- Username
- Justagirl
- Date posted
- 27w ago
Sertraline/Zoloft for POCD
Hi has anyone tried this medication before for OCD? I’ve been on it for just over two weeks and I feel like it’s made my POCD worse. I’m on 150mg btw.
Hi has anyone tried this medication before for OCD? I’ve been on it for just over two weeks and I feel like it’s made my POCD worse. I’m on 150mg btw.
most medications tend to make it worse before u get better id try it for atleast 6 weeks then if its still making it worse ask for something else!
I’m on 150mg of Zoloft for pocd. I first got on it over a year ago when I was pregnant. I’m my experience, Zoloft has not been a game changer for me. I’m actually in the process of getting off of it and trying something else. For me it helped slightly in the beginning but it quickly lost all of its affects. It feels like I’m un medicated, even though I am on a high dose. But for something people it works amazing!
Really? Im on 50 mg right now of zoloft and I am really struggling with this theme also. Both my nurse practitioner and pcp have told me i should bump to 100mg. It’s interesting that it has made yours worse I have been hesitant to bump to 100 anyway. I would think zoloft decreases libido and it would help but SSRis make me feel scared for sure. Im wondering if we struggle with something like adhd as well and I have heard SSRIs lower dopamine.
@Ermagh2024 Hi! Thank you so much for your reply. I am diagnosed with ADHD so that might have something to do with it. My psychiatrist said the dose to treat OCD with Zoloft is usually around 250-300mg but upping my dose really scares me. How long have you been on the 50mg for? X
@Justagirl Of course!! Thank you for replying also. It is so interesting to hear from people who also struggle with OCD as I don’t know that many people who do in real life. I have been on 50mg since March! TMI but I got admitted into the psych ward in early March they thought I had bipolar as well because I was manic so I was kept on the 25 mg of zoloft I was already on, given an antipsychotic and a benzo. Then I got out of the hospital and my pcp took off the antipsych and benzo and told me to go up to 50 mg on the zoloft. Now Im struggling again and they both told me to go to 100 of zoloft. My nurse practitioner says she doesn’t think it is adhd because “I did well in school”. However I know this is not the case for all people with ADHD. Do you think the 150 has helped you in anyway? How long have you been on it? How did you realize you had both OCD and ADHD? If you don’t mind answering!
Omg that’s not tmi at all! Want to know something funny? I’m admitted to a private psych ward right now for treatment :) so I completely understand. I’m from Australia and they have some OCD resources but not many. I’ve also just been put on an antipsychotic this morning to help with the OCD. The 150mg has kind of sent me through a wave of emotions. I do have borderline personality disorder but I have never felt like this before. I feel hope then distress then anxiety then hopelessness. It’s all been a bit of a whirlwind. I’ve had OCD since the age of 7. I’m 22 now. I’ve gone through so many different themes but developed POCD and intrusive thoughts around 3 years ago. It’s by far the one that’s debilitated me the most. I was diagnosed with ADHD when I was around 15 I wanna say? Can’t remember the exact age. I’m more ADD though (like without the hyperactive aspect). I’ve had quite a few admissions, done OCD therapy programs, ERP therapy, been on lots of different meds and done tms. I feel at this point like I’m exhausting my options so it’s really difficult. I’m really sorry that you’re struggling with this too. It truly is terrible to experience. When did you find out you had OCD?
@Justagirl Im sorry you are struggling too!! That is funny that we were both in a psych ward this year! That is so brave of you for getting help though because it is definitely not easy to be in there but it will be so beneficial in the long run. I learned a lot from it. I think the antipsychotic will help you!! I liked when I was on it I feel like I didn’t obsess over my thoughts as much. I can totally relate to those emotions!! That’s really hard. I have had it since I was 10 Im 24 now. I have gone through sooo many themes too! I hid it from my family and the people in my life for a long time so I wasnt medicated until like last year. I am in search of a therapist who specializes in OCD right now. I have been in therapy before but never done ERP. It was my first time in treatment earlier this year. I understand you! It is definitely really difficult, but you will figure out the combination that is going to work for you. Are you on a stimulant for your adhd? I think if I have it, I would have ADD as well because I really don’t have energy or the hyperactive part. I just really struggle with lack of motivation, procrastinating, excessive thoughts on loop/rumination but then again I don’t know if this is just OCD or depression.
