- Date posted
- 30w ago
Iam just scared and tired from having wetness to the same sex thoughts and feelings , i am so scared
Iam just scared and tired from having wetness to the same sex thoughts and feelings , i am so scared
I don't know what you're sexual orientation is but in the lesbian master doc, they say that basically what matters isn't whether or not you feel attracted to a certain gender. If being with a man/a woman doesn't feel right to you then you simply don't have to be. True attraction feels good, warm and safe and if the thoughts you keep getting makes you feel upset and sick then don't worry that is not attraction 😭
Thank you for that btw cuz I had some thoughts about my sex orientation too 😭,but I was talking about sexual thoughts generally
There are many reasons to feel aroused and your brain can actually trick you into thinking that you are even though it isn't actually real. Hope that helps :-)
Thank for ur comment.
I understand you,I have this but with butterflies in your stomach,sometimes I think it has happened and idk
@lizaaa Yes with everything
This might be uncomfortable at first, but I can tell you what is helping me. When you think you’re about to have an intrusive thought, before it even occurs, purposefully have the thought. Not only that, but exaggerate it, make it even more graphic or disturbing than your original thought. It’s kind of like you’re beating you’re intrusive thoughts at their own game. If you try not to have the thought then you probably will, but if you show your mind that not only do you not care, but you’ll have the thoughts on purpose, then the anxiety can’t even keep up. That’s what has worked for me anyway. It was recommended to us in group and my intrusive thoughts have gone down. It may not work for everyone, so if you aren’t comfortable doing this or you try it and it makes you more anxious then you don’t have to use it.
Does anyone with so ocd get scared or feel like they r just going to suddenly realise they r gay. Like all of a sudden you’ll be like omg I’m gay and then I get scared like ong it’s happening to me Can any relate to this
So I was on a hat chat gpt and it said that people who are non-offenders experience distress and anxiety and disgust and depression and they feel ashamed of being a non-offender like WHAT like that's honestly terrifying and I'm so scared because that's how I've been feeling like when I'm out I get anxiety too especially when I see a younger person I always been attracted to MEN my whole life can people turn into monsters and I don't even care if they have problems if there attracted to kids then there sick in the head like don't care like this has been sharing me soo much and the worst part about it is that they said some are in denial or suppress their attractions I'm so done...... I can not do this this is too much I would rather be gone from this earth than find out that I might be one like you have to be kidding me if you're attracted to young people and desire that you're sick and dead to me you're a monster I don't care like its disgusting. for this eole some people are suffering from POCD like me are scared to think about that and I'm terrified.
I feel so sad, alone, scared and hopeless. Until two months ago there was not even the remote possibility of being anything other than heterosexual and now the idea that I could find out that I was lesbian or bisexual terrifies me to death. Everything was born from the fact that I didn't feel sexual desire towards my ex-boyfriend and I started to be afraid that it was because I was a lesbian... how can I be a lesbian or bisexual if everything was born from this? I would like to run away from myself and my head. I would really like to go back and go back to my life before. I can't take it anymore. I just want to live my life like before
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