- Username
- ye.7
- Date posted
- 42w ago
Its my birthday but im not celebrating😔 why celebrate when things just keep getting worse for me im not happy at all😐
Its my birthday but im not celebrating😔 why celebrate when things just keep getting worse for me im not happy at all😐
i understand what thats like. but still happy birthday. Things will get better. I hope the best for you.
I understand but still, happy birthday.🤍it’ll get better.
Happy Bday! I get it. I was having a tough time and was sobbing on my bday a few weeks ago. Hang in there!
Happy late birthday💖🥹🙏
happy birthday! :) i totally understand how you’re feeling. i cried like 6 seperate times on my most recent brithday bc of my OCD. it’s not easy, but do the best you can to have a good day, and know that nothing lasts forever ☮️ i’m rooting for you
Happy birthday - we‘re happy you’re here!!
I wish i was😔💖🙏
Happy Birthday! I did this too but if you wait until you feel better you’ll later realize later you missed it. Do want you want to do and don’t let OCD stop you.
Ill try😭💖🙏
@yesi7 You are stronger than OCD tells you you are! Hugs!
Happy birthday you’re not alone💕 My birthday is in a few days and I’m feeling anxious because I know I don’t have anything to do for it
Happy early birthdayy💖 dont be celebrate itttt💖 i wish i was happy to even do anything😔
@yesi7 Thankyou so much and just debating whether to because I find it a lot of pressure to be happy on my birthday when I’ve got ocd thoughts in my head all the time 💖
happy birthday!! i hope things get better <3
I understand but try to have a blessed day and your on the right path now,recovery is possible,never give up and i hope you have a good birthday and several reasons to be blessed for another day to be with loved ones
Tomorrow is my bday I don’t feel like celebrating because every year I m still struggling with my mental health no changes whatsoever I tried so hard and still stuck with health ocd and other issue is like a never ending cycle right now I m having some health issue which made my ocd even worse why I can’t just be happy and normal and I nipt life without ocd why I m no living I m surviving and is so exhausting
Suicidal Trigger words heads up----I hate hocd. I wish I never had it. I just want to forget about all of this and go back to the way things were before developing Hocd. My triggers are getting so bad atp it's convincing me I'm actually gay when I know I'm not. This is causing me so much anxiety and makeing me dizzy and makeing me have nausea the worst part is , is that it's my bfs birthday. I really love him so so much I wish I wasn't like this. I feel like this hocd is making me mentally, emotionally and physically ill. I just want to die. I just want to be normal and live my life without this and not be with such anxiety. I hope my baby has a good birthday. He still has no idea that ive bene feeling this way for months.
I started feeling better, more calm and relaxed but then I remembered that I’m literally heartbroken and single and I went back to feeling like shit again, all the anxiety came storming back. Why does it have to be this way, I don’t know what to do with my life anymore.
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