@Ermagh2024 I did try a stimulant for my ADD around maybe 2 years ago but the funny thing with stimulants is that it can also make OCD worse. I’m definitely not saying that that will happen if you go on them but it is a high risk. Because of that I came off the stimulant and have chosen not to go on one since. I also hid my OCD from my family and friends for so many years. I recently told my best friend and my boyfriend about my POCD theme. It was so terrifying and took so much courage because it’s such a taboo theme that’s not talked about a lot. I was so lucky that even though they didn’t understand what I was going through they didn’t judge me and simply said that they know my morals and who I am as a person based off my actions. And they still love and support me which I know I deserve but I’m still extremely grateful for it. My boyfriend has been coming to visit me to take me out on hospital leave and bring me hampers of goodies. I’m extremely lucky. By best friend also came to visit too. I have a really difficult family life with a lot of trauma so having them in my life is such a blessing. ERP therapy is honestly so difficult but I’d definitely recommend trying it because I think it can help if you’re ready to accept being unsure about things.
Ughh seriously?? I was hoping a stimulant would help me out a little. But I can definitely see how it could do the opposite and make it worse. Im so glad you told them!! It’s alot easier to not have to go through this alone. My family and my friends know about my OCD but they don’t know what exactly it entail except my mom. It is so nice to have someone that doesn’t judge you and she is that for me. Your boyfriend and bestfriend seem like great people!! Im glad they have been supportive and come to visit. You deserve their support and all their love!! OCD and any other type of mental illness is soo hard. We are strong though and will get through this! We have already made so many great decisions are doing all the right things in search of treatment. I definitely would love to try ERP and possibly CBT. I hope I can find a therapist that specializes in OCD and these different therapeutic techniques. I hope we also can figure out what to do with our zoloft. I think Im going to try and go on the 100mg once I find a therapist so Im sure to have support. I dont know if I just need a completely different medication like an SNRI like effexor or maybe even an antipsychotic again. Please keep in touch and let me know how your journey with treatment and meds go!!
@Ermagh2024 Omg alsooo you have to watch this show called ‘Pure’ I think it’s on Stan. It’s about sexual intrusive thoughts and it made me feel so much less alone. It’s based off a book and the writer also has POCD. It doesn’t necessarily refer to POCD but it does refer to sexual intrusive thoughts in general.
@Justagirl That sounds soo interesting!! I will definitely watch that because sexual intrusive thoughts have always been the most disturbing for me. Thank you for the recommendation.
I’m so happy that your mum is understanding and accepting of your OCD you deserve that fully. I’ll wait a few more days to see how I feel on the Zoloft with the added antipsychotic on top on that and I’ll get back to you if I see a change in any OCD symptoms. If I notice any changes good or bad I’ll message you again on this post and keep you updated. Also! Keep me updated with how you’re going. I know we’re probably across the world from eachother but I’m here to help in any way I can :)
@Justagirl Yes please do!! Thank you it has been nice talking to you :) we will keep in touch and I will keep you updated on my symptoms and such. Hope you have a fulfilling time in treatment and you can take away a lot from it. I also hope the combination of zoloft and the antipsychotic helps you. Im here to help in anyway too!! Just talking it out with somebody going through similar things helps so much as OCD can be a very isolating disorder.
@Ermagh2024 Hi again! Hope you’re doing well :) thought I’d give an update. I have my discharge date set for Friday so I will be leaving hospital then. I’ve noticed a bit of a reduction in my OCD symptoms from this medication now although I’m quite weary as I get nervous that the effects of the medication won’t continue. I think that’s just my anxiety though. I haven’t upped my dosage of Zoloft since, just adjusted to the current dosage. Don’t get me wrong I still feel the need to seek reassurance in my head and complete mental compulsions when It comes to my OCD, but I’m more able to not engage with them now. Even though they still make me quite nervous. I was wondering how you’re holding up, how are you doing?
@Justagirl Hi! Yay that’s so exciting glad to hear you are doing well and hope you are adjusting well to the real world! I am glad to hear the medication is helping you!! Just enjoy it in the moment and if its effects stop you can always switch to another. I haven’t upped it either but I think I really need to it’s just scary:/ yes i felt the same way on antipsychotics!! Ehh Im okay, still struggling with pocd it has been rough my compulsions are really fully mental but I do engage in a lot of checking behaviors. It is hard because mine gets mixed in with real event OCD also. I am starting therapy monday so that is good news! I really just need someone to talk to about whats happening maybe thats me seeking reassurance but I just need more support. Im also pretty sure Im going to up my dose and see how that goes. How have you been outside the hospital so far?
I have been taking Prozac 40mg daily it seems to be helping my ocd . I read that 60-80 mg has seemed to help people more with ocd Wondering if anyone has any experience with this. Thanks
Hi all, I’m curious is anyone taking medicine for their OCD and if so which one and is it helping? I’ve been on Prozac for almost 7 weeks and I just don’t think it’s doing much. I’m only on 30mg so perhaps I need to get to 40.
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