- Username
- Tomato8
- Date posted
- 3y ago
You can be loved. But if you’re not willing to love yourself by managing and working on yourself then yes it makes it more difficult. I asked my boyfriend almost everyday if he loved me, wanted to be with me, wanted to be married. And I wasn’t taking care of myself or my OCD and it eventually made him so depressed bc he felt so guilty anytime he left me bc I would spiral and I became so reliant on him. It’s so important to take responsibility for our actions even if it’s not something we are doing intentionally
And I say this from a place of love and understanding ! So please don’t be angry
Oops I mean by managing and working on your OCD
@Justmesadly I agree that you are responsible for needing to take care of yourself in your marriage so as to not drag down your husband or yourself, but also keep in mind you deserve a partner who understands these tough times and can support you through these episodes because with ocd sometimes they’re impossible to avoid. If he’s telling you horrible things and you feel manipulated by these words and actions , don’t solely blame yourself
@Pinklotus Yes 100% he should be understanding. But if you aren’t putting in the work to get better it’s a bad look. I wasn’t saying to blame yourself at all. I’m just saying you have to do both. Put in work and have the support
@Justmesadly No of course ! I was just adding to your point :)
Thank you. I should mention that I've been taking an herbal supplement which has helped and I have improved over the last few months. I've taken responsibility for my part in it. I just want him to meet me half way.
So you’re asking less questions? Bc asking the questions is seeking reassurance which you need to not do in order to get better.
But that’s a great start! Erp will help a lot, as well as therapy
Sorry one more thing, yes he needs to meet you halfway so together you should come up with a plan? I told my boyfriend so every time I’d ask questions he’d be like I’m not answering that it’s your anxiety talking. If he can’t meet half way then you don’t want to be with a person like that anways bc you deserve love and support
Yes I've been able to process through some of the questions I have on my own. This is why it's so hurtful that he can't be more understanding if I have a bad day once in awhile
What’s the herb that’s helped you?
I think its wrong of your husband to express he wants a divorce if he doesn't actually mean he wants a divorce. I'm young, 22, but right now I'm in a relationship 1 yr 8 months where I ask do you love me i think everyday and they always say yes they love me ofcourse I love you. I'm always saying I love you so I can hear it back And I'll get to hear "I'll never leave you" without me asking for it sometimes and thats really been a life changer in my life. When I wake up in the morning there's days im cuddled and waking up to them telling me that they love me so much and that I make them happy. there's only been a few times where my compulsiveness was really aggressive and making it sound like I'm not getting enough affection which has lead him to gently state that I was making him feel like he wasn't doing enough and he doesn't think that's fair . For some people, reassurance isn't tiring. For some, it is. Is your love language words of affirmation? Does he compliment you? A healthy partner is a good thing when you're not healthy yourself because your mood swings don't impact them as much because they're able to separate your moods from reality? Does that make sense? I'd hate to advise divorce, I don't know your situation and I want you to be happy. Maybe both of you having counseling would be good so there can be a understanding of what you guys are going through. You're not a failure, insecurity is a few traits out of a thousand great traits you have and that is recognizable. For now, try to distract yourself when you feel compulsed to ask questions with a good TV show or movie. When I feel such a strong urge to ask too much or express distress that I don't think is warranted, I just go and lay next to my partner and cuddle until it can pass if able. I'm not a professional and idk if this is good advice but I wish you well and hope some of this helped.
Thank you whatadooo. You are insightful far beyond your 22 years. It is also hard to separate questions which are valid and warranted from those that are OCD based and don't need to be asked. My husband also gets mad at me for asking questions that I feel a wife should ask her husband. It's unfortunate that he blames my anxiety for every question I ask when sometimes it is normal communication between a wife and husband. He spent the last two days telling me he wanted a divorce. One of those days was my birthday. He essentially "cancelled" my birthday. I finally told him if he wants a divorce he is welcome to go. I told him I was fully at peace with that. I have four pets and already moved to a different state for him to accommodate his job when we were engaged. Since I've already moved for him once and I have pets and it is hard to find rentals that allow pets I think he should be the one to go. After I told him that, he backpeddled and wants to continue trying. This is why I feel like I'm being manipulated because I don't think he was serious about being done, but pretended he was over the course of my birthday and caused a great deal of anxiety and hurt on my part just to punish me. I think this is abusive behavior. I am not a perfect person but I think my good qualities far outweigh my bad. Thank you for putting so much thought and time into your words to me , I really appreciate. It's hard that he knows I have this problem because he tries to blame everything on my OCD issue and in all fairness he has a temper problem too. I'm so lost right now.
The above comment was meant to be a reply to @whatadooo
I have been in a relationship for almost 3 years and before we went on holiday all I wanted was to get engaged (or so I thought, because people kept saying when are you getting married, when will you have a baby?) and I’m happy the way we are. Then on holiday my BF joked about buying me an engagement present and I had a panic attack and two whole days of worrying, “does this mean I don’t love him anymore, is there something wrong with me”, even picturing myself not being happy on my wedding day so my imagination went wild. I know deep down I don’t ever see a life without him but I feel pressured to follow the path everybody does and I’m just not ready to get married but I’m 34 and people (society) say that’s what I should be doing. I know that I do love my BF very much, we live together and have a pet, so I’m very much committed, but since then I’ve been having urges to ‘check’ I still love him, for example if we cuddle do I feel a certain way, or having constant thoughts in the third person like “she doesn’t deserve him, she is a bad person, she is lying, she doesn’t feel anything” and the thoughts whizz around constantly. I know that this is my condition but I have a wonderful relationship and I am turning cold and distant because I feel so depressed and empty most days. ?
Hey, I just got here! And this is crazy, but you know all my problems, so talk to me maybe? ? I’m always worried my partner loves me too much or that I love him too much. I don’t want anyone being hurt in the long run by how unequal we’ve been. When it’s him, I want to break off the relationship now before I make it worse. When it’s me, I want to break it off now because I must be so pathetic. I have such a bad fear of my partner cheating that I’ve started telling myself that I already know he is — just so I won’t compulsively watch him text, check his phone while he showers, stalk his social media, question all his friendships, etc. I’m so shocked to be finding out this is something a whole group of people experiences! It used to make feel physically ill; I was so anxious I couldn’t sleep or eat for days at a time. The *only* possible relief for me was breaking off my relationship and also all contact. Once the thought has entered my brain, there’s no backing down from it. I have to end it, or else that nasty feeling in the pit of my stomach stays forever. I guess that’s a form of compulsion? Maybe? It first happened when I was 16 and had my first boyfriend. I didn’t love him, but he was in love with me. I felt guilty, and he became annoying. One morning, I woke up to the instant and insistent thought that I must break up with him. All day, I was physically nauseated thinking about my boyfriend. That afternoon, I did it, and I honestly cried tears of relief - not from the end of the relationship but in response to not feeling that way any longer! So it began...
I literally feel like I can’t be with my husband of almost 18 yrs anymore. I have feelings I should leave him day and night, 24/7 which are torturous. My psychiatrist said he should leave for a couple of weeks to see if I miss him or have a desire to be with him. My girls are very attached to him and I can’t see that working out for them. My older daughter already has anxiety issues and it would just get worse if he leaves. He takes care of so many things such as bills. Even when my husband goes away I have awful feelings against him. I just want to feel better towards him. Don’t know what to do anymore. These thoughts have been really bad for over 3 years straight. I can’t take it anymore.
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