- Username
- Jaxiju
- Date posted
- 3y ago
It sounds like the anxiety was getting the best of you. It happens all the time to us who have OCD. You thought about ending your relationship and that was it. The thought meant nothing. People think about breaking up with people all the time. It doesn’t mean that you don’t love him or want to be with him. It is natural. Have you discussed with him what OCD is like and how unwanted thoughts can become reality to you? Does he understand the need to confess and what that means?
I learned that thoughts are just thoughts and urges are urges. Nothing more. It‘s normal. I learned it during my ERP… but what makes it different this time is that I literally started this conversation and it became reality. So at the end it WAS an action. So it became reality. This changes everything. I never felt so bad in my life. I feel like a liar since Saturday. I‘m at rock bottom 24/7. But usually he understands my OCD
I’ve done the exact same thing. I actually did try to break up with my partner. I was pushing her away because I didn’t want to br hurt. It was self destructive. I didn’t want to break up, I just didn’t want to have my heart broken so I tried to break my own heart first. Sound familiar?
THE EXACT SAME THINH!!! it is like a defensive mechanism for me!! I fear being hurt, so I start a lot of doubts. If he does/I found something that tells me "your doubts could be true" I start this defensive mechanism, by taking distance, more rocd; less feelings and break up urges!! The belief is "he can't hurt you, if you go away before!"... But it is actually wrong; for me and for him, because he should be the one that want to break up if he doesn't love me anymore, not me! It is his choice; not mine!!
I‘m so sorry that you have gone through something similar but I‘m glad that you worked this out! I can‘t let it go, that my urge became a real action when I started this conversation. You know what I mean?! It feels not OCD at all 🥺
Oh god, this used to happen to me soo often 2 month ago! I know it is really hard, because of the anxiety, the sadness and also the guilty feelings. But DON'T confess. DO NOT! it will only make things worse: for you, because you would act a compulsion =rassicuration seeking + more doubts will follow. And for your bf, that in the worst case would be devastated and starts doubting about your relationship too, and in the best he will be only annoyed. So nothing good! :( talking from experience: don't confess, it will only lead to more fights and break up! Thoughts doesn't mean nothing. Litterally everyone in they're life at some point think about I'd he should leave or not his bf. It DOESN'T MEANS that you don't love him or something else. (For me was that I didn't always miss him when we were apart; and the wrong belief was:" you think that you would enjoy today even without him?= you don't love him enough!" WRONG. Think positive!! You are living a really good ERP EXPERIENCE!! Try to not answer your doubts (remember: more answers= more doubts, because you have to find proof that answers are true, than that your proof are true and so on!!). Allow yourself to feel anxious, without wanting to change it. Do something else! Like some hobby, or sports! It could be something simple! Like drawing, singing, watching a series, reading! Things will be better. You got this!! GO GIRL!!
thank you so much for your words! I really appreciate them 🥺 So now I feel better! But I’m still so anxious because my thoughts became actions when I started this conversation, so it feels like I really did a mistake 😪
@Jaxiju You're welcome!! One day you will learn to understand by yourself your rocd doubts, and they will not bother you anymore! Don't worry. It's okay to make mistakes sometimes! Take the advice for the next time! :)
@eoid UHHH right! One thing that really helped me when I felt like that, was writing down doubts! Or better, writing the questions, and posticipate the answer to a decided hour! Like "now I written this question! At 10 pm I will answer it"
I agree with this for the most part, but I found it really helpful to tell my boyfriend about my rocd and what it makes me think. It was very hard to do and it was in a moment of clarity. But I think it's a little different because I told him so he can understand me better and understand why I sometimes isolate myself, not to satisfy a "confession" type compulsion. I think talking to him and being clear about your ocd could be helpful so that he understands how it affects you and why ocd thoughts aren't a reflection of how you ACTUALLY feel. I was terrified to talk to my boyfriend about it but he was very understanding!
