- Date posted
- 1y ago
haven’t done any therapy yet and would like to talk to someone who has before cause i’m nervous and i just saw a woman on tik tok say intrusive thoughts are just intuition and it was so scary.
haven’t done any therapy yet and would like to talk to someone who has before cause i’m nervous and i just saw a woman on tik tok say intrusive thoughts are just intuition and it was so scary.
Tiktok is has a lot of false info and can be very triggering. The person you came across is just stating their opinion, not a fact, so try not to let it get to you. Intrusive thoughts are just thoughts and nothing more. The idea that they mean something is the root cause of our suffering. We attach so much importance and value to it which makes it so difficult for us to let go. It’s hard, but therapy will really help with this and you’ll notice a positive change 🩷
@blazed thank you it was just a really triggering video and she was really inconsiderate and of course i know they are just thoughts but it’s always scary to have someone say something like that when you struggle with this
You shouldn’t have to deal with this on your own! Not many people are able to %100 deal with ocd on their own, I’ve been crippled by it for the last month and a bit and I hadn’t had any serious issues with it for many years. It’s no joke and can sneak up on you. Therapy is so great because you can learn ways to deal with these thought and eventually they WILL pass I promise. No matter how stuck they feel they will.
@Anonymous Thank you for this!! The same thing is happening to me where it was never giving super serious issues but all the sudden it snuck up on me.
@1anonymous that happened to me as well:(
@D:) i’m so sorry, it’s really tough. it’s affected my sleep cycle and everything. we will get through it!
@1anonymous oh yeah me as well, i wake up anxious and can’t fall back asleep at times. you’re right though we got this we are stronger than our ocd. sending you hugs🩵
I just started therapy, I know it’s scary at first but it’s nothing they’ve never heard before! Trust me. OCD targets what are are not and wants to scare us. Work on giving it less of a reaction, therapy really helps with that.
@Anonymous thank you so much this is helpful. did you have any doubts at first and then realize it wasn’t so bad? that’s what i’m hoping for lol.
Yeah absolutely, OCD is the doubt disorder so I was worried it could make it worse which is definitely not true. To talk to a trained professional in what we’re going through is the best thing you could do. They understand how this affects us and offer valuable information to help get through those tough times They’re here to help us get better.
@Anonymous Thank you, my doubts mostly center around like feeling like a bad person for going idk that’s weird but i just feel bad for like actually going and not just trying to deal with it.
For going to therapy?
Yeah! I thought I was over it, but to be in “recovery” we need the tools first which I didn’t have so in a way I’m grateful that it came up again early enough where I can learn from it and live my life how I want to.
@Anonymous Yeah I just thought i’d get over it too, helps to know there’s things out there we need
People really don’t know much about intrusive thoughts in general. That person on TT doesn’t know what they’re talking about. I also have done lots of therapy so if you have any questions, feel free to ask!
@hen7 well currently money is where i’m most concerned
@1anonymous Ah, you’re in the USA? I know how hard it can be to get the right care with insurance and stuff. I’m from Europe so unfortunately I don’t have any tips. Maybe some others can chime in?
@hen7 well money isn’t the only issue i just feel nervous to start if you have any tips
@1anonymous Have you found a therapist who practises ERP? I’d say trust the process and your therapist. Do what they tell you to do. Exposures might seem scary, but you will also experience they will bring you relief and more freedom. Sometimes the prospect of doing them is scarier than actually doing them.
@hen7 I haven’t and haven’t really known where to find one. Really want to find one though.
@1anonymous Good luck! Here we can ask our regular doctor for help with finding specialists. Not sure if that’s possible where you live?
@hen7 i’m not really sure about that one i’m still trying to figure out!
@1anonymous good luck! It’s worth it to find someone
So i’ve been planning to apply for a job that i’ve always wanted to experienced and i’ve been looking at videos regarding that job. I was scrolling on tiktok when i stumbled upon someone on live talking about the job. i had a very bad intrusive thought and my anxious mind told me that in order to be safe, i need to find that exact live and fix the thought. i’ve been scrolling for the past hour and have not been able to find the account. my brain is not linking the job to the intrusive thought. why is this happening 💔
I am wanting to go to therapy to hopefully lower my OCD symptoms but I am terrified to tell anyone else, like a therapist, about my intrusive thoughts. Has anyone else had this experience and if so how did you get over it?
my therapist suggested that some of my less bad rocd intrusive thoughts are actually mine, and not intrusive. She ended up taking it back when she saw the alarm on my face and saw how panicked I got. I feel really freaking anxious. We were only talking about it because I mentioned a lot of doubt surrounding those less bad ones, but it only filled me with more doubt. I don’t want those thoughts to be mine. I really don’t. I feel scared and so discouraged after this session. I feel scared about the worst thoughts, what if those aren’t intrusive. I feel so much doubt.
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