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- Anonymous
- Date posted
- 49w ago
Messing up
I get really afraid of messing up in front of people,even if it’s,talking,tripping,miss pronouncing a word especially in front of large groups.
I get really afraid of messing up in front of people,even if it’s,talking,tripping,miss pronouncing a word especially in front of large groups.
I’m the same way. It feels like they are just waiting for you to mess up. And once you do they’ll laugh you out of the room. But the truth is they don’t care that much. That sounds rude, “what do you mean no one cares?” But it’s true. They don’t care about your mess ups. Half the time they don’t even know when you mess up. Plus, No one is expecting you to be perfect. Next time you misspeak or stumble. Take a second, compose yourself, and keep going. You’ve got this my friend🙌
@hi i Thank you so much
Same here, I am afraid people will see me nervous. I don’t know why I care if people see me nervous so much but it’s the case and I think the fear makes me nervous, then I get nervous and due to that screw up then it’s of course that will replay in my head over and over. So, I tend to avoid a lot.
This is a classic concern that all humans share to some degree. Here's a thought that might help change your perspective on things. For a majority of the millions of years that humans have been around, our ancestors lived in small tribes that had to stick together. If anyone was outcasted from their tribe, they would basically die, because they would have no one to help them defend themselves from wild animals, other tribes, or starvation. Because of this, our brains evolved over hundreds of thousands of years to be REALLY REALLY concerned about what other people think about us. This was helpful in a tribal society. When we did something that was anti-social, or harmful to our tribe, our brains triggered that feeling of guilt, which prompted us to make amends with our fellow tribesmen and women. Keep in mind that during this time, (which again, was most of human history), we only saw and interacted with the people in our tribes (which I think was around 20-30 people or so). Fast-forward to the modern era, where technological advancements have made tribal living obsolete, and we now live in towns and cities with THOUSANDS and THOUSANDS of people in them. Not only that, we have access to the internet, which puts us in contact with literally billions of people from a little computer or phone. If you consider the fact that evolutions moves EXTREMELY slowly in comparison to our technological advancements, you'll see that our brains are super out-dated for the world we currently live in. That's why now, we feel extreme anxiety in regards to what other people think about us, in situations that are NOT AT ALL important. That's why you're afraid of super minute things like tripping, saying the wrong word, etc. We still have the same brains that our ancestors had, when social acceptance actually WAS life-or-death! So take comfort in knowing that these feelings are entirely natural, and simply an out-dated mechanism that used to be useful for our survival. I've found that by keeping this in mind, I'm a lot less hard on myself for feeling nervous for tiny things, and it has allowed me to brush off embarrassing moments more easily.
@djflorio That actually makes a lot of sense thank you for sharing that with me definitely changed my view on it.
I tell people my situation, they say it's nothing big or it's fine, I was a teenager. I still feel awful, magically thinking that the persons going to change their mind and expose me to the world that I'm an awful person even though they said I had no affect on them whatsoever. I feel guilty to admit I've shared it with numerous people, whether a little older or the same age, never younger because I feel uncomfortable talking to younger people. Still, everyone says I did nothing wrong and there's nothing to worry about, but I'm more concerned about the fact I feel like I truly did something horrible, I feel like what if someone's enabling my actions, even though they say they're being honest. I feel awful, and I know I have to sit with discomfort and all that bad stuff, but truly I feel disgusting. I've isolated myself for weeks, and I just don't want to hurt the other person, it's made me question my own intentions too. Does anyone else feel this way? I just feel like my mistakes are worse than anyone else on this app or in the world.
I don't know if anyone else has a similar problem, but I think one of my themes is worrying how others might perceived me. For context, I used to be very shy and sometimes don't have good control over facial expressions. This leads a lot of people to believe me being hostile to them, even though I don't mean to be. Now, I moved a different city and am meeting a lot of new people. And this makes me really worried of leaving bad (first) impressions.
Hey guys, I had a thought or something I was doing that had a negative impact on me. Now I have anxiety because I cannot remember what the heck it was! I was doing so good until now. Now I have anxiety and am scared!
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