- Username
- Anonymous
- Date posted
- 3y ago
I definitely struggle with this issue too. With my weight especially. I gained some recently and I've been using baby weight as an excuse but it's been a year now.. or little things I hate about my face. Like my teeth. I fixate on small things. And I'm constantly looking for wrinkles. But I feel so much of this unhealthy obsession has happened because the beauty standards of society which are impossible and unrealistic for many people.. remember who we are on the inside is way more important, even though society places so much emphasis on appearance.
I struggle with body dysmorphic disorder too and am currently going through a really bad relapse so I completely feel you. I fixate on my complexion - and even though I know intellectually that my skin is not that bad - when I look in the mirror I hate what I see. I spend hours just looking and crying and hyperventilating because I am sure that people think I look grotesque. It’s so scary when you can’t get those thoughts to stop. It’s so scary when you feel like everyone is looking at you. I’m so sorry you’re going through this. It does and it can get better. I haven’t had these thoughts in over a decade and now I am starting from scratch and I’m still not sure what triggered it, but I know that I got through it before and I will get through it again. You will too. Sending you strength!
thanks to both of you for sharing, truly made me feel lifted and comforted. <333 sending love for all your struggles as well
i can’t stop obsessing over how i look and thinking about how ugly i look i feel like i’m going insane i keep looking at pictures of myself and i just feel so disgusting my lips are so small and without makeup i literally look like a man and i just compare myself to my friends and people i see online all day i literally cant take it anymore like i just feel so worthless all the time bc of my appearance i would literally do anything to feel beautiful
I've gotten diagnosed with OCD and I'm in therapy. But I'm worried that I don't have OCD/that I got misdiagnosed. And recently I'm worried that I've just gotten myself into a habit of thinking of dirty minded or just plain old terrible things after I see/hear certain things because I feel like I need to prove I have OCD or else I'm faking(sometimes this goes away). Or that I'm just mimicking symptoms of ocd to cope with real problems I may have and that im just really deep into denial. I don't know...I'm just so tired. I mean, what if I really am what I think I am and this is my brains only way of coping? I don't even really feel anything towards most of the thoughts anymore either I just know they go against my values and I don't want them. I don't know if that's because I'm so mentally exhausted, I just don't care, or that the thoughts are true and I'm comfortable with them.
I can't stop thinking about ending my life. I feel like I'm not even living, I'm just surviving. Everyone is capable of being a person and functioning and I'm just stuck here avoiding everything. My psychiatrist said my ocd is severe and it will all take time and I'll start erp and I'm already on medication but I just feel so depressed and like I won't be able to handle erp and it's already too late for me. I feel inhuman, it's debilitating. My major theme is just fear or contamination, I can't even make myself a meal I can't touch anything in the kitchen. I get stuck in the shower for 2 hours and when I don't shower because I'm depressed I feel like a walking germ. My hands are a mess, my school work is shit, I avoid and avoid and I'm just so tired of "living" like this. My psychiatrist said they don't have any therapists available right now like.... excuse me? What do you mean u don't have any 😭 I honestly don't even know why I'm typing this becuase nothing helps, nothing ever will. I'm so deep into this I can't get out, my room looks like shit, I can't live in this body anymore, I really can't. I let everyone down, I am and will be such a dissapointment. I don't have any dreams or goals or passions I just wasn't made to be here. I don't know how or who to ask for help like there's nothing anyone can do, I'm already on meds. I can't keep being like this, seeing everyone judge me for acting insane.
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