- Username
- snowflakes
- User type
- OCD Conqueror
- Date posted
- 51w ago
compulsion/self compassion
how to not get frustrated with yourself when you do a compulsion (especially if it’s one that you always do)
how to not get frustrated with yourself when you do a compulsion (especially if it’s one that you always do)
Through therapy, I've learned some interesting things about the brain. When you do an action so much (in this case a compulsion), your brain moves it from the conscious side to the subconscious. Similar to how you know how to ride a bike, or you can be driving to work, zone out, but still get there safely and think, whoa how did I do that without paying attention. It's because it's a process that your subconscious recognizes so it's automatic. That's also what happens with compulsions. You've done them so much that now they're stuck in the subconscious part of your brain. Your brain just does them without you really knowing. But the fact that you're recognizing that you're doing them, and getting help is great! Like the others said, it's a journey but tell yourself at least you're working on it.
Just understand it’s a learning process and the healing process is an rollercoaster ride with many ups and downs. One of my OCDs is checking the doors often to make sure they are lock. If I do a compulsion and double check the locks I usually say “Damn dude you had it locked and are ahead of the game. Now I know I’m on it and I don’t need to check for next time.”
Sometimes it's hard to win against what our worried brain is telling us. It happens to me a lot too. I haven't really thought of self compassion for myself until I read your question. It's alright, as simply put as that. We can't be expected to cure our compulsions overnight, and progress isn't always an incline. One day in the far future our compulsions won't be as big problems as we put them out to be today
I'm also working through this
does anyone else use the fact that they dont like their thoughts as a confirmation/compulsion, and or when you go through something stressful with little to no compulsions take it as a sign they actually like it? is this apart of usual rumination or am I expirencing something different? and how do you deal with it?
Feel guilty for not giving into compulsions like rumination and confessing? I feel guilt for having an intrusive thought, trying to shrug it off or just giving it a few seconds of thought and moving along. This sounds like improvement but I still struggle with the anxiety and the guilt. The shame. I’ll be okay and then I’ll remember I have OCD and my stomach will drop and I just want to curl up and cry.
sometimes, to try and prove my fear wrong i’ll be like “ okay, let me think of this REALISTICALLY. would i REALISTICALLY feel this way or do this thing? “ then i come up with scenarios in my head on how i think i would realistically ( or logically ) do something but then my feelings go against that thing i thought of then i start getting anxiety and start to fear that i would actually want my fear to happen or that i’d feel a certain way that proves my fear true. it’s basically just checking how i feel about something i think of to try and prove my fear wrong, checking my emotions or checking how i think i’d realistically feel towards it.. but then i may react “ unrealistically “ it goes wrong and i freak out
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