasionally). The world is much more than a bunch of broken fools. I wish you the best!
I have bipolar 2. That's a good question - I guess I don't! I went through a phase when I first got on meds and diagnosed that I really wanted to know exactly which of my diagnoses was causing how I was feeling. Now I sort of feel like it only really mattered when determining treatment - my meds plus ERP and mindfulness seem to work well for me - when I feel depressed, I feel depressed and I use the same strategies to feel better without trying to differentiate, if that makes sense :)
It does. I'm trying to copy my question because i don't think i posted it as a reply to.you.
Does BPD feel anything like fluctuating between thinking you're incredible and can accomplish anything and feeling worthless? Or is this something else?
I have been to a handful of therapists in my life since 2019, some who were helpful and some who were not. I have been categorised my entire life as a “perfectionist” by my friends, have blood relatives who are diagnosed with OCD, among other things, and I’m just lost. The overlap of symptoms that I have with various other mental disorders is confusing me. Is there any definitive document I can refer myself to? Is my only hope to see an OCD specialist to find out? Does anyone have advice as to what to ask a CBT therapist? I’m in a financial bind, and just need some reliable resources and answers.
Hey everyone. Long post, but just want some advice. I’ve had suicidal ocd, with some relationship & existential on the side lol, for about a year and a half. My suicidal ocd is pretty severe. I did a small amount of erp for a month or two, but then took a break. Last week I started an IOP program. I also take 10 mg of Prozac, and have for about 5 weeks. The first week of IOP was great. This week I have went downhill and feel like my ‘old ocd self’ again meaning heavily ruminating and seeking reassurance. My exposure today was standing near train tracks. It made me sad, and scared. I didn’t want to do it. I keep ruminating. I am absolutely terrified I will not get better. I’m scared I will get depressed and think life is not worth it. Thoughts constantly run through my head. I want to be here so bad, but I’m scared I am going to give up. I constantly worry I won’t be “happy” long term and I won’t recover. Can anyone give me some hope? I am scared I’m a lost caus. Any recovery stories? I’ve never had depression and I’m feeling a bit worried about myself from feeling tired and sad. I don’t know many people with suicidal ocd- I just want to know I can recover. Thanks for reading!
How can I tell the difference between suicidal ocd and suicidal thoughts?
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