- Date posted
- 50w ago
I'm sobbing my eyes out while typing this
I can't handle this anymore....Everytime I hangout with my partner they say one little thing I don't like and I started balling my eyes out and they wind up comforting me. I'm constantly being triggered by him and I don't even know why. I got a TikTok slideshow about healthy relationships today and one said "genuinely enjoying each other's company" and i started to spiral. Recently when we hangout I am constantly analzying anything that can be contrused as toxic. We were watching sex and the city and he said he hated the show and I was like see thats so toxic and unhealthy a good partner would never hate a show I LIKE. I'm analyzing everytime he has shown frusteration or been upset about something or has said something the littlest bit mean and convincing myself that my relationship is somehow unhealthy and toxic even though it's not. My mind has completely warpped my perception of him and now I see him as this evil man when before I thought he was the sweetest most gentle man ever. I am even getting intrusive thoughts of us getting into nasty fights or hitting each other which would never happen. BUT WHAT IF IT HAPPENS IN THE FUTURE EVEN THOUGH I DON'T THINK IT WILL. I think my ROCD has really found the ultimate trigger because if the relationship did become toxic I would have to leave and I'm just so upset. I genuinely love my partner and this is becoming between us and I am on the verge of panic 24/7. I am constantly scanning for the littlest signs of abuse like he told me he didn't like these pants I ordered but he may like how they look on me and my brain is like "YOU SEE HE IS TRYING TO CONTROL WHAT YOU WEAR" like he has never told me to not wear and outfit or change once. I'm so sick of this my brain is convinced he's a "bad guy" when he is so far from it and him getting the smallest bit frustrated about anything means he has "anger issues" trust me he has seen me mad about things and I have been far worse. It's like the only way I can be with someone is if they're are this perfect robot that never has one bad moment or is allowed to show any negative emotions in front of me. Am I just gaslighting myself?? I am actually spiraling out of control and don't know what to do. I'm scared these thoughts are going to taint my relationship to the point of no return. I am also scared of having "gut feelings" that I'm in an abusive or unhealthy relationship. PLEASE HELP ME!