- Date posted
- 5y ago
- Date posted
- 5y ago
I can’t seem to understand you, I’m sorry. ? can you come back in 10 minutes so you can explain the situation in a calmer state? This is what I so far know: Your girlfriend told you something It is 100% true. your parents thinks it’s a lie (I don’t know where the “I don’t like being played” comes from but I will assume it’s from your parents) You don’t want to say something (idk what) Your girlfriend is mad for telling them the thing that wasn’t true (idk what the thing that isn’t true is) And your parents are mad. I’m so sorry about your best friend. How does that make you feel? If you want to talk about it, we can! I’ll be here
- Date posted
- 5y ago
She was having bad anxiety and she needed me there but but then told my parents that she was okay when I knew she wasn’t and she knew she wasn’t so my parents think I was just telling them that she needed me there as an excuse to go over past my curfew but I don’t want to tell my parents what she said to me because I respect her privacy so they think I’m “playing them” and lying to them when I’m not. I hope that makes more sense:(
- Date posted
- 5y ago
Would it be possible to have your girlfriend come over to your house when your parents are home so she can explain what's troubling been troubling her. Maybe your parents can help her.
- Date posted
- 5y ago
@Secret I understand way better. Thank you. I agree with JCM. You can have her write a letter or come in person. It’s just a simple misunderstanding!!! Can you ask her if she’s fine with you telling your parents the reason why you came over? I don’t think it will hurt to try. Update us soon! Over all, if you can’t explain, apologize to your girlfriend if her feelings were hurt by the situation. Not for your actions but because of your parents response. You are doing a good job respecting her privacy. You sound like you care a lot about her.
- Date posted
- 5y ago
I love her so much, we talked about it and stuff but the same thing is kinda happening again but idrk I’m just really feeling bad tonight and my ocd isn’t helping and I don’t think vaping is a good coping method but I don’t know. Like I’m so sad sitting on my couch after work listening to sad music and I’m just feeling so overwhelmed with my ocd and just feeling like shit. I’m thinking taking a nice hot shower and playing some of the video games that I love to take my mind off of things but I don’t know anymore...
- Date posted
- 5y ago
Take that hot shower and give yourself time to play games and relax. I understand those days, when sometimes things happen all over again. And the anxiety comes back and you’re choking on thoughts. I remember thinking “god please not again. Don’t ruin this for me.” At one point. Take some time off of it. Come back when you’re ready to handle things clearly. If you’d like, you can explain what’s happening again. But be strong. Take it one day at a time. One day.
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- Date posted
- 22w ago
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- Date posted
- 7w ago
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- Date posted
- 7w ago
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