@dandelion2002 Can I ask you how you would phrase it or explain it to him? Because it‘s such a balancing act between explaining him how OCD works and making him doubt and making him feel insecure in our relationship
@Jaxiju Yeah, that's what really scares me too. I felt extremely guilty for having the thoughts and still do which makes it seem so impossible. Maybe talk to him about other ocd themes you've had or other people's themes, and explain how ocd can make you think something really illogical that isn't a reflection of how you ACTUALLY feel. I used pedophilia ocd as an example and explained to him how ocd can make you think the worst possible scenario is true. Being a pedophile sounds like the worst thing you could be, which is why some people fixate on it so much(I'm not a mental health specialist ofc this is just how I personally have come to understand it). With that in mind, the rocd made more sense to him. It makes you think of the most awful thing that you DON'T want to be thinking about. It made me feel really understood when my boyfriend said he researched ocd to try to understand how I feel, and we ended up scrolling through ocd memes together lol. Again, this was in a clarity moment when I wasn't actively having overwhelming thoughts so it was a lot easier then but it's something to think about! Sorry this was so long-winded btw and I'm cheering for you :)!!
@dandelion2002 thank you so so much for your advice ! The thing is that he already understands my OCD thoughts and hownit works, because I explained it to him often throughout the last year.
Your standards for your own behaviour are very high! You’re a human being. And a bloody good one. Everyone has that urge in happy relationships from time to time. Often it’s just a sign that you need to talk and recalibrate. Sometimes we have to weigh up your values with one another. The truth is that you love him and you’re with him. You can talk to him about doubts, compulsions, but don’t let yourself beat yourself up or self destruct. This isn’t about him. And Ocd takes many forms. Just because it is new, doesn’t mean it’s not ocd.
I really appreciate your advice and your wise words, so first of all, thank you so so much!! It‘s absolutely not about him and I had this urge just because of my anxiety and me missing my family and familiar surrounding… but I‘m still so confused because I STARTED this conversation so it feels like I already made a decision and there is no comback, you understand?!
Does he know you have OCD? If so, does he understand how it works?
he knows that I have OCD… but idk if I should confess to him that I wanted to break up on Saturday. I feel like I won‘t ever be able to let this go. I wanna vomit :/
i was on vacation with my family for the last few days and i didn’t really have too many bad thoughts and i felt like i was doing okay. now that i’m back home my rocd is in full effect and i felt like i wasn’t excited enough to see my boyfriend when i first saw him or that i didn’t miss him while i was gone. my feelings feel so numb and i don’t know what to do but i cry at the thought of not being with him. i’m also scared that maybe im just scared of hurting him and that’s the only reason i’m staying but i also know if we did break up i would be really upset. it’s all so confusing in my head and i don’t even feel much anxiety anymore with the thoughts because they’re so constant. i kinda just needed to vent so anyone who read thank you very much. i don’t know what to do.
I really need someone to talk to… just to vent… if not.. i just need get this out and everything can ignore if they want.… I don’t know what to do… I know I’ve been severely obsessing for 2 year about if I truly love my partner or not for 2 years… I am severely saddened about how I feel right now…. Before I knew I wanted to love him and stay.. it felt genuine like I was really mentally sick… but now… my partner looks like a stranger to me, I get annoyed at him easily even if he’s just sitting still… it’s like he’s a different person to me and I hate it… I wanted so badly for me to know if I love him or not… and it’s like our time together never happened… I don’t cuddle talk or do much of anything anymore with him and it bothers me… I feel no emotional connection with him… maybe his flaws are too much for me… 😢😢 I don’t know…. I want to love him again like before but I completely feel like I’m lying to him and myself… I don’t wanna end my relationship I really don’t want to… I do t know how badly ROCD can get but… this is the worst I’ve ever had… my relationship is gonna die… 😢 I’m sitting here quietly crying while he is asleep….
How can I believe that this is ROCD when there are some proof? Like… I know my ROCD could have exaggerated things.. I know when I am calm I love him and hug him. But this morning was bad.. I started crying when he told me he loved me… before he got of the car I hugged him super hard… I can’t shake this off… I wanna accept his flaws… when I don’t overthink I know I love him.. some parts of him I know I dislike and I told him what thoses things are…. I know relationships go thru rough patches.. I wanna fix it! It’s like my brain is trying to force me to run away.. My friend told me that my relationship is fine. It’s just both of our mental states are to blame for why our relationship is struggling…. I just want my relationship back.. if we break up.. I don’t know if I can handle another relationship again.. I can’t… I just don’t want to
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