- Username
- amiokay
- Date posted
- 2y ago
Statistically vast majority of us probably are. The DSM has been contemplating removing Narcisism as a diagnosis altogether because it's so common in the USA they question if it can really be considered mental illness. (Mental illness is partly defined by being abnormal). So if you are a narc... don't worry you're normal 😉 That said...given OCD is based on insecurities we probably are less narcissistic than the general population but I'm sure still pretty narcissistic in our own way.
Scratch that... just found out it was already removed in 2010 so officialy not a mental illness anymore. Enjoy being normal lol...
Oh nvm saw it was put back... lol still don't wry though. Like all you have to do is peruse social media to see how common narcissism is. "Look at me, I'm at a place doing a thing!" (NOTICE ME PLEASE! ) The "like" button is basically narcissist crack. I honestly feel like I might be a little because I get so needy for social media approval it's pathetic. So I don't post my pics online and I stay private. It helps to reduce my anxiety and need validation. Whether that is narcissism or not I don't know but I am happier without it (or at least significantly less of it).
Everyone is selfish, cocky, and rude to others at times in there lives. We aren’t perfect so be easy on yourself.
Does anyone else suffer from ‘Real life events’ OCD? I constantly worry about things I did as a teenager (from ages 15-19) I wasn’t a very nice person and think I was quite a toxic girlfriend in my first relationship. I’m always terrified that people are going to find out and that I’m going to lose my job or something awful. I also think that a lot of people would be so shocked if they knew some of the things that I’d done, and that they would think so much less of me. I feel a constant need to confess or apologise, and wish more than anything that I could erase that whole chapter of my life. Previously in counselling, we looked at ‘black and white thinking’, and I managed to rationalise that everyone makes mistakes and nothing I did was that bad, but I have this horrible feeling that one day this will all catch up with me. Is this just genuine guilt and remorse or is this a symptom of OCD? Thanks in advance.
Very worried right now that I’m a narcissist! I fear that I only do good things for self gain / because I feel like I HAVE to. And that I don’t actually care about anyone or anything other than myself. Ugh!
Has anyone else had OCD over a person?? In an ugly, anxious way?? Like obsessing over their appearance and what people think of them because you don’t want them to have any good??? I know that sounds awful and I FEEL awful, but I just can’t help it. Don’t know how it was triggered, but I think it usually starts when I think people are full of themselves/narcissistic... I just feel alone :(
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