- Username
- Shame999
- Date posted
- 40w ago
I used to have groinal responses when i was initially dealing with pocd it helped learning about arousal Non-concordance and knowing that even if i had a groinal response it was ego-dystonic.In terms of treating it I recommend viewing it just the same as any other OCD symptom is to just let it be, as the more attention we give it the more the OCD cycle continues and increases those sensations. You gotta learn how to be comfortable with the uncertainty that it brings, teaching brain that these responses is not a source of any danger. hope this helps
did you get groinal responses when you see child?(or hear) i suffer from POCD and ZOCD
@Shame999 i would get it through any mention of children or children themselves but i still deal with POCD and the groinal response eventually went away, especially after doing ERP. It’s just best not to give it any attention, and if your groinal responses go away be careful to not get in the habit of checking your groinal area for “arousal” because that’s also a compulsion that i had to get over
@xoel yes, thank you i'm just curious because people say that they have groinal responses during thoughts, but i have groinal responses when i see/hear child
@Shame999 I have this as well. Groinal responses are also connected through anxiety. Meaning, lets say, you hear or see a kid, you maybe will start to panic, and get anxiety. Since anxiety is linked to groinals, it will most likely occur even seeing/hearing kids.
@kksilly i have groinal responses firts, and panic after amd started to do compulsions
@Shame999 Yeah, that’s classic OCD. Try not to put much meaning onto it. Groinals come whenever they want and howevsr they want.
@kksilly thank you❤
@Shame999 No problem! I understand how you feel, it happens to me very often! Your not alone!! 😊
For me I had to learn how to just let it exist, and the less I acknowledged it the more it went away because my anxiety went down. That’s just me though!
It's just OCD. Don't try to figure it out. OCD wants you to worry and ruminate over it all day. It's malware in our brains; it's not who you really are. It's very treatable with ERP therapy. Bottom line: it's just OCD.
Can testing for groinal responses cause them to happen? For example i will think of an intrusive thought in the past or create a fake scenario in my head and i will start to feel something down there every time. It’s it a learned response for the trama of this thoughts? Or i’m an actually a P. Dose anyone else experience this with POCD or should i look into get more help?
i've never been comfortable enough to post anything on here but today i thought i would try. i want to start off by saying i am not diagnosed with ocd but i have strong reason to believe i may have ocd. i want therapy but don't know how to tell my parents because this topic is one that makes me highly uncomfortable to the point where i can not breath. but here goes... starting in july of this year i began noticing symptoms of ocd. i was scrolling on instagram when a photo of a baby popped up in my feed. i was reading the caption when all of a sudden i became aware of my groinal area and i felt movement. i felt immediately sick to my stomach... wtf was happening to me? i then closed the app and sat there for a second thinking to myself "did i just get aroused by looking at the photo of a child?". i tested myself(one of the worst things to do, giving my ocd power) and reopened the app to look at the photo once more. i was obviously going to feel movement down below if i was hyper fixating on that area for ANY movement at all. and i did. i then started having cold and hot flashes, sweating, the room spinning, feeling as if i was going to throw up and pass out at the same time. was i a p3do??? did i like children?? of course the answer is no. but my ocd is twisting those thoughts and feelings into something more than they are, just thoughts and feelings. for the past few months after my first episode with ocd i have become more accepting of the fact that these feelings aren't meaningful. these do not align with what i truly believe which is why i feel so sick when they happen. but i will admit there are days when it is really tough for me to discern my thoughts from my intrusive ocd thoughts. i am constantly hyper aware of whatever is happening down there and its really frustrating and exhausting. it has now moved beyond pocd, every interaction everything i see i subconsciously am testing myself to see if i am aroused which leaves me to constantly feel a state of physical arousal. i know i should go to therapy but i am worried to tell my parents. like "hey mom and dad i have been having weird thoughts and feelings regarding children i think i need therapy" they would be horrified. i feel guilty and awful, my parents don't deserve that. i just don't know what to do. for a few years i had actually been wanting children of my own when im older, i had been thrifting the cutest baby outfits and thinking of how cool it would be to have a mini-me. now i feel as though that won't be possible. and i just don't know what to do.
Ughhhhh I’ve had the groinal all day and it really hurts is there any sort of medicine or something that reduces feelings of “arousal” that can just completely knock out the groinal or at least lower the symptoms of it? I know a lot of medications cause extremely low sex drive but idm it because I’m asexual and don’t ever plan on having sex because I literally hate everything sexual. I’m just so tired of this and it’s been hurting me all day it’s so aggravatinggggg I haven’t even been able to focus due to my somatic ocd I’m constantly aware of all my unconscious bodily functions and it makes me wanna rip my hair out
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