- Date posted
- 1y ago
I’m really scared I’m getting schizophrenia
:( I’ve been having really loud thoughts in my head that almost feel like voices but I can’t tell if their intrusive thoughts or voices im really scared I don’t want my life to be over
:( I’ve been having really loud thoughts in my head that almost feel like voices but I can’t tell if their intrusive thoughts or voices im really scared I don’t want my life to be over
One thing that helped me with this theme of developing or being schizophrenic was to try to stop being so terribly scared of the disease itself. I think so many people struggle with this theme because it’s so scary to think about losing your mind and not being yourself. In reality, many people who actually have schizophrenia lead perfectly normal/functional lives. They drive, have friends, family, enjoy things and carry out normal conversations. A SMALL percentage of people with schizophrenia suffer with severe delusions/psychosis which cause a state of distress and not even realizing they are not in reality. There is no wondering for them if it’s real. In their head it is real, no questions asked. And that sucks, but just like OCD, people with schizophrenia can lead perfectly normal lives with the use of medications, therapy, etc. it’s not an all life ending diagnoses, were you to actually have it. Also- auditory hallucinations (hearing things) is not enough to be diagnosed with schizophrenia. It’s a whole list of criteria that has to be met before getting a diagnoses. Just like intrusive thoughts alone are not enough for an OCD diagnoses.
@taylor1234 See the problem for me is my mom actually had schizophrenia😭😭and she unfortunately was that small percent that couldn’t function well, that’s where my schizophrenia ocd stems from was being traumatized by everything my mom went through, I’m constantly analyzing if I’m getting it. I already struggled a lot with major depressive disorder, anxiety, and OCD😭😭my thoughts feel really weird right now like they aren’t my own it scares me
@Anonymous I relate to this so much omg. My brother and my grandfather both have schizophrenia and I witnessed my brother have his first episode in 2019. It was by far the most traumatic thing I’ve been through and I think has triggered my OCD. I have a constant fear that I will develop schizophrenia like my brother and it’s extremely hard dealing with those thoughts especially while living with him. It’s also hard when google tells me i have a higher chance of getting it from being related to someone with it. 😭But i completely understand what you’re going through. if you ever want to talk about it i’m free
@angeliquerm20 Omg I’m so sorry I can completely relate, every single day I panic 😭😭id love to chat, do you have snap?
@Anonymous yess it’s angel_tho98 !
Hey, I've been there before too. Obsessions about schizophrenia was my second really big obsession (my first was religious and related to possession). I remember one night where I thought I could hear a police siren as clear as day and my wife heard nothing. I curled up and thought for sure I was losing my mind. If you are here it means you are in a place you can get help. Do ERP with exposures. I got to the point where I would watch schizophrenia simulations on YouTube and tell myself I 100% have schizophrenia for ERP. I never in a million years thought I would get to the point where I could do an exposure like that. Schizophrenia used to consume nearly every thought in my head for a couple of years. Now I hardly think about it at all. I know right now it seems impossible, but just know you aren't alone! I know how scary that thought feels. I know how loud your thoughts can seem where you start to question if it's real. Again you are on the right spot. I know exposures can help you. You've got this!
@donaldtf How are you doing now?
@Anonymous Good! I mean I'll still have things creep up. I've had some health related OCD flare up the past few weeks that I'm working through. It'll always be a part of my life but it doesn't feel like it owns me like it used to.
@Deetch That good! My fear is intrusive thoughts about my OCD flaring up and how it’s gonna keep flaring up in my future so I should just end things right now. I hope I’m cured permanently. I’ve had 4-5 flares and I don’t think I can take another one.
Thank you so much for sharing this. I’m literally going through the same thing right now. My thoughts are so loud and I feel such a loss of control for the thoughts that run through my head. Sometimes phrases just replay in my head like if I’m stuck in a loop or random words just pop in my mind and I’m like oh that must mean I’m schizophrenic. Reading the posts above, help me feel hopeful.
@Nicole Bb Yes I have the same exact thing!!!! I’m really confused I can’t tell what it is😅😅I guess racing thoughts??? Idk but it feels kind of like voices because it’s so sudden it Doesn’t feel like my own thought or like random phrases random songs it’s so trippy and weird….
@Anonymous I completely understand this. I found in a few articles that state the average human experiences between 60,000 – 80,000 thoughts a day. That's an average of 2500 – 3,300 thoughts per hour. For me, it gives me the notion that perhaps OCD makes us become more aware of what is going on in our mind. I estimate so because since experiencing OCD I have noticed I am more aware of my surroundings how my decisions affect others but also my thoughts and thought patterns.
@Anonymous How u doing and feeling going thru the same
@Nicole Bb How did you get over this? Going through it rn
@Anonymous Did you ever start feeling better?
I don’t know what to do, I feel so lost and feel like I’m losing my mind… I don’t know what to do, I am still getting the terrible thoughts of “God is telling you to kill someone” and I’m literally mid panic attack, I keep trying to reason with logic because it even says in the 10 commandments “thou shall not murder.” So I don’t even know why I’m getting these thoughts… ugh… people say that intrusive thoughts trigger things you care about the most, which mine would be Jesus & the people around me, which is why I get the harm OCD about people I care about the most.. someone recently said that I could be schizophrenic and now I’m terribly worried that I could have that.. I am so terribly afraid of becoming “crazy” and doing horrible things… can someone please give me tips to help this, and or message me?
Hi everyone. So recently I have been feeling so scared and paranoid of going crazy. I am terrified of i will go crazy and turn schizo. I’m so hyper aware of everything. My mind convinces me that I will end up like this but I really don’t want to.It’s my biggest fear and I think abt it almost everyday and I can’t handle it anymore. I just want to be ok. I have told my parents this and they say it’s all in my head and just laugh at me. I know it’s in my head but I physically feel sick to my stomach being constantly scared. Please someone help me please please. Thank you.
I'm so scared that by thinking about things I can make them happen. I know that's a central thing in OCD but I googled it and a lot of people actually say that if you think about stuff you can make it happen. I've been processing a lot of trauma and having intrusive thoughts about it and I'm so scared that if I think about people who hurt me it will make them contact me and it's making me feel really paranoid and scared and panic and I'm just so scared that I'm somehow conjuring bad people to come into my life and that I'm going to somehow get sucked back into my past or that I am somehow calling people close to me who could hurt me or that something bad is going to happen to me because my thoughts have been so scary and triggering. I'm also feeling really dissociated and I'm worried that these thoughts are actually me starting to have some sort of a psychotic break or something. Please help I'm so scared.
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