- Date posted
- 3y ago
- Date posted
- 3y ago
I definitely struggle with this issue too. With my weight especially. I gained some recently and I've been using baby weight as an excuse but it's been a year now.. or little things I hate about my face. Like my teeth. I fixate on small things. And I'm constantly looking for wrinkles. But I feel so much of this unhealthy obsession has happened because the beauty standards of society which are impossible and unrealistic for many people.. remember who we are on the inside is way more important, even though society places so much emphasis on appearance.
- User type
- OCD Conqueror
- Date posted
- 3y ago
I struggle with body dysmorphic disorder too and am currently going through a really bad relapse so I completely feel you. I fixate on my complexion - and even though I know intellectually that my skin is not that bad - when I look in the mirror I hate what I see. I spend hours just looking and crying and hyperventilating because I am sure that people think I look grotesque. It’s so scary when you can’t get those thoughts to stop. It’s so scary when you feel like everyone is looking at you. I’m so sorry you’re going through this. It does and it can get better. I haven’t had these thoughts in over a decade and now I am starting from scratch and I’m still not sure what triggered it, but I know that I got through it before and I will get through it again. You will too. Sending you strength!
- Date posted
- 3y ago
thanks to both of you for sharing, truly made me feel lifted and comforted. <333 sending love for all your struggles as well
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- Date posted
- 25w ago
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- Date posted
- 18w ago
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- Date posted
- 12w ago
hi. so one big factor of my OCD is rumination. i met a guy who i have a crush on the idea of (idea bc there are red flags). my biggest fear is not finding true love, my ex told me no one else would deal with what i have (my ocd, specifically reassurance seeking and getting overstimulated after intimacy). a few weeks ago, my friends and family all gathered and tried to give me advice that sounded like “you’re shy and you’ll never find someone.” after that, i’ve felt off. i’ve been using an unhealthy coping skill, daydreaming, and i’ve just felt unbalanced. my ocd makes everything feel different sometimes, i can’t explain it. life, myself, almost like being in a dissociated state. has anyone else experienced that? i don’t know how to remain balanced during my off times and i know pms exasperates it all. i take ashwaghanda and omega 3s in a multi vitamin daily. i take them all together in the evening but i’ve missed three days recently and also messed with my rocky sleep schedule because of fun times with friends. i hope these supplements work, because i don’t know if i’d be brave enough for medication. i had a bad reaction on prozac and often am forgetful. i just have been battling my OCD consciously for almost ten years now and unconsciously for longer. i am so tired, as my mental health extends beyond my OCD. i’m in talk therapy with some cbt aspects but i only see her twice a month. i’ve broken down so many times and promised myself id get on track or that certain things would work, but it’s like i am stuck in a circle that gets smaller when i’m able to help myself. i just want to be normal. i want to be able to mess up my sleep schedule to enjoy good times and not suffer horrible consequences or fear that i will be entirely thrown off balance. i don’t want to worry or doubt or feel so dissociative that i squint my eyes for a moment and wonder why i feel so unreal. i will never understand why god has allowed me to go through this. i cannot let it be for nothing but i don’t know how much more to bend and contort my body and brain to get somewhere stable but how lovely it would be if i could. i don’t have much of a schedule right now, i get apathetic and give in with things from time to time. one thing can trigger me and i am back to square one wether in a week or month. any advice, any and all is so helpful. your stories, your thoughts. maybe feeling less alone and knowing what has helped you is exactly what i need right now. thank you 💗
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