- Username
- justtryingmybest
- Date posted
- 5y ago
Yeap, actually that is very common. They say that a major event can trigger the OCD big time in some people such as going to college or getting married. For me was the birth of my daughter at age 24. I was one before that and someone different after it.
idk if this answers your question id say it's more like a wave from an ocean you can't find. i had ocd ever since i was five, so it's origins are unclear to me. it'll come and it'll not go, but fade, over and over again. like for example it hit me at full force last year and has been that way since. stress can definitely make it worse tho. with age, with the progression of life, comes stress.
completely. i’m going to be a senior and for as long as i remember i was always so scared of being a senior bc that meant growing up, going to college, and basically being on my own; which was one of the biggest anxiety things for me. now i’ve kinda noticed that the older i got, the worse it got. i would get a hold on things then lose grip, then get a hold, then lose grip again. it’s always been like that. but the weird thing is that i have HOCD and that’s not even close to what always used to give me to most anxiety and what i was always so worried about. idk, it’s all so weird. i’m just hoping that this won’t last forever and that it’ll eventually go away :/
yesssss! I am 20 and I've literally only just this year realised that I had OCD. I honestly just thought everyone thought like this, and asking for reassurance is a BIG compulsion of mine that I didn't even know I was doing. I look back now and every stressful thing I've been through has been due to my ocd. it's a severe anxiety disorder so it can develop from GAD/anxiety. I hope you have support around you and find this community helpful, please give ERP try when you're ready it's helped me so much and hopefully will for you too
Is it possible that at first it was very clear that it was ocd but now that it’s worsening it’s slowly starting to feel like it isn’t? Like the symptoms are 10x more extreme?
For me I've been an anxious person my whole life but I quite literally remember the day this started. Something just clicked in my head and I've been stuck obsessing over the same thing for years. I know a lot of people say for them they had OCD happen from a young age and others got it later like me but I'm wondering if it was a spontaneous change for you like it was for me or was it some kinda slow progression into obsessions?
Hi everyone had a question I am 42 years old until about 7 months ago my ocd has become so bad almost debilitating. I think I have had ocd since my mid 20s but it was barely there and it would sometimes almost be non existent and I didn’t even know it was ocd until I was diagnosed four months ago It was always my family getting hurt especially at night I was convinced that someone would break in the house and murder us. Or a fire would start but j would just check the doors and stove appliances a few times before bed nothing to time consuming and I never had panic attacks or the physical symptoms of anxiety, I did do weird rituals like I blessed things that fell on the floor because I thought something bad may happen to my kids which seems strange and I would put clothes away a certain way or again something bad would happen and I hated the number 6 so the volume can never be on 6 things like that. When I type if I didn’t get the word right the first time I’d have to erase the whole word and start over sometimes the whole sentence which was super annoying! But since I had my daughter 4 years ago I would have this weird fear with knifes like only I could wash them and put them away or someone may accidentally stab themselves or someone else, and I began to get intrusive images of someone trying to hurt my daughter or someone would kidnap her or she would stop breathing at night but it all was pretty tolerable until out of the blue I had a really bad intrusive images of me hitting her in the head with my phone it’s scared me so bad I had a panic attack and started questioning why would I think that?! Then a week went by and another intrusive image of me hurting her and then eventually it was anything and everything in my house could be weapon to hurt her i was terrified I googled it and realized it was intrusive thoughts and it was harm ocd 😞I have been really struggling since and that was 6 months ago I try to tell myself that they are just thoughts and it’s just my brain being hyper vigilant to protect her but I fear that the more I have them I will do them in my sleep And the physical sensations of anxiety and panic attacks are unbelievable sometimes Can anyone relate to their ocd becoming worse almost overnight later on in life I want my life back I’m so sad I’m scared to sleep at night I just want this all to go away Any tips it’s hard not to react to the thoughts when it is about harming your own child who I love soooo much And please tell me this is ocd
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