- Date posted
- 48w ago
Is anyone else so exhausted of OCD being a joke? I’m wondering when laughing about mental illness became funny.
Is anyone else so exhausted of OCD being a joke? I’m wondering when laughing about mental illness became funny.
Personally I feel it is best to take it all in stride. The average person isn’t familiar with most disorders or diseases. Unless it affects them directly it is not their responsibility to know about it .
I hate when people just think it's about cleaning, hand washing. They have no idea how terrible it can be with the intrusive thoughts
If I have one more coworker say “I’m being a little ocd!” “Ahh my ocd is showing!” “I’m ocd I have to have it this way!” And it’s just another QUIRK for organization and tidiness I AM GOING TO SCREAM!! Even before I knew I had OCD, it bugged me so much. Even more now!!!
It's hard for them to understand because they've probably never experienced anything like it. I've joked about the cleaning compulsions saying I'd rather have that than the other themes I've had, as I dislike cleaning and at least it would be done. I know in reality I wouldn't want the compulsion as triggers would be everywhere and you'd hate doing it even more if anything. Doing compulsions is not a satisfactory seeking thing, it's behavioural relief. Doing it is extremely stressful and not enjoyable at all. Don't expect the average person to understand. They won't. It's not your job to educate them either. It might be better to refrain from reacting to this if it happens in real life. If they want to understand then you can enlighten them.
Not everyone cleans as a compulsion either. So messed up.
*I came across this post on facebook*
WHY is it so hard to explain ocd to someone without it? it’s like they see it as a joke/exaggeration and it’s just exhausting. people act like ocd is just organization or cleaning or whatever. while ocd can affect that it’s SO much more than that. idk
I’m so happy to see the ad on TV where Howie Mandel dispels some myths about OCD and talks about what it actually is. I think bringing awareness from a celebrity who deals with it is a great move.
Anyone else will just be doing anything normal and I’m gay comes in? It’s so distressing and I try and say ok sure ocd but the anxiety over takes me and my mind won’t let me believe I’m straight when I am. I love men I’m Not attracted to women but when I ask myself the doubt is for sure there which sounds like Casebook ocd. I’m just sick of this I don’t want to have to laugh at things in my head that don’t make any sense it’s so hard and unfair
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