- Date posted
- 1y ago
OCD rant
Why isn’t the road to recovery a smooth one, it feels like 2 steps forward and 1 one backward, it’s confusing me and gives me this feeling of hopelessness when ever I backslide to that dark pit again
Why isn’t the road to recovery a smooth one, it feels like 2 steps forward and 1 one backward, it’s confusing me and gives me this feeling of hopelessness when ever I backslide to that dark pit again
There’s no cure to OCD so I’m sure that you’ll backtrack and have feelings of defeat but, you aren’t alone. You can backslide and still press forward. Recognize your ruminations and allow yourself to feel that feeling and ask ask yourself of the POSITIVE possible outcomes of the situation. Disturb the train of thought. I’m telling everyone about this app that someone on NOCD recommended to me.. it’s called Unstuck. I KNOW for a FACT that it’ll give you a better outlook and help change your mindset way more than being trapped in your compulsions.
You can get rid of the neuropathways paved into your mind which is now ocd, you have to create new pathways and expand on them so they become easier to use over time. The ocd symptoms will go down with this. It's a pain in the butt to do but it's doable
Can't ***. You can reduce the size/ heal them though
Omg I have totally felt the same way in my recovery and it’s EXHAUSTING to be committed to doing the work and to feel like you should be making more progress than you are. I suck at being patient so I get it. Try to remind yourself that OCD has been in the driver’s seat for a long time, and the way your brain has learned to operate has been to protect you in the way it thought it needed to. But you don’t need it’s “help” anymore and it’s going to take time to unlearn and undo the web it’s created in your brain. Have trust that you will get there ❤️ it’s definitely a process but the work you’re doing will catch up with you in the best way I promise!
I really just need to vent. I recently had a relapse and while some days it seems like I’m feeling better, others are so difficult. Today, I’m breaking down at work in the bathroom and I feel so awful about that. Aside from the really scary thoughts I’m having about my health and my family members, I’m starting to feel really hopeless about the future. Like I’m never going to get better and that I’m going to get stuck in this ocd cycle forever. I know that’s not true because I’ve been able to make progress before, but the desperation and frustration that comes with a relapse make it so hard to remember that. I started medication and it’s only been about 3 days but I’m really scared that it’s not going to work or that I’m going to have to go through a lot of trial and error. I just really need to hear from people who have worked through their health ocd. I need hope.
I’m wondering if this has happened to anyone else… I’m 28 years old. I was diagnosed with OCD when I was very young and it took a while, but I overcame it. I haven’t had any compulsions in 20 years. I’ve had some horrible things happen in the past, but nothing brought back my OCD. The only thing I struggle with is overthinking and making decisions. Im about to take a sabbatical from my work for a year to travel because the last year of my life has been by far the happiest and most confident iv ever been. I went to see a therapist a couple weeks ago who was an OCD specialist, I just wanted some tips and tricks for decision-making while I’m on my trip. She warned me that my OCD might get worse before it gets better, but I thought that she just meant with decision-making and overthinking. They have this program set out that I didn’t really wanna do but she told me it works really well so I decided to try it. It’s two sessions a week and the first two sessions were sort of just talking about my old OCD and doing questionnaires. I really related to some of the questionnaire questions, and the therapist was actively telling me that I definitely had OCD the whole time which made me feel bad. After our second session, my OCD came back full swing like when I was a child. I cant stop thinking about doing compulsions every waking second. It’s been two weeks. I’ve been to her several times and nothing is helping, I’m resisting the urge to do compulsions as much as I can and I feel like I’m fighting for my life. Nothing is helping and I’m burning out. I wake up and cry everyday because of how uncomfortable and out of control I feel. I never thought this would happen and im so mad at myself for ruining my trip. I feel like I’ve ruined my life tbh and even if I do get better, I’m always gonna be bothered by the constant fear that even at the highest and most happy points in my life it could just come back at any second with no warning signs.. I thought I knew how to deal with it and had the tools, but nothing is working this time and its ruining my life. Today I asked about cancelling my trip altogether, and I might be going on medical leave. Has this happened to anybody and do you have any tips for me?
I’m going through a really bad flare up. I developed ocd many years ago when I had my first child. Postpartum ocd. I suffer from harm and pocd. At first I had mostly mental and some physical compulsions but the physical faded away pretty early on and i’ve just done mental compulsions since. My ocd was in remission for alot of years and if the ocd would pop up now and again, I was easily able to shrug it off and not engage. A few years ago I went through a stressful time in my life and the ocd came back to stay. At first it was bad but then it got better and has been pretty mild until now. It’s been really bad this week and the physical compulsions are even back. I never thought it would ever get this bad again. My ocd is making me doubt who I am and how I feel. I know it’s all ocd and not real or true but the ocd makes it feel so real that I can’t easily dismiss or disprove it. The more I try to disprove it the more real the ocd makes it feel. I’m really struggling and don’t know how to get back on track. I don’t have access to a therapist because there are no ocd specialists near me and my insurance doesn’t cover online therapy. That’s why i’m reaching out here. Has anyone been through a rough relapse? How can I get through and past this??